Key Terms 41-59: CALLED TO BE GOD'S PEOPLE, An Introduction to the Old Testament (Andrew E. Steinmann) Flashcards
adjective derived from the name Hasmon, an ancestor of a Jewish priestly family, used to describe the family of the Maccabees and their successors.
the spread of Greek culture and language throughout the ancient Near East in the centuries following the conquests by Alexander the Great.
Higher Criticism
an approach to biblical interpretation that seeks determine a work’s literary history and the purpose and meaning of the authors by human reason without accepting the assertions made in the text itself about such matters. Also called Historical-Criticism.
an approach to biblical interpretation that seeks determine a work’s literary history and the purpose and meaning of the authors by human reason without accepting the assertions made in the text itself about such matters. Also called Higher Criticism.
a literary device that begins and ends a composition or section of a work with the same or similar words, phrases or themes. Also called envelope structure.
Immediate Call
A call directly from God to an office he has established. Most of the prophets in the Old testament were called to the prophetic office through an immediate call (see Mediate Call).
the Holy Spirit’s work of revealing and preserving God’s word in the Bible. Because of inspiration, the Bible is the very word of God.
Jordan River
the main river in Palestine. It flows from north to south beginning form its source in the extreme north of the Rift Valley and ending as it discharges its wasters into the Dead Sea.
later, Latinized name for Judah.
the large southern region in the central hills of Palestine inhabited by the tribe of Judah. Also the name of one of Jacob’s twelve sons.
God declares sinners to be just or righteous for Christ’s sake. He imputes our sins to Christ and credits Christ’s righteousness to us.
place in extreme southern Palestine where the Israelites encamped before entering the land. Also called Kadesh-bamea.
an Israelite who takes on the responsibility to act on behalf of family members. Among other things, a kinsman redeemer would buy a relative out of slavery, redeem property a kinsman had sold because of poverty, or marry the widow of a close relative in order to produce children that could inherit the dead man’s land (see Lev 25).
in Hebrew poetry a poem that expresses a desperate cry to God for help in times of trouble. Many laments are written in a fourfold pattern of introduction, complaint, petition and conclusion.
in its wide sense, a synonym for the entire word of God. In its proper sense, it refers to God’s word of command. Although the Law is perfect, fallen humans are unable to fulfill its demands.
the region along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea including Syria, Lebanon and Palestine.
the name given to the Jewish priests Judas and Jonathan who led a revolt against Greek authority over the Jews in Palestine in the early Second Century Be. They were members of the Hasmonean family.
Major Prophets
The larger prophetic books (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel) plus Lamentations.
Minor Prophets
The twelve smaller prophetic books (Hosea-Malachi). These books were collected together in ancient times.