engels 3 Flashcards
Gezien mijn opleiding en werkervaring denk ik da tik geschikt ben voor deze functie
in view of my educational background and my work experience I think I am qualified for the position
= service-oriented
Ik ben vertrouwd met verschillende softwareprogramma’s die ik dagelijks gebruik: …
= I am familiar with several software programs, which I use on a daily basis: ….
Ik heb verschillende softwareprogramma’s onder de knie en kan ze effectief gebruiken
I have mastered several software programs and I am able to use them effectively
Ik wil hieraan toevoegen dat ik bereid ben om elk ander programma onder de knie te krijgen
I would like to add that I am willing to master any other program
Ik ben vaardig in verschillende computer programma’s
I am proficient in several computer programs
Nederlands is mijn moedertaal en ik spreek vloeiend Engels en Frans
= Dutch is my mother tongue and I am fluent in English and French.
Ik spreek goed Spaans
= I speak Spanish well
Ik heb een goede kennis van Duits
I have a good knowledge of German
nauwkeurig zijn
- To be accurate
zelfstandig kunnen werken
- To be able to work independently
= in teamverband kunnen werken
- To be able to work in a team
extraverte persoonlijkheid
- Sociable, outgoing personality
- Spontaneous
- Stress resistant
- Creative
- Self-confident
- Punctual
- perseverant
een verzorgd uiterlijk hebben
- Have a neat appearance
- Inquisitive
- Ambitious
Ik zou een stage bij het Sheraton hotel zeer op prijs stellen, omdat….
I would greatly appreciate a traineeship at the Sheraton hotel because….
Aangezien Hilton een reputatie heft van … en …., zou ik trots zijn om deel uit te mogen maken van het personeel
As Hilton has a reputation of …. And …. I would be proud to be a member of the staff
Ik zou het zeer op prijs stellen als ik de kans krijg u ervan te overtuigen dat uw bedrijf baat kan hebben bij mijn diensten
I should greatly appreciate an opportunity to convince you that my services could benefit your company
Mocht u mijn sollicitatie gunstig beoordelen, wat ik van harte hoop, dan kan ik u verzekeren dat ik mijn uiterste best zal doen om aan de normen van het bedrijf te voldoen
Should you consider my application favorable, which I hope very much, I can assure you that I will do my utmost to reach your company’s standards.
vragen die mogelijk zijn tijdens een sollicitatiegesprek:
- Do you have relevant working experience? Where and when?
- Can you give me a summary of your school education?
- What do you think are your greatest strengths/ weaknesses?
- Why do you think you are qualified for this kind of function?
- What languages other than Dutch do you speak?
Vragen die je kan stellen aan de intervieuwer
Welke kwaliteiten zoek je in de persoon die je hoopt aan te stellen?
welke ruimte is er voor persoonlijke ontwikkeling in uw bedrijf?
- What qualities are you looking for in the person you are hoping to appoint?
- What scope is there for personal development at your company?
All employers want persons with: How can you prove this:
*A history of willingness to work
*Ability to perform the required task
*Ability to get along well with others
*Sufficient potential to merit promotion
How can you prove this:
*A history of willingness to work -> the jobs you had before this
*Ability to perform the required task -> recommendations/ school subject
*Ability to get along well with others -> you are a member of a club/team
*Sufficient potential to merit promotion
-> qualities and references
in what tone should your write your application.
your application includes:
a formal application letter and a curriculum vitae.
The tone of the letter should be sincere, confident, modest but dignified.
Parts of the letter
Opening section
o How do you know they have a vacancy?
o What is your source of information?
o For which function would you like to apply?
Parts of the letter
* Middle section
Information about:
Your qualifications (education, experience, character,…)
Your motivation (job, company, line of business, location,…)
Your targets (short-term, mid-term)
Your objectives (training position, permanent employment, part-time)
Support your claims with evidence:
How can you prove that you are motivated?
How can you prove that you are fluent in three different languages?
parts of the letter
* Closing section
Reference to an interview
-> I would like to explain my motivation further, in a personal interview.
how to write a Curriculum vitae
Personal details
Curriculum vitae (naam van person)
* Personal details
Surname Jennes
First name Tom
Address Hoevebaan 22, 0000 Het Drop, Belgium
Phone 0032 4 xxx xx xx
Mobile phone 0032 xxx xxx xxx
Email address tomjennes@hotmail.com
Marital/cival status single
Date of birth 31st May 19xx
Nationality (niet nodig) Belgium
Gender (niet nodig) Male
how to write a Curriculum vitae
* Education
- Education
- Higher Education
09/2008 – 06/2011
Business studies, section hotel management at AP University College for Applied Sciences, Antwerp
Graduated Cum Laude - 2010 Erasmus Exchange Programme:
One semester in Vilnius College for Higer Education, Lithuania - Gap Year 2010
Study a degree, but didn’t finish it?
