examen 2 Flashcards
Wij zenden u hierbij onze kwartaalafrekening en zouden het op prijs stellen indien u tegen het einde van de maand betaalt
We send you herewith our quarterly statement and would appreciate it if you would effect payment by the end of the month
Wij danken u voor u fractur nr 56 en zullen het door ons verschuldigde bedrag onmiddellijk aan u overmaken
We thank you for invoice n556 and we will remit the amount due immediately
Wij hebben onze bank opdracht gegeven het nog uitstaande bedrag over te boeken. Graag bevestiging van ontvangst.
We have instructed our bank to transfer the outstanding amount. Please acknowledge.
Er is helaas een fout geslopen in onze factuur. Wij zullen deze zo spoedig mogelijk corrigeren
Unfortunately an error has crept into our invoice. We will amend/ rectify it as soon as possible
De vergissing is te wijten aan een tikfout en het spijt ons dat de fout niet ontdekt werd voordat wij u de factuur zonden
The mistake is due to a typing error and we regret that it was not noticed before we sent you the invoice
Wij sluiten een debet nota bij voor het te weinig berekende bedrag, namelijk €64
We enclose a debit note for the amount undercharged, namely €64
Als betaling plaats vindt binnen twee weken kunt u de gebruikelijke korting voor contant van 2% aftrekken
If payment is effected within a fortnight you may deduct the customary cash discount of 2%
Tot u uw rekening hebt voldaan kunnen we u geen verder krediet toestaan
Until your account has been settled, we cannot let you have any further credit
Vermoedelijk is het aan uw aandacht ontsnapt dat onze rekening van 5 juli nog niet betaald is
= Presumably it may have slipped your attention that our invoice of the 5th July has not yet been settled
Wij hebben onze factuur in drievoud ingesloten. U kunt hieruit opmaken dat u ons €2.500 verschuldigd bent
We have enclosed our invoice in triplicate. From it you will see that you owe us €2,500
cost insurence freight
errors and omissions excepted (is a phrase used in an attempt to reduce legal liability for potentially incorrect or incomplete information supplied in a contractually related document such as a quotation or specification.)
2 examples in which way cultural differences in body language can lead to miscommunication.
- In many Western societies a person who does not maintain good eye contact is regarded as being slightly suspicious, unfriendly, etc. however in Japan it is considered a sign of respect when you don’t look people in the eye.
- In the US it is considered rude to stare, but in England it is considered respectful to keep looking people in the eye.
- A widening of the eyes in American means as a expression of astonishment, but in China it means the person is getting angry.
Status symbols
o Personal appearance
o Success of children
o Education
o Amount of free time
o Job title
o House and car
Explain the British class system
Your parents belong to a certain social class, this defines which school you can go to. This defines which job you can get, and this defines your social class.
What are the main status symbols in our business culture?
House, degree, car, clothes, jewelry, independence. At work it is the size of your office, location in office, private elevator, secretary, furniture and the kind of office (corner office).
o How do you do? (Question and answer!)
o Good to see you again. How are you?
I’m fine, thanks, and you?
Business as usual
o How are you keeping/ doing?
Mustn’t grumble
o How’s business?
Not too bad