Cognitive interviews - AO3 Flashcards
What is are two strengths of cognitive interviews?
- P: Strength = evidence shows it works
- E: Kohnken et al (1999): Meta analysis combined data from 55 studies comparing cognitive interview with the standard police interview
- E: The CI gave an average 41% increase in accurate information compared with the standard interview. Only 4 studies in the analysis showed no differences between the types of interview
- L: Shows CI is an effective technique in helping witnesses recall information that is stored in memory but not immediately accessible
- P: Strength = variations of the CI
- E: Police forces take a “pick and mix” approach in practice which makes it hard to compare effectiveness in studies
- E: However, this approach makes it more flexible because pole forces evlove their own approaches depedning on what they think works best
- L: This variation is a benefit of the CI because it can be adpated to different situation, increasing its credibility for officers, though not for empirical research
What are limitations of cognitive interviews?
- P: Limitation = not all elements are equally effective
- E: Bull and Milne (2002): Each technique produced more information than the standard police interview
- E: Using a combination of 1 and 2 produced better recall than any other elements or combinations of them
- L: Casts doubt on the credibility of the overall cognitive interview
- P: Limitation = more time consuming
- E: More time is needed to establish rapport with a witness and allow them to relax
- E: CI reqiures special training and many forces do not have resources (Kebbell and Wagstuff (1997))
- L: Suggests it is not a realistic method - better to focus on just a few key elements