Islam Flashcards
2 branches
Sunni Shia/Shiites
Sunni percent
Concentrated in
Asia pacific region
Asia pacific region % of all Muslims
Middle East and n africa %
90% of all people in _____ are Muslim.
North Africa and Middle East
Majority countries
Egypt, Iran, turkey, Pakistan
Median age
Median age sub Saharan Africa
17 years
Age gap in____and _____ is most different y?
Muslims, Europe
Cuz young Muslims move to Europe and have children at young age
World pop
1st word baby hears is…
Not mentioned in Koran happens at after birth party
Baby must recite passages from Koran at age
When get name
7 days after born
Child given who’s name
After a revered figure
Boy name?
Usually Muhammad
Girl name?
Usually Khadijah m’s wife or Fatiman daughter
Central education is
Marriage is
Union of individuals and family’s, arranged by fam, polygamy being questioned, man can marry 4 as long as treat each equally, simple but joyous and elaborous couple also celebrate by themselves
Passages are recited at final hours of life, death is release from suffering of life. After prepared for burial washing wrapped in white. Coffin not required. Head must point toward Mecca. Grave has no marker or headstone
Place of worship, gather to pray in Union, occurs Friday, sermon is given by preacher or imam, imam no hold special status, elected merit of his scholar and dedication to Islam, quite small, Muslims don’t need to be in a mosque to pray
Mosque features
A round large dome. Inside plainly furnished. Floor prayer rugs. Running water and pools used for ritual Washings. Milhrab marking direction of Mecca. Minbar pulpit for imam. Walls and ceilings designed and versus of Koran. Tall slender tower called minaret place where call to pray. 5x a day called. Person chanting muezzin. Voice Comes through loud speaker
5 pillars
Represent duties of Islam. Spiritual foundation and function.
Shahada- declaration of faith in Allah
Salat- pray towards Mecca 5x a day
Zakzt-alms giving or welfare contribution
Sawm-fasting during Ramadan
Hajj-pilgrimage to Mecca
5th pillar
Take a trip to Mecca at least once in lifetime. A journey to sacred place. Can be skipped if involves great hardships. Guidelines men shave heads wear white sash, woman wear native country clothes must keep head covered always. Pilgrims walk counter clockwise around kabah
Islamic holy scripture. Literally word of God as received by Muhammad. Look at it for guidance and spiritual sustenance. Children memorize verses. 114 verses. Half poetry half prose. In Arabic. Follows Torah and gospels of New Testament. Most accurate scripture. Follow rituals and lead pure religious life. Life teachings of Muhammad. Trimmed to 6 volumes
Born 570 ad in Arabian peninsula. From Mecca. When born parents died. Given to uncle who was chief of clan. Had empathy for outsiders cause he was once one when an orphan. Became trusted one because he had a way with ppl. At 25 girl was amazed by talents proposed to him. Angel came told to recite Koran and say God is almighty. Muhammad messenger of God said that there was only 1 God. Which means no more tribal differences. He insisted to share wealth differences didn’t matter. Some ppl no think 1 God. Went to war with much less ppl then other team. Still was winning ppl thought that was his miracle and joined it he won. Still didn’t hurt ppl he was battling against family’s. 619ad both uncle and wife died. 632 m died.
Worshiped Islamic place. Take pilgrimage there. Place m beat Mecca and none other but God was worshipped.
Majority. M not pointed successor in his life but said to choose one of his peers Abu bakr was chosen m father in law
Beleive caliph does not need to be direct descendant of muhammad . leader should be someone with merit/ability to lead
Faction. M had idealy designated m’s son in law Ali and cousin would. Now be leader. shia believe ali should be leader and only his descendants should lead.
Muhammad’s life and words in it, go there for support, paired with quaran, example of what ur trying to be, model of how ur trying to live, consists of life teachings of Muhammad
A holy way. Muhammad going to beat tribal leaders, war in name of God, war for a very specific reason
The leader of the mosque, don’t have a place of authority for Sunni but don’t for Shia
Person who calls from minaret tower in mosque calling for ppl to pray 5x a day- one of the 5 pillars
spread of islam
islams religion speread quickly because of the acceptance of everyone from their skin color and they were very tolerant of otehr religions. They also had very good leaders so they had running water shelter and food. Another reason is because ppl were also fed up from the other leaders so they were ok with a new one.
M was visited by angel Gabriel who told him to recite verses from quaran and say God is the one and only God. Then Muhammad went and told everyone and that’s how the Islamic religion started
During the hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca Pilgrims walk around the kabah 7x counter clockwise while touching and kissing the stone. The kabah is the holiest site in Islam and is often called the house of God /Allah.
Is the chief or Muslim religious ruler and leader, regarded the successor of prophet Muhammad. His power and authority is absolute
Second most famous and worshipped land. It was to medina that Muhammad fled when he was driven out of Mecca by the Meccas when they plotted to assassinate him. And the place where he attracted his first followers