Christianity - Teachings and Practices Flashcards
Christianity has about how many adherents?
2.5 billion
Who is the main source of early Christian theology?
Christians believe that God is…
a Trinity. God is one in three persons: God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.
What are the properties of the Christian God?
- God is all-powerful
- God is all-knowing
- God is perfectly good
- God is personal
- God is eternal
Jesus is said to be…
Both fully God and fully man. (100% God and 100% man).
Jesus was born without…
original sin. Jesus was a new creation of God, and this is why he lacked original sin.
What is the gift of grace?
A concept created by Augustine saying that God can save us from our sins.
What was the Nicene Creed?
A statement of faith created by the Council of Constantine.
What are angels?
Messengers of God
What are demons?
They are fallen beings that at one time were followers of God. They are evil beings that attempt to deceive us and play havoc in the world
Who is Satan?
This is the master evil being in the world. He intentionally wants other beings to break God’s commands and he encourages this through
temptation. He tempts Jesus in the desert at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. He is the master of hell.
What is Heaven?
Paradise with God that lasts all of eternity. This is the place for humans that are ultimately judged to be saved. (Accepted the gift of grace)
What is Hell?
The place reserved for those that have been judged by God to be wicked (the damned). It is a place of torture and torment that lasts all of eternity. It is a full separation from God. He no longer hears your prayers or answers your requests.
What is the goal of Christianity?
To accept the gift of grace in order to be saved. Being
saved from eternal damnation and separation from God. The real goal is to spend eternity with God in heaven.
What is Purgatory?
It is only a temporary location. Eventually, all people here will go to either heaven or hell. This area is reserved for people who did accept the gift of grace but have not fulfilled all the requirements to get to heaven. The hope is that people here can pray for themselves or have someone pray on their behalf in order for God to forgive them for their shortcomings. The goal is to try to go to heaven.
Who mostly believes in Purgatory?
Roman Catholics
What is Limbo?
It once existed for a special purpose. It was a place that was reserved for people who lived before Jesus came to earth. They were able to leave limbo after Jesus died and was resurrected from the dead.
Who mostly believes in Limbo?
The vast majority of Christians believe that this place no longer exists.
The Bible has two main parts. What are they?
The Old Testament and the New Testament
What is the Old Testament?
It is the first part of the bible. It is the same thing as the Jewish Tanakh. The ordering of the books is different though.
What is the New Testament?
It is the second part of the Bible. It has 27 books. It is written in Greek. There are a few passages in Aramaic that Jesus speaks
Some Christian Bibles have more books in the Old Testament. What are they?
These extra books are referred to as the Apocrypha. These are books written by Jewish people but in Greek. Jewish people no longer consider these books part of the Tanakh.
What are the sections of the New Testament?
The Four Gospels, the Acts of Apostles, Pauline Epistles, Other Epistles, and the Book of Revelation
What are the Four Gospels?
The first section of the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They record the life and events of Jesus. The first three are the synoptic gospels. The gospel of John is a bit different. It focuses on Jesus’ divinity, or in other words Jesus being the Christ.
What are the Acts of Apostles?
The second section of the New Testament. It records the missionary journeys of Paul and others.
What are the Pauline Epistles?
The third section of the New Testament. These are letters written by Paul to other Christians. There are a total of 14 of them.
What are the Other Epistles?
The fourth section of the New Testament. Christians writing to other Christians. Example: Peter writing to others. A total of 7 of them.
What is the Book of Revelation?
The fifth section of the New Testament. This is an apocalypse. It is a prophecy about what will happen in the last days before God’s final judgment. Jesus promises his disciples that one day he will return. So, Christians are looking for a second coming of
Who created Original Sin and the Gift of Grace?
Both doctrines were made central to Christianity by Augustine (354 – 430 CE).
What is Original Sin?
Christians think that humans are all born sinful because they are tainted with the first sin of Adam and Eve.
▪ All people are in need of salvation.
▪ They are all born separated from God because of their sinful natures.
▪ Humans cannot do anything to save themselves.
Who agrees to the seven sacraments?
Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and some Protestants agree there are seven sacraments
What is a sacrament?
A sacrament is a sacred rite in Christianity that demonstrates a visible notion of God’s grace on earth.
What are the seven sacraments?
Baptism, Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage, Ordination, Penance, and Confirmation.
What is baptism?
One of the seven sacraments. A cleansing ritual to demonstrate the washing away of your sins.
What is the Eucharist?
One of the seven sacraments. (Communion, Lord’s Supper): Done as a reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice for you and his resurrection. Also, to remind you that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice and has removed your sin if you accept his gift of grace.
What is anointing of the sick?
One of the seven sacraments. You try to help and pray for those in physical need.
How is marriage viewed in Christianity?
It is one of the seven sacraments. You are expected to get married at some point and have a family.
What is ordination?
One of the seven sacraments. It is the act of getting ordained. The rites for becoming a priest. Not everyone has to do this. If you want to become a priest this is the process you would follow.
What is penance?
One of the seven sacraments. Admitting and confessing your sins and seeking forgiveness
What is confirmation?
One of the seven sacraments. This is the process of educating yourself in Christian theology and outwardly agreeing with it.
Why do most Christian denominations baptize infants?
Most denominations baptize infants because they need to wash away the original sin.
What Christian denominations wait to baptize until members are adults?
Some Protestant denominations only baptize adults (or people old enough to understand). This combines baptism with confirmation, but this comes from their notion of the “priesthood of all believers”.
What is transubstantiation?
The idea that bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
What does the Eucharist look like in Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox view?
Bread and wine are used. Bread represents the body of Jesus, and the wine is the blood of Jesus. In these views, the bread really becomes the body of Jesus, and the wine really becomes the blood of Jesus.
How do Roman Catholics view transubstantiation?
Roman Catholics believe that this transformation is physical.
How do Eastern Orthodox Christians view transubstantiation?
Eastern Orthodox (and Lutherans) also believe the transformation is real but it is a divine sacred
mystery that only God can truly understand.
How do Protestants view transubstantiation?
Many Protestants claim that the bread and wine (crackers and grape juice) are merely symbols of
the body and blood of Christ. You are just doing this as a ritual remembrance of Jesus
What are the three divisions of the modern Christian church?
- Roman Catholicism
- Eastern Orthodox
- Protestantism
In the Protestant tradition, some churches are built…
very informally
In the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions the church building is very
formal and often has hidden meanings. Many are built in the shape of a cross.
What is intercession?
In Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, you can pray to saints to intercede on your behalf. The saints in heaven would go to Jesus and give your request directly to Him. Saints are venerated (highly respected) and not worshipped.
Who can answer your prayers?
Only God will answer your prayer and He does answer all prayers. However, God’s answer might be “no!”
What is Christmas?
celebrates the birth of Jesus Since the Middle Ages it is on December 25. It comes about two weeks later in the Eastern Orthodox Church
What is Good Friday?
celebrates Jesus’ being crucified. Jesus’ death is revered because He sacrificed Himself for the salvation of all.
What is Easter?
celebrates the resurrection of Jesus on the Sunday after Good Friday. The most important holiday. It celebrates the gift of grace and of salvation.