ch 6 flashcards
Political _____ is the process by which individuals acquire their political values and outlooks.
The _____ is considered the polling gold standard.
random sample
Framing effects relate to the _____ of a question.
As a general rule, the larger the sample size, the _____ the margin of sampling error.
The _____ effect is demonstrated when people join a cause because it seems popular or they support a candidate who is leading in the polls.
The Rational Public argues that the _____ public has rational views and the government should pay closer attention to them.
_____ describes the tendency among a small group of decision makers to converge on a shared set of views.
A _____ is the collection of issues that the media covers, the public considers important, and the politicians address.
policy agenda
Traditional _____ is defined as engaging politics through the formal channels of government and society.
political participation
On average, Americans exercise their political _____ more often and more openly than citizens of many other advanced democracies.
If you _____, you’re more likely to vote, pay attention to political affairs, and otherwise engage in public life.
The goal of _____ is generally to call attention to a cause and to foster a movement around it.
direct action
_____ is defined as protesting laws one considers unjust by refusing to obey them—and accepting the punishment.
Civil disobedience
Citizens with _____ are more than twice as likely to vote in presidential elections.
a college degree
Political reform that is sparked “from the ground up” at the local level is referred to as a/an _____ movement.
Political science studies find that _____ is the most reliable route to political activity.
face-to-face encouragement
____ is defined as the effort to encourage people to engage in the public sphere: to vote for a particular candidate (or donate money, work on the campaign, etc.) or to get involved in specific issues.
Political mobilization
Voter turnout in the United States is low because _____.
elections are held on Tuesdays when many people work
the U.S. holds more frequent elections—national, state, and local
registering to vote can be burdensome and complicated
all of the above
____ refers to democratic engagement in an online age: point your mouse, click, and you’ve donated funds, “liked” a candidate, or (in some states) even cast your vote.
_____ refers to the sheer volume of information and noise generated by online sources.