engels examen 1 Flashcards
waarvoor staan deze afkortingen
Ltd = limited company= BVBA
Plc = Public limited company= naamloze venootschap
Inc = Incorporated = American = instantie
wat is btw nummer
VAT number = Value Added Tax
de datum hoe schrijf je die en waar staat die
The date is put at the left-hand side of the letter.
4th May 2002
Note: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th (ordinal numbers)
onderwerp regel hoe schrijf je die
in bold print, one or a few words only
don’t write subject:
Formal Salutation en Closures
Dear Sir
Dear Madam
Dear Madam, Sir
Yours faithfully
Faithfully yours
Less formal salutation en Closures
Dear Mr/Ms Jones (no intitals of first name)
Yours sincerely
Informal salutation en Closures
Dear Tom
Kind / Best regards
Best wishes
Bernard Evans
Sales Manager
pp written in name of :
Tom Jenkins
Pp Bernard Evans
Sales Manager
In bijlagen…
& zeggen dat er een bijlage is.
Enclosures: 1 catalogue
2 catalogue
wat en waar staat alles in de hoofding van een brief
Naam van het bedrijf
straatnummer straat stad postcode land
bank nr tel nr btw nr
website. emailadres
wat en waar staat alles in de “inside adress” van een brief
aan de linkerkant:
MR/MS F. Davis
straatnr straat
land - allen als de brief het land verlaat
Synoniem voor confirm.
verify / acknowledge
- Verwijzend naar uw brief van 5 mei bevestigen wij onze medewerking aan uw show.
Referring to your letter of 5th May we confirm our cooperation to your show.
Hartelijk dank voor uw brief van 3 juni waarin u ons meedeelt dat de lancering van de Combisteamer Demax is afgelast.
Thank you very much for your letter of 3rd June in which you informed us that the launch of the Combisteamer Demax has been cancelled.
- Verwijzend naar ons telefoongesprek van onze ochtend zou ik graag een exemplaar van uw zomercatalogus willen bestellen.
Referring to our telephone conversation of this morning I would like to order a copy of your summer catalogue.
- In bijlage vindt u de mailing list waarnaar uw gevraagd hebt in uw brief van (date)
Enclosed you will find the mailing list as you requested in your letter of [date].
- We bevestigen hierbij de ontvangst van uw bestelling nr 56.
We acknowledge receipt of your order n°56.
- Met genoegen sturen we een exemplaar van onze nieuwe catalogus.
With pleasure we send you a copy of our new catalogue.
- We verzekeren u dat u de informatie tegen het einde van de week zal hebben.
We assure you that you will have the information by the end of the week.
- Gelieve er rekening mee te houden dat alle bestellingen ons voor 5u s’ middags moeten bereiken.
Please take into account that your orders should reach us before 5 pm.
- Gelieve het ingevulde formulier zo snel mogelijk terug te bezorgen.
Please return the completed form as quickly as possible.
wat is cif
Cost, insurance, and freight
afsluitzin: dat je snel iets hoopt te horen
we look forward to hearing from you
Binnen zes weken na bestelling
Voor jaarlijkse bestellingen
We zouden het ook heel nuttig moeten vinden
Maar vinden nu dat
We levering nodig hebben
Wie zou in onze behoeften kunnen voorzien
Als producenten van kwaliteitskoffiemachines
Mits de prijzen goed zijn
Van alle machines die u uit voorraad kunt leveren
Met een totale waarde van €50.000
Bent u bereid om speciale voorwaarden toe te kennen
Wij zijn er zeker van dat
Als u ons monsters kunt sturen van uw volledige assortiment
- Within six weeks of order
- For annual orders
- We should also find it most helpful
- But now find that
- We require delivery
- Who might be able to supply our needs
- As producers of quality coffee machines
- Provided prices are right
- Of any machines you can supply from stock
- Totalling €50, 000 in value
- Are you willing to grant special terms
- We are certain that
If you could send us samples of your complete range
Levering wordt gegarandeerd binnen 5 weken vanaf besteldatum
delivery can be guaranteed within five weeks from date of order
- Wij zouden graag meer informatie ontvangen mbt (met betrekking tot) betalingswoorwaarden , de vroegste leveringsdatum en eventuele kortingen bij regelmatige aankopen.
We would like to receive further details concerning the terms of payment, the earliest delivery date and possible discounts for regular purchases.
- Verwijzend naar uw advertentie in The Guardian van 3 mei jl (afgelopen mei) verzoeken wij u een prijsopgave te doen voor levering van 100 televisietoestellen.
Referring to your advertisement in The Guardian of 3rd May last we request you to quote us for the delivery of 100 TV-sets.
- Uw naam is ons verstrekt door een zakenrelatie van ons van wie wij hebben vernomen dat zij al 15 jaar zaken met u doen.
Your name has been given to us by a business associate of ours with whom you have been doing business for already fifteen years.
- Bij het vaststellen van uw prijzen dient u rekening te houden met de hoge douanerechten die wij moeten betalen.
When determining your prices you should take into account the high customs (douane) duties we have to pay.
- Kunt u per omgaande laten weten of u bereid bent ons een speciale korting van 3% te verlenen.
Could you let us know by return whether you are willing to grant us a special discount of 3%?
- Wij zouden u dankbaar zijn als u ons een exemplaar van uw jongste catalogus zou willen versturen zodra deze beschikbaar is.
We would be grateful if you would send us a copy of your most recent catalogue as soon as it is available.
- Gezien de fors gestegen vraag naar dit product hebben we besloten de belangrijkste fabrikanten te benaderen.
