Key Terms Flashcards
Short Term Memory
The limited capacity memory store. Coding is acoustic, capacity is between 5 and 9 items and duration is 18 seconds
Long term memory
The permanent memory store in LTM. Coding is mainly semantic. It has unlimited capacity
The format in which memories are stored or laid down in the memory stores
The amount of information that can be stored
The length of time information can be stored for
Multistore model
A linear model or representation of how memory works in terms of three stores - sensory register, STM and LTM. It describes how information is transferred from one store to another and how some memories disappear e.g decay
Sensory register
The memory store for each of our five senses, e.g vision - iconic store and hearing - echoic store. The capacity of the sensory register is huge - we take in all sorts of sensory information at once. However duration is less than half a second.
Maintenance rehearsal
When we repeat items to ourselves again and again
Elaborative rehearsal
Linking information to past knowledge and making it meaningful e.g turning a list into a rhyme you already know
Episodic memory
An LTM store for personal events - e.g a holiday or party, Memories have to be consciously recalled and are time stamped
Semantic memory
An LTM store for knowledge of the world, These facts have to be consciously recalled but are not time-stamped
Procedural memory
An LTM store for knowledge of how to do things - e.g riding a bike. We do not consciously recall them
Working memory model
A representation of STM only that suggests STM is a dynamic processor of different types of information - visual and verbal
Central executive
The key component of WMM that coordinates activities of three subsystems and allocates tasks
Phonological loop
The compenent of the WMM that processes sounds. Divided into phonological store (inner ear) and articulatory process (inner voice)
Visuo-spatial sketchpad
The component of the WMM that processes visual information - our inner eye
Episodic buffer
The component of the WMM that brings together material from other subsystems into a single memory rather than separate strands. It provides a bridge between WM and LTM.
Forgetting because one memory blocks another, often because they are similar
Proactive interference
Forgetting because a past memory disrupts the recall of a new memory. More common when memories are similar
Retroactive interference
Forgetting because a new memory disrupts a past memory. More common when items are similar
Retrieval failure
A form of forgetting which occurs when we dont have the necessary cues to access memory. The memory is available but not accessible unless a suitable cue is provided.
A trigger of information that allows us to access memory
Eye witness testimony
The ability of people to remember the details of events such as crimes, which they themselves have observed
Misleading information
Any incorrect information given to eyewitnesses after an event. This could be questions or dicussion that may actually alter the eye witnesses’ memory of events
Leading question
A question that beacuse of the way it is phrased, suggests a certain answer