Judaism2 Flashcards
Maccabees defeated the Greeks so they went back to their temple in Jerusalem and they went to light a candle and they only found one can of oil it was only supposed to burn for 1 day but it burned for 8. Miracle that the candle burned for 8 days. Spending time with family. Freedom from struggle-war going on having a hard earned victory. EAT- fried potato pancakes, oil lasting 8 days
Is commandments there are 613
Commemorates the day that God rested from creating the world the word means he rested considered a day of peace and holiness. Abraham Joshua heschel refers to it as palace in time. No work. Wear white as a symbol of purity and holiness. Eating meat is traditional on Shabbat as Jews historically considered meat a luxery food.
Chosen people
Choseness.is the belief that 1 is the descendant from the ancient isrealtites . Chosen is to be covenant with God. The 3 largest denominations Orthodox Judaism, conservative Judaism and Reform Judaism maintain the the belief that the Jews have been chosen by God for a purpose. Sometimes this belief is seen as charging the Jews with a specific mission to be light unto the nations and to exemplify the covenant with God as described in the Torah
___ of world pop.
Most concentrated in …
North America and Middle East and North Africa 84%
_ of the U.S. Is Jewish
_of Jews worldwide - US
Top 2 countries
Israel and US
Less evenly dispersed then Christianity
Median age?
Higher median age then global pop.
Moses is the most important prophet in Judaism occording to the Hebrew bible, he was a former Egyptian prince who later in life became a religious leader and lawgiver to whom the authorship of the Torah is traditionally attributed.
The last plague
At midnight every firstborn in Egypt will die. God instructed Moses to tell the isrealtites to put lambs blood on their door so the angel of death would pass over their house and spare their firstborn. The Pharoe finally let the Israelites go
How the isrealtites leave slavery in Egypt through the strength of God led by Moses to mount Sinai where God promises the promised land in return for their faithfulness.
Isaac was Abrahams son. One of the 3 patriarchs of the isrealtites. God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac atop mount Moriah to test his faith at the last moment an angel stopped him
Branches of Judaism
Orthodox, conservative , reform, re constructionist .
- Traditional section of jewry the way of life as stated in Torah
- Subjects religious law and customs to human judgement.
- Conserve tradition by applying new, historical methods of study.
- Continual process of evolution incorporating the Jew beliefs and traditions with the needs of the modern world
Original name - Abram A was promised to be blessed and his offspring was going to be made into an abundant nation of people all A had to do was obey God. He was one of the 3 main patriarchs
Israelites wandering in deserts for 40 years looking for promised land they lived in sukkahs (small huts) known as the feast of booths sept-October joyous holiday
Sukkah-sleep and eat do the common dwelling
Jewish dietary laws, only animals that both chew and cud and have cloven hooves, only fish residing in the waters seas and rivers that has fins and scales
Star of David
A star that has 6 points it is on King David’s shield and on the flag if Israel