Key Terms 60-79: CALLED TO BE GOD'S PEOPLE, An Introduction to the Old Testament (Andrew E. Steinmann) Flashcards
Material Principle
the main, essential teaching. Justification by grace through faith is the material principle of Lutheranism.
Mediate Call
A call from God to an office that is communicated through someone else. Elisha had a mediate call to the prophetic office that came through Elijah (1 Kgs 19; see Immediate Call).
the land in the Middle East around and between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
from the Hebrew word for anointed, a term used to describe the promised Savior in the Old Testament. The equivalent term derived from Greek is Christ.
an ancient people descended from Abraham’s nephew Lot. They inhabited the Transjordan Plateau east of the Dead Sea. Also the region inhabited by these people.
Natural Knowledge of God
information about God from a source other than Holy Scripture or God’s direct revelation. This includes things such as the evidence of nature or the conscience.
a person who took a vow of dedication to Israel’s God. The vow included not cutting one’s hair and not eating grapes or consuming any products made from grapes (Num 6:2-21).
the extreme southern portion of the central hills in Palestine. It is a very dry wilderness region.
Normative Authority
the ability of the Scripture to determine correct Christian doctrine and practice apart from human opinions and philosophies.
Original Sin
the corruption of human nature inherited from Adam and Eve as a result of the fall (see Actual Sin).
the region consisting in recent times by Israel and the western part of Jordan, also called Canaan in ancient times.
the deliberate matching, contrasting or comparing of features from two or more adjacent lines of poetry.
Parity Covenant
a covenant made between two parties roughly equal in status or power.
the term used to describe the great male ancestors of the people of Israel-Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Patriarchal Narratives
The accounts of the lives of the Patriarchs and their families in Genesis.
From Greek for “five books”; the five books of Moses (Genesis-Deuteronomy), also called the Torah.
an ancient Jewish sect that arose in the two centuries before Christ. They resisted Hellenistic influence in Jewish religious belief and practice. The Pharisees’ religious practice was guided by their detailed tradition about the meaning of the laws given by Moses in the Pentateuch.
Plain of Acco
the portion of the coastal plain in Palestine that is directly west of Galilee and extends southward to Mount Carmel
Plain of Philistia
the portion of the coastal plain in Palestine from Joppa in the north to Gaza in the south. This region was named after the Philistines, who inhabited this plain throughout most of the Old Testament era.
Plain of Sharon
the portion of the coastal plain in Palestine south of Mount Carmel to the city of Joppa. In ancient times this plain was mostly marsh and dense forest.