Key terms Flashcards
What is Growth?
Growth is the increase in a measured quantity. Such as weight or height. This varies between boys and girls.
What is development?
Development is the acquiring skills and abilities during different life stages.
What are gross motor skills?
Gross motor skills are the larger movements involving the larger limbs of the body.
What are fine motor skills?
Fine motor skills are the smaller movements that require more precise direction and use smaller limbs.
What are primary sexual characteristics?
Characteristics that are present and birth and develop during puberty.
What are secondary sexual characteristics?
Characteristics that develop during puberty
Examples of male primary and secondary characteristics.
secondary- facial hair, armpit/pubic hair and voice deepens
primary- testes enlarge and produce sperm, penis enlarges and prostrate gland produces secretions.
Examples of female primary and secondary characteristics.
primary- uterus and vagina grow, ovulation and menstrual cycle begins.
Secondary- breasts enlarge, growth spurt, growth of armpit/pubic hair.
What is self image?
The mental picture we have of ourselves. This can be positive or negative.
Examples of things that can influence our self image (both positive and negative) are the media, comments from other people or personal appearance.
What is egocentrism?
Seeing things only from your own point of view or perspective.
What is self esteem?
How much you like, accept and respect yourself. This can be affected by mean comments or success or lack of it in school work.
What is abstract thinking?
The ability to solve problems using imagination - using concepts and ideas rather than objects and tasks.
What is peer pressure?
Young people are influenced by views, opinions and behaviours of their close friends.
What is menopause?
A time in a woman’s life where her periods stop and is no longer able to have children. It is caused by the decreased amount of oestrogen.
Signs and symptoms of menopause- loss of elasticity in the skin, bones are more brittle and muscle aches/joint pain.
What is a mid-life crisis?
A period of self-doubt caused by the passing of youth and the move into later adult-hood.
What is dementia?
Dementia is an illness that affects the brain and memory and makes you gradually loose the ability to think and act normally.
What is a role model?
Someone whose behaviour or attitudes people try to copy because they admire them. e.g. parents, siblings, footballers or celebrities/influencers.
What is a bond?
Forming an attachment with a parent/carer.
What are gender roles?
A role that is determined by someone’s gender.
what is an unpredictable life event?
Events that are not expected and are not usually planned for. e.g. an illness or unemployment.
what is a predictable life event?
An event that is expected and therefore we can plan for it. e.g. marriage or retirement.
What is nature?
the influence of innate factors on growth and development
What is nurture
The impact of social experiences due to environmental factors
What is genetic pre-disposition?
A person inherits the possibility to develop a certain condition.