Christianity Flashcards
Jesus Christ born
Angel Gabriel sent by God to Mary tell her she have son. Immaculate conception God will make it possible J - Bethlehem. God give child- Mary and Joseph. Son of God. Known as savior, Christ the lord. Wen to BTH cuz Rome taxes. New * appears sky town so full they have him in stables
Jesus Christ in Bethlehem
Herod feels threatened wants to dispose of j. He orders 3 wise men to get him so he can worship but he actually wants to dispose of him. 3 men find him but God warns not to return. Angel appears in Joseph’s dream tells him to go to Egypt. Herod angry when no return orders death of all male children under age of 2 to die. Angel comes in dream again and tells Joseph to go to isreal cuz Herod son still reigns in judea
John the baptist
johns birth is blessed angel says he will be holy turning many towards god. 20 yrs of age begins fulfilling prophecy. lives simply he only eats honey and locus and wears camel skins as clothes. he wanders through jordan preaching and warning of coming messiah and to repent sins he baptizes w/ water of jordan river when jesus arrives for baptizing he know that he is messiah after baptizing holy spirit herod is very upset so he puts him in then beheads him now baptism is to cleanse followers of their sins
a miracle is something that happened that never really happens or is almost impossible. 1 at wedding ran out of wine jesus sent helpers to get 6 stone pots full of water and when they came back he turned the water into wine. 2 jesus sends disciples on a boat to cross sea of galilee he goes atop mountain to pray jesus sees the boat being tossed around on the rough seas so he walks on water to the boat and the disciples thinks hes a spirit so then peter said if its really him he will be able to walk on water so he does but a wave hits and he sinks and jesus says to never doubt him again. 3 two brothers were fishing and caught nothing all day then jesus says to cast net 1 more time and they do and they catch hundreds of fish.
how many christians are there
2.2 billion
how many people in how many worldwide
1 in 3 ppl
what are the different christianitys
half are catholic 37% are protestant greek and russian orthodox 12%
mostly live in
europe latin america and carribean and sub saharan africa
most christians live
where christians are the majority
christians have median age of
what percent worldwide are christian
Holy trinity
C believe there is 1 god. god=3 ppl- father son holy spirit even though united each one has a special purpose. faith in HT is a pathway to salvation. god is not created or born but eternal and all good things from god. holy spirit the love that unites father and son. christ came from god. through his life death and ressurection he became united in god.
via delerosa
actual rought in jerusalum leading to Golgotha
the stations of the cross
the stations of the cross mark the series of event’s leading to the death of Jesus
man and woman devote themselves to each other for life. couple agree to mirrior union of christ and church. symbol of self sacrifice and devotion. takes place in churchbride goes down aisle by parents. exchange vows and rings. kiss, flower girls and ring bearers , recieve holy communion.
christs ressurection is proof that death= passage to eternal life. at death ppl are judged by how led lives. heaven/hell HEA=repented sins. HELL= unrepented and sinful. Inbetween is purgatory they wiat for union with god and their souls are cleansed. for the ill they ask for forgiveness minister decides wether they go to heaven/hell/purgatory. funeral- period of mourning- prayers and speeches. evening before gather at family’s home
a follower who helps spread the word of christianity.
tempttion in wilderness
after recieving baptism J-desert fasted 40 days and nights. J led by spirit to wilderness. tempted by devil, he was hungry. devil says if u son of god turn rocks-bread. J say you not only need bread but gods words. devil takes to holy city wants to fall off and angles will save you. devil says if you worship me i will give you city But j says no cuz god is the one and only you should worship then angels come and help treat him.
apostles and sermon on the mount
jesus chose 12 apostles they have power and wisdom to take away evil and heal. ppl came to hear jesus preach and to be healed. one of most important and beloved teachings this gets him more followers and he delivered atop of a mountain.
the last supper
crowds welcome as messiah, Phansees plot against cuz j no follow traditions. ppl in temple built by herod were merchant J - mad drove them out Saducee join the phansees against Jesus. Jesus wash feet of disciple eat bread/ body of christ wine/ blood of christ drinken in remeberance of christ.
Holy communion
christians eat blood and body of christ
J arrested bu pontius pilate. J was sentenced to death. tied or nailed to cross-left to die. wipped then crown of thorns to mock as king led to hill carrying cross said to god to please forgive them for they do not know what they are doing once dead put in tomb.
means rebirth. j friends visit tomb angel says j has risen from dead j told friend to find disciples disciples didn’t reconize jesus he appeared and they felt jesus present.