Judaism - Teachings and Practices Flashcards
Today, Judaism has about how many followers?
15 million, which is about the same number at the start of WWII.
What kind of religion was Biblical Judaism?
A sacrifice-based religion.
Some Jewish people would sacrifice animals for what purpose?
To atone for the breaking of God’s commands (sinning).
When did Rabbinic Judaism form?
After the destruction of the Second Temple.
Rabbinic Judaism focuses on…
…prayer, the performing of good deeds, and on deep textual study of the Torah.
Jewish people believe they have a ______________ with God.
What was God’s covenant with Moses?
If they follow His commands, then He would reward them. If they violate His commands, then He
would punish them.
What makes the Covenant somewhat controversial?
Some Jewish people believe in “The Elect,” or that Jewish people are specially chosen by God. This is the basis for Zionist beliefs.
What are the properties of God?
God is eternal, personal, all-powerful, all-knowing, perfectly good, and merciful.
Angels are…
helpers and messengers of G-d. They are widely believed to exist in Biblical Judaism and also today.
Devil (Satan) is…
an evil being that tempts humans to violate G-d’s commands. He may be the embodiment of evil rather than a being. Also, he’s less believed in today.
Demons are…
evil and attempt to cause havoc in the earthly realm. Belief in their existence is rare in modern Judaism.
What is the Jewish view of the afterlife?
The vast majority of Jews today believe that there is an afterlife and G-d is in control there. G-d will continue to reward the righteous and punish the wicked based on what you did in your human life. However, Jews do not focus on the afterlife.
When were the four ancient factions of Judaism relevant?
During the transition from Biblical Judaism to Rabbinic Judaism, or the 1st century of the Common Era (1-99 CE).
The Zealots were…
one of the four ancient factions. They were a non-religious group of Jews that advocated the overthrow of the Roman occupation. They were more of a political faction.
The Sadducees were…
one of the four ancient factions. They argued that the Jewish people should focus on following G-d’s commands. They believed there was no afterlife.
The Pharisees were…
one of the four ancient factions. They argued that the Jewish people should focus on both following the
commands of G-d and on studying the Torah. Essentially, they believed in the afterlife and God is in control there.
The Essenes were…
one of the four ancient factions. They argued that the Jewish people should focus on having a mystical
experience with G-d, along with reading the Torah
Mysticism is…
the attempt to join in union with God through a special relationship.
Why is Masada significant?
Masada was the last stronghold
Zealots held before taking their lives
rather than yielding to the Roman
army (73 CE).
What happened to the four ancient factions after the destruction of the second temple?
The Zealots, Essenes, and the Sadducees fall apart and mostly cease to exist. The Pharisees survive the diaspora and the destruction of the Temple. They win out and become the Rabbis, and their view is what is taught to others.
What are modern Jewish people’s beliefs about the afterlife?
Most Jewish people believe in the afterlife. However, they mainly do not believe in a separate heaven or hell. Instead, God just punishes the wicked and rewards the good.
The Hebrew Bible, the Tanakh, has how many sections? What are their names?
The Torah, Prophets, and Poetry & Writings
The Torah is considered the ______.
Law, or Pentateuch.
The Torah contains the first _______ books of the Tanakh. What are they called?
Five; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
The Prophets section of the Tanakh is broken into how many parts?
Two parts: the former prophets and latter prophets.
Who were the former prophets?
Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings
Who were the latter prophets?
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the 12 minor prophets
What is a prophet?
A person who reminds the Jewish people of G-d’s commands and informs them of the consequences for disobeying G-d.
What does the Poetry and Writings section of the Tanakh contain?
They mainly contain poetry and wisdom writing to help people better understand how to live the Jewish
What is the Talmud?
a recording of the oral Torah (oral traditions) and as a source of philosophical debates concerning the Torah (both the written and oral Torah). It is a primary source for contemporary Jewish theology, ethics, and daily life.
In which subreligion is the Talmud significant?
Rabbinic Judaism.
In Biblical Judaism, the Temple is the location where…
animal sacrifices were performed in order for the Jewish people to atone for their sins against G-d.
What were the different areas of the Temple?
The outer courtyard anyone could enter, a women’s court area, an inner court where Jewish men could enter, the temple proper where only the priests could go, and the Holy of Holies whose entrance was shrouded by a curtain.
What is the significance of the Holy of Holies?
Jewish people believed that G-d physically resided on earth in the Holy of Holies. The High Priest could only enter the Holy of Holies once a year on the Day of Atonement.
Who was Maimonides?
He lived from 1138 – 1204 CE. He is widely viewed as the most important Jewish philosopher and theologian to ever live.
What did Maimonides develop?
13 principles of Jewish faith.
What did Maimonides discover?
613 commandments in the Torah. Some of them only apply to rituals performed at the temple, which doesn’t exist anymore. Still, 460 commandments can still be followed today.
Messianic Judaism is…
the belief that a Messiah will one day come.
What is a Messiah?
“The Anointed One;” A leader, teacher, ruler. He will lead a movement to reform and repair the Jewish faith. Some also think he will help to rebuild the temple. Some Jews believe the Messiah will bring forth the end of times, which will end in the full resurrection of the dead.
The Kabballah is…
a form of Jewish mystical theology. Believers in the Kabballah claim that Moses was given a secret message that has been passed down through great Jewish leaders of history.
The Sephirot are…
the 10 attributes/ emanations in Kabbalah, through which G-d reveals himself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms.
The main contemporary factions of Judaism are…
Orthodox Judaism, Reform Judaism, and Conservative Judaism
Orthodox Judaism is centered around what belief?
They believe that we should follow all of G-d’s commands and when the temple is rebuilt one day those commands will begin to apply again (including the ones that involve sacrifice). They are the “conservatives/Republicans”.
Reform Judaism is centered around what belief?
Some of the commands in the Torah no longer apply today and would not apply even if the temple is one day rebuilt. They are the “liberals/Democrats”.
Conservative Judaism is centered around what belief?
They are in between the two other factions. They also agree that some commands no longer apply today. However, they believe the Reform movement went too far in changing some commands. They are the “centrists.”
What is Sabbath?
Occurs once a week and goes from sunset of Friday to sunset on Saturday. This is to remember the day G-d rested and reflected on His creation.
What is Kosher?
In general, Jewish people have certain dietary restrictions and specific ways to prepare foods properly.
▪ Meat and dairy products must be kept separate and cannot be given in a meal together.
▪ Only certain animals may be eaten (pigs, horses, rabbits, squirrels, camels, and insects cannot be eaten).
▪ Meat must be processed in a specific way and only come from specific areas of the animal.
▪ Fish is permitted but not shellfish (like shrimp, crab, oysters, or lobster).
What is Rosh Hashanah?
Jewish New Year (typically in September). The best-known ritual is the blowing of the shofar, a musical instrument made from an animal horn.
What is Yom Kippur?
Day of Atonement (occurs ten days from Rosh Hashanah). Holiest Day in Judaism. Jews traditionally observe this holy day with a day-long fast and intensive prayer, often spending most of the day in synagogue services.
What is Passover?
occurs in the spring and celebrates the passing over of the angel of death and their freedom from enslavement.
What is Sukkot?
Feast of Tabernacles (Typically occurs in the fall).
What is Hanukkah?
Celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple after a revolt against Greek rule. (typically occurs in December).