key concepts Flashcards
Base voters
ch 9 party members who tend to vote loyally for their party’s candidates in most elections
Divided government
ch 9 periods during which at least one house of Congress is controlled by a party different from the one occupying the white house
ch 9 A person who contacts government officials on behalf of a cause
Party identification
ch 9 strong attachment to one political party, often established at an early age
Revolving door
ch 9 the tendency of washington’s most seasoned lobbyists to move from government work to lobbying and back again
Conference committee
ch 10 a temporary collection of house and senate members appointed to work out a compromise version of legislation that’s passed both chambers in different forms
Committee markup session
ch 10 a gathering of a full Senate to draft the final version of a bill before the committee votes on it
ch 10 as the rule that allows any senator to hold the floor indefinitely and thereby delay a vote on a bill. Ended only when sixty senators vote to stop debate, known as cloture
speaker of the house
ch 10 the chief administrative officer in the house of representatives
ch 10 the consitutional procedure by which a president can prevent enactment of congress passed legislation
Central clearance
ch 11
Executive order
ch 11 A presidential declaration, with the force of law, that issues instructions to the executive branch without any requirement for congressional action or approval
Executive privilege
ch 11 power claimed by the president to resist request for authority by Congress., the courts or the public. Mot mentioned in the constitution but based on the separation of powers
Going public
ch 11 directly addressing the public to win support for oneself or one’s ideas
ch 11 the process by which congress can overcome a presidential veto with a two-thirds vote in both chambers
Circuit courts
ch 13 the second stage of federal courts, which review the trial record of cases decided in district courts to ensure they were settled properly
District courts
ch 13 the first level of federal courts, which actually try the cases. each decision is based not on a statute but on previous judicial decisions
Judicial activism
ch 13 a vigorous or active approach to reviewing the other branches of government
Judicial restraint
ch 13 reluctance to interfere with elected branches, only doing so as a last resort
Rule of four
ch 13 the requirement that at least four supreme court judges must agree to hear a case before it comes before the court