k Flashcards
A. Strike a hard bargain
- Be a tough negotiator
B. Fallback option
- Alternative kept in reserve
C. Haggle over a price
- Dispute and discuss terms
D. Hammer out the details
- Elaborate the fine points
E. Happy medium
- Satisfactory compromise
F. Overlap of preferences
- Common ground
G. Ploy
- Tactic
H. Stalemate
- Deadlock
I. Tradeable (item)
- Something for use in exchange
J. Win-win situation
- Where everyone is satisfied
What does a dignified person reflect?
Grace and a sense of self-respect
A dignified person maintains composure and respect in their actions and demeanor.
What does the term divergent mean?
Away from each other
Define persistence in a simple term.
You keep pushing
What is the meaning of dispute?
What does it mean to discuss something?
Talk about it
What is a deadlock?
You can’t move anymore in this situation, you are stuck
What are concessions?
Something given up or agreed to in order to reach a settlement or compromise
What does it mean to quantify your targets?
Express it in numbers
What are periodicals?
Magazines, newspapers, …
What does ambiguous mean?
Something that can be interpreted in different ways
What is a sole agent?
You are the only one that offers the product
What is a slow payer?
Someone that hasn’t paid the invoices yet
Who is a creditor?
Has to get the money
Who is a debtor?
Has to pay the money
What does factoring involve?
Selling an invoice to receive immediate payment
Fill in the blank: A _______ person reflects grace and a sense of self-respect.
True or False: A deadlock means you can still make progress in a situation.
- Be a tough negotiator
A. Strike a hard bargain
- Alternative kept in reserve
B. Fallback option
- Dispute and discuss terms
C. Haggle over a price
- Elaborate the fine points
D. Hammer out the details
- Satisfactory compromise
E. Happy medium
- Common ground
F. Overlap of preferences
- Tactic
G. Ploy
- Deadlock
H. Stalemate
- Something for use in exchange
I. Tradeable (item)
- Where everyone is satisfied
J. Win-win situation
Grace and a sense of self-respect
A dignified person maintains composure and respect in their actions and demeanor.
What does a dignified person reflect?
Away from each other
What does the term divergent mean?
You keep pushing
Define persistence in a simple term.
What is the meaning of dispute?
Talk about it
What does it mean to discuss something?
You can’t move anymore in this situation, you are stuck
What is a deadlock?
Something given up or agreed to in order to reach a settlement or compromise
What are concessions?
Express it in numbers
What does it mean to quantify your targets?
Magazines, newspapers, …
What are periodicals?
Something that can be interpreted in different ways
What does ambiguous mean?
You are the only one that offers the product
What is a sole agent?
Someone that hasn’t paid the invoices yet
What is a slow payer?
Has to get the money
Who is a creditor?
Has to pay the money
Who is a debtor?
Selling an invoice to receive immediate payment
What does factoring involve?
Fill in the blank: A _______ person reflects grace and a sense of self-respect.
True or False: A deadlock means you can still make progress in a situation.