In view of the considerable increase in the demand for this product we have decided to approach the major manufacturers.
hoge douane kosten
high customs duties
twee weken
( a fortnight) = two weeks
what is : Foa
for the attention of
structure of a inquiry
Opening: Thank you for you inquiry (Bedankt voor uw aanvraag)
Middle: Confirm that you can help
Refere to the encloseres
Sell the product
Close: thank you once again
Further questions please contact us
Express the wish to receive ann order
I look forward to receiving your order
What can you do in a meeting?
Listen to each other
Ask for opinions
Use arguments to convince other people
Repeat the opinion of others
Repeat your opinions frequently
Push your point
Ask for more details
Offer solutions
What can you not do in a meeting?
Interrupt frequently
Feel hurt when somebody doesn’t agree
Repeat your opinions frequently
Talk loudly
Push your point
Get angry
give some facts/quotes abouth meetings
The fewer, the merrier
Meetings are indispensable when you don’t want to achieve anything
if you can’t feed a team with two pizzas, it’s too large
places to have a meeting.
- your own office; safe, you don’ t get distracted and you have everything you need. The negative part is that you have to clean and that you can’t leave when is needed.
- A colleague’s office; you can leave when you give bad news. The negative part is that you don’ t have all your stuff.
- A meeting room; this is a neutral room, there is lot of space, all the equipment
- The boss’s office; this is neutral ground
- The hotel lobby; you have a good view, but a lot of noise and distractions
- The conference hall; a lot of space and catering
- The restaurant/bar; catering, but a lot of noise
how to open a meeting
The chair opens the meeting
establishing whether there is a quorum
A quorum is the smallest number of people that must be present for the meeting tot continue or for decisions to be made.
Give 2 examples to open a meeting (from the book)
i think everyone is here now, so we’d better get started
thank you for coming
it’s five o’clock so let’s start.
… and …. Cannot be present and asked me to apologize.
Give 2 examples to Confirming and introducing the agenda
I would like to confirm the agenda for this meeting
you’ve all seen the agenda…
there is one main item to discuss
I would like to propose a change to the agenda
Is suggest we drop…. As the information hasn’t arrived yet
Give 2 examples to Confirming the minutes
I would now like to bring the minutes of the meeting of 3rd May to your attention
The minutes are confirmed, and our thanks to our secretary
The minutes, with the changes proposed by …, are approved then
give 2 examples to make a announcement
I have an announcement to make concerning
My second announcement is about
Is there anybody that would like to make an announcement?
why do we need minutes of a meeting
to have a record of what happened at the meeting.
they serve as a reminder of what was discussed.
corporate minutes have official status and is legally binding.
Are a source of information for who didn’t attend the meeting.
how to prepare a meeting
have a clear agenda with main subjects
how to write minutes
Mention the date, chair persons, and other people present and absent people.
- Welcome - chair person opened the meeting at…
- Confirming the agenda
- start the minutes discus all points.
- mails received
- meeting adjourned at. -officieel sluiten
er mag niks meer na komen van beslissingen of extra info
give 2 examples of starting objectives
We are here today to hear about plans for…
Our objective is to discuss different ideas on…
What we want today is to reach a decision on…
give 2 examples of Calling on a speaker
I’d like to ask John to tell us about…
Can we hear from Joh on this?
give 2 examples of Controlling the meeting
Sorry John, can we let Maria finish?
Could we come back to that later?
I think we are losing sight of the main point
give 2 examples of Moving the discussion on
Can we go on to think about…
Let’s move on to our next point…
give 2 examples of Closing the meeting
Anything else anyone wants to add?
I think we’ve covered everything
That’s it. The next meeting will be…
what is A stand-up presentation
a presentation where one person is talking to an audience
how to structure the start of a presentation
- Welcome
- Name and functions
- Subject
- How long will it take
- Structure
- When can the ask questions
- Ask if everything is okay
- Start
advantages of using visual aids:
More memorable
Help the speaker
Show information that is not easily expressed in words, or they can highlight information
Another sense
Increase attention
Save time
name 4 Types of visuals
A line graph = een lijn grafiek
A pie chart = een taart diagram
A bar graph = een staaf diagram
A table = een tabel
A map = een map
A plan = een tekening voor het bouwen van een gebouw
A flow chart = een organigram
You have 4 different kind of questions:
Good questions: thank people. They help you get your message across.
Difficult questions: you can’t or don’t want to answer them. Say you don’t know of
that you will find out later.
Unnecessary: you have already gave this information. Say it briefly again.
Irrelevant: move on
Answering good question:
Good point
I’m glad you ask that
That’s a very good question
Answering difficult question:
Sorry, I don’t follow you
I don’t know that off the top of my head
Can I get back to you on that?
Interesting. What do you think?
I’m afraid I’m not in a position to comment on that
I wish I knew
To be honest, I think that raises a difficult issue
I’m afraid I don’t have that information with me
Answering unnecessary questions
I think I answered that earlier
Well, as I said…
Well, as I mentioned earlier
Answering irrelevant questions
I’m afraid I don’t see the connection
Sorry, I don’t follow you
wat is E&O.E
errors and omissions excepted
is a phrase used in an attempt to reduce legal liability for potentially incorrect or incomplete information supplied in a contractually related document such as a quotation or specification
is een uitdrukking die wordt gebruikt in een poging om de juridische aansprakelijkheid te beperken voor mogelijk onjuiste of onvolledige informatie die wordt verstrekt in een contractueel gerelateerd document zoals een offerte of specificatie
als de meeting klaar is en er gaan twee personen en er blijft een deel zitten en daarna word er nog iets besproken. Dan mag dit niet in het document met de minutes. Want de meeting is al afgelopen.
nee dit mag niet eemaal de minutes zijn afgerond is de meeting voorbij.
Address (head, office and branches) (fillialen)
Name of the Street, Square, Gate, Place,…
Please note:
Town + Postal code
County – Country
Please note: Great Britain United Kingdom