-Secondary Education
Years, education, school
- Evening Education
Certificate basic cookery skills at PIVA, Antwerp
how to write a Curriculum vitae
* other
- Language skills
- A separate column for each language, making a difference between speaking, listening, reading and writing. You also make a difference between mother tongue, excellent, good and basic.
- Computer skills
- Professional experience
- 2008 internship Hotel ….., (city, function, duration, tasks)
o 2009 studentjob shopassistent at ….. (city, function, duration, tasks) - Hobbies
- Miscellaneous
- Driving licence B
- 3rd place junior Maître d’hôtel, Flanders
- References
-Tom is a…….
Karel Eggers, General Manager, Sofitel Gent, mobile phone ….. - No text and just the name, function and contact information
Definition: negotiation
Definition: negotiation is a progress through which parties move from their initially divergent positions to a point where agreement may be reached.
11 stappen tot een Negotiation
- Preparation phase
- Planning phase
- Greeting and introducing
- Making an opening statement
- Setting the agenda
- Establishing positions
- Clarifying positions
- Managing conflict
- Making and responding to proposals
- Bargaining
- Conclusion and agreement
What is the first step in the preparation phase of negotiation?
Determine your purpose, aims, and objectives
Knowing your aims and objections is important because it helps clear thinking.
What should you decide as part of your negotiation preparation?
The minimum deal or lowest offer you can accept
This is also known as your fallback target.
What do you need to identify regarding your negotiation position?
Where you can give way or make concessions
Why is it important to know your strengths and weaknesses in negotiation?
It helps you see the negotiations in its context
This includes understanding your opportunities and threats as well.
What type of information should you prepare to support your negotiation?
Figures, numbers, and other relevant data
What is critical for the negotiation team during preparation?
Everyone needs a clear role and clear responsibilities
What is the purpose of preparing your opening remarks?
To set the atmosphere, expectations, and clarity for the negotiation
What is an ideal target in negotiation?
The best possible goal you aim to achieve
What is a realistic target in negotiation?
What can be achieved with a reasonable effort
What is a fallback target in negotiation?
The minimum you should achieve
What happens if you aim too low in negotiation?
You reach your target too easily, which is demotivating and limits your potential
What is a consequence of aiming too high in negotiation?
The final agreement may be way below your target, leading to a loss of face
What is a useful question to ask in the planning phase of negotiation?
How will I open the negotiation?
Other questions may include: What is my opening offer? How can I remain in permanent control? How can I reduce their expectations? Which questions will they ask?
What are some techniques to show interest during small talk?
- Repeating their keywords
- Reacting
- Adding comments
- Asking related questions
These techniques help build rapport and establish a connection.
making a opening statement during a negotiation?
Thank you for coming here today. As you know, we have a busy agenda. May I begin by outlining some basic thoughts we have on this meeting.
This sets the tone for the discussion.
Why is setting the agenda important in a negotiation?
It ensures that nothing is forgotten or left out and that both sides have a clear idea of the agenda.
What is a key strategy when establishing positions in negotiation?
Don’t present your best offer immediately.
This gives you room for negotiation later.
What is important about active listening in clarifying positions?
- Put yourself in the position of the other person
- Summarize what the other person is saying
- Reflect the impression the other person is making on you
- Repeat the question in different ways
- Look for inconsistencies
What are the positive aspects of conflict in negotiation?
- Moves the negotiation forward more quickly
- Shows differences that need to be resolved
- Promotes a greater understanding of the positions of the parties involved
What are some actions to take when conflict arises in negotiation?
- Leave the problem, go on to a different topic
- Summarize progress and areas of agreement
- Emphasize benefits to both sides
- Consider walking away
- Bring in a third party (mediator)
What is a tactical advantage of making the first proposal in a negotiation?
You set the parameters for the discussion and ensure that the negotiation starts out in the direction that interests you.
Fill in the blank: A good concession is a _______.
[small one]
List some negotiation techniques.
- Coercion
- Emotion
- Logic
- Compromising
- Bargaining
When do you know you have finished a deal?
- When concessions get progressively smaller
- A repeated no
- The emotional climate changes
- Non-verbal indicators (shuffling, sweating, coloring)
What should you do when stating your final offer in a negotiation?
Make it clear that it is the final offer and do not provide extra information or leave room for negotiation.
What is crucial for the success of a negotiation?
An effective conclusion.
It’s important to summarize and confirm what has been agreed and document all decisions.
A. Strike a hard bargain
- Be a tough negotiator
B. Fallback option
- Alternative kept in reserve
C. Haggle over a price
- Dispute and discuss terms
D. Hammer out the details
- Elaborate the fine points
E. Happy medium
- Satisfactory compromise
F. Overlap of preferences
- Common ground
G. Ploy
- Tactic
H. Stalemate
- Deadlock
I. Tradeable (item)
- Something for use in exchange
J. Win-win situation
- Where everyone is satisfied