Kauflers- Pancreatic Hormone Secretion Flashcards
retroperitoneal structure; if a cancer is growing there you won’t notice until too far advanced due to no sensation of pain
Pt will have severe pain and vomiting every time they try to eat something. Usually presents in young adults who are accused of having an eating disorder
SMA syndrome
what supplies pancreas
splenic a. and SMA
blood from pancreas drains where
into portal vein
where does pancreas come from embryologically
foregut and endoderm
when the buds don’t rotate so they don’t fuse correctly, and the pancreas is wrapped around duodenum and traps it, causing duodenal obstruction
annular pancreas
If mom has uncontrolled diabetes, all her extra blood sugar will cross the placenta and the baby will start cranking out excess insulin in response (extra insulin makes you bigger). This will make the baby really really ______, even before birth
clusters of endocrine cells of pancreas
Islets of Langerhan’s
main location of Islets of langerhans
tail of pancreas
____ cells of pancreas get the most blood flow
beta cells
glucagon is made from what cells
alpha cells
insulin is made from what cells
beta cells
somatostatin is made from what cells
delta cells
pancreatic polypeptide is made from what cell
F cells
_____diabetes is caused by autoimmune destruction of the beta cells inside the islets. The B cells fill up with bad lymphocytes, then suffocate and die
type I
steps of actual insulin synthesis
insulin + C-peptide
mature insulin is made up what chains
alpha and beta (connected by disulphide bonds)
synthetic insulin made by drug companies does not contain what
how does glucose from the blood enter pancreatic beta cell
GLUT2 transporter
how insulin gets out of beta cell
glucose comes in
ATP is made
K+ channels close
Ca2+ channels open
release of insulin and C-peptide
drugs that make K+ channels close and cause insulin release
Sulfonylurea drugs
newborn w/ high blood sugar at birth due to K+ channels unable to close in beta cell and no release of insulin
monogenic (neonatal) diabetes
newborn born with low blood sugars due to excessive insulin release (K+ channels stay shut)
congenital hyperinsulinism
drug that doesn’t let K+ channels close and treats congenital hyperinsulinism
marker of beta cell function
type I or type II diabetes how to distinguish
C-peptide low in type I and high in type II
Insulin high, C-peptide low
patient given exogenous insulin
Exogenous insulin injection will have _____ C-peptide
Insulin tumor (insulinoma) will have ____ C-peptide
most powerful stimulus for insulin release
blood glucose level
______ causes high BG, which causes insulin release
hormone made by the gut when you eat and stimulates insulin release
______ nerve activation stimulates insulin release
_____-adrenergic stimulation stimulates insulin release
This medication turns off Dopamine in the brain, which turns off sympathetic nerve stimulation. When the sympathetic nerves are deactivated, they can’t inhibit insulin release, so more insulin is made by the beta cell
(antagonist for D1 and agonist for D2)
_____-adrenergic stimulation inhibits insulin release
Epi and NE bind _____ that inhibits insulin release
alpha adrenergic receptor
____ inhibits insulin release (also turns everything off)
____ hormone inhibits insulin release; why it causes elevated blood sugar levels
growth hormone
anti-inflammatory and immune suppressive drug that inhibits insulin release
what two ways to make insulin last longer in the blood
IV drip and subcutaneous injection
for type I diabetics, type of insulin shot that provides a continuous supply of low-dose insulin for 24 hours
basal dose of insulin
_______ dose of insulin, every time they eat, so that they can get a TON of insulin for the food. (lasts a couple of hours); ton of insulin at first in the first few minutes and second phase of release over about an hour or so to pick up the rest of sugar
bolus dose of insulin
the two phases of insulin release after food is messed up in type ___ diabetes
these patients have a lowered first phase and exaggerated second phase
(their beta cells are tired)
type 2 diabetics
low blood sugar feel the effects hours later for eating _______; body got rid of sugar by kidneys and others, and then insulin kicked in after and now low blood sugar
Go LOW with ______ if you have type I diabetes, b/c basal rate keeps going on your pump, and your liver turns off!!!!!! (so no glucagon can act on it)