Jung: Analytical Psychology Flashcards
logical intellectual activity that produces a chain of ideas
qualities we do not wish to acknowledge but attempt to hide from ourselves and others.
represented in mythology and legends as a powerful person
people largely influence by their subjective sensation of sight, sound, taste, touch, and so forth.
Introverted sensing
fertility and power combine to form the
Concept of Rebirth
people use objective data to make evaluations
Extraverted feeling
people rely heavily on concrete thoughts
Extraverted thinking
motivated by goals and aspirations for the future that direct a person’s destiny.
contents of the personal unconscious
Occult phenomena can and do influence the lives of everyone.
Analytical Psychology
the approach adopted by Adler and includes the education of patients as _____
social beings
the side of personality that people show the world
masculine archetype in women
Level of the Psyche
Personal Unconscious
Collective Unconscious
characterized by chaotic and sporadic consciousness
Anarchic phase
unconscious physical impulse toward action
our unconscious and spontaneous attempt to know the unknowable
ego as perceiver arises during?
dualistic phase
people react to external stimuli
Introverted thinking
involves perception beyond the workings of consciousness. (material for thinking and feeling)
each person posses an inherited tendency to move toward growth, perfection, and completion
are oriented toward facts in the external world
extraverted intuitive
a predisposition to act or react in a characteristic direction
mind or psyche has both a conscious and unconscious
Level of the Psyche
images that sensed by the ego, whereas unconscious elements have no relationship with ego
uncover elements from the personal and collective unconscious
dream interpretation
elements that we have never experienced individually but which have come down to us from our ancestor
collective unconscious
reveal archetypal images emerging from the unconscious
active imagination
adaptation to the outside world involves the forward flow of psychic energy
desire to live in the past
conservative principle
8 archetypes
Great mother
Wise old man
present people with increasing anxieties, also a period of tremendous potential
Middle life
people perceive external stimuli objectively
extraverted sensing
center of consciousness, but not the core of personality
the turning outward of psychic energy so that a person is oriented toward the objective and away from the subjective. (more influenced by their surroundings than by their inner world)
the function that receives physical stimuli and transmits them to perceptual consciousness
elements of the collective unconscious become highly developed
period from puberty until middle life is
holds that present events have their origin in previous experiences
Stages of life into four general periods
middle life
old age
to uncover feeling toned complexes
word association test
may only be achieved if they are in contact with the conscious world but allow themselves to experience their unconscious self
adaptation to the inner world relies on a backward flow of psychic energy
meant that the therapist must first be transformed into a healthy human being
This approach, used by Freud, gives the patients insight into the causes of their neuroses, but may still leave them incapable of solving social problems.
interpretation, explanation, and elucidation
process of becoming an individual or whole person
ancient or archaic images that derive from the collective unconscious
ego is divided into the objective and subjective
dualistic phase
people are guided by unconscious perception of facts that are basically subjective, no resemblance to external reality
introverted intuitive
embraces all repressed, forgotten, or subliminally perceived experiences of one particular individual
Personal Unconscious
people experience a diminution of consciousness just as the light and warmth of the sun diminish at dusk
Old age
to describe the process of evaluating an idea or event
the three substages of Childhood
- anarchic
- monarchic
- dualistic
archetype of wisdom and meaning, symbolizes humans’ preexisting knowledge of the mysteries of life
Wise old man
feminine side of men
turning inward of psychic energy with an orientation toward the subjective. (tuned in to their inner world)
main source of archetypal material
major difficulty facing youth is
overcome the natural tendency
represents two opposing forces – fertility and nourishment on the one hand and power and destruction on the other
Great mother
characterized by the development of the ego and by the beginning of logical and verbal thinking
Monarchic phase
people base their value judgements primarily on subjective perceptions rather than objective facts
Introverted feeling
The first stage is the cathartic method practiced by Josef Breuer and his patient Anna O. For patients who merely have a need to share their secrets, catharsis is effective.
Confession of a Pathogenic Secret
ultimate symbol of self
has roots in the ancestral past of the entire species
collective unconscious