EWT: Misleading information - AO3 Flashcards
What is a strength of EWT misleading information?
- P: Strength = important practical uses in the criminal justice system
- E: Loftus (1975): Leading questions can have a big distorting effect on memory and police officers need to be careful about phrasing questions
- E: Psychologists are sometimes asked to act as expert witnesses in court trials and explain the limit of EWT to juries
- L: Shows psychologists can help improve the way the legal system works and protect innocent people from unreliable EWT
What are limitations of the subsitution explanation?
- P: Limitation of the substitution explanation = EWT is more accurate for some aspects of an event than for others
- E: Sutherland and Hayne (2001): Showed PPs. a video clip. When asked misleading questions, recall was more accurate for central details of the event than for peripheral ones
- E: PPs attention was focused on central features of an event and these memories were relatively resistant to misleading information
- L: Original memories for central details survived and were not distorted - an outcome not. predicted by. the substitution explanation
What is a limitaton of memory conformity
- P: Limitation of memory conformity = evidence that post event discussion. actually alters EWT
- E: Skagerberg and Wright (2008): Showed. PPs film clips (there were two versions). PPs discussed the clips in pairs (they saw different versions)
- E: They often didnt report what they had seen but a blend of the two
- L: Memory is distorted through contamination by misleading pot event discussion, rather than the result of memory conformity
What is a limitation of misleading information?
- P: Limitation = demand characteristics
- E: Lab studies give researchers high control over variables (high internal validity) so they can demonstrate that misleading post event information causes inaccurate EWT
- E: But lab experiments suffer from demand characteristics - PPs want to help so they guess when they can’t answer a question (low internal validity)
- L: Therefore to maximise internal validity researchers should reduce DC by removing the cues the PPs use to work out the hypothesis