Key Definitions - 2.3 Flashcards
Input Sanitisation
Process of cleaning up a user’s input so it’s in a suitable format ready for processing
Process of checking the user has inputted data in the correct format e.g for a data it could be DD/MM/YYYY
Contingency Planning
The process of having a ‘back up plan’ in case the original plan fails
When a user doesn’t use the program the way it was designed to be used
The process of ensuring a user has the rights/permissions to access a program e.g. by getting them to enter a username and/or password.
This refers to ensuring the program can be easily updated, improved, and fixed
Used within a program. They help briefly identify what a section of code does
Naming Conventions
- A ‘rule of thumb’ programmers will use when writing in a specific language.
- They follow certain rules when naming identifiers such as use of lowercase/uppercase characters, underscores etc.
Testing -
- The process of assessing whether a program works correctly and the way it should work.
- We aim to find ‘bugs’ and rectify them so the program is faultless
Iterative Testing -
- A type of testing. Iterative testing is carried out throughout the development of the program.
- Multiple ‘mini tests’ are carried out on sections of code
Final/Terminal Testing
- Final/terminal testing takes place once the program has been completed.
- It tests the whole program at the end of its development
Syntax Error
- Means code has been incorrectly written and will stop the program from working
Logic Error
- Code doesn’t stop the program from working but stops the program from working the way it should do
Test Data
- The data that is selected to be used when testing a program.
Normal Data -
This data is correct and should be accepted by the program
Invalid Data -
Data is of the correct data type but outside of the requirements set
Boundary Data -
On the edge of a range specified by the program and therefore should be accepted
Erroneous Data
Data that is of the incorrect data type and therefore should be rejected.
Defensive Design Considerations
- Input Sanitisation/Validation
- Contingency Planning
- Anticipating Misuse
- Authentication
What does validation check and not check?
- Checks to see if a user has inputted in the right format
- Doesn’t check if it’s correct/true
The process of ensuring a user has the right permission to access a computer program e.g username and password checker