key knowledge 11 Flashcards
Clearing house of sport
People with a disability receive the same physical, mental, and social benefits from participating in sport and physical activity as those not having a disability. Legally, Australians of all abilities should have access to sport and physical activity opportunities.
They provide devices to help participate in physical activity such as wheelchairs to play wheelchair basketball
Lachie’s Legacy
Provides equipment such as footballs, training equipment, uniforms, boots to those that do not have access to. They supply workshops for coaches and mentoring. They offer a supportive network.
allows for connections to be formed.
Net set go
Woolworths NetSetGO is Australia’s official starter program for girls and boys aged 5-10. It’s a chance to learn the netball basics, get outside and make some friends. For a lot of kids, this is the first time they’ll pick up a netball. It’s a learning experience.
allows for kids to be active and reach the national physical activity guidelines, improves mental health and social connections.