jubilee river case study Flashcards
river management scheme case study:
Jubilee river flood relief channel
importance nationally/locally
The Jubilee River acts as a flood relief channel for the River Thames, allowing water levels to be controlled and diverted from the Thames during times of high flow.
where does the jubilee river run through
Maiden head
Old Windsor
what counties does the jubilee river run through
surrey, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire
the cost of the jubilee river
£110 million
length of jubilee river
cost of repairing jubilee after episode of flooding
the organisation funding jubilee
environmental agency
year of completion for jubilee
the width of jubilee
What is the jubilee river part of
the maidenhead, windsor and eton flood alleviation scheme. it was built by the environmental agency and completed in 2001
socioenvironmental negatives
The Thames now experiences much higher discharge due to the merging of the two channels upstream. This problem came to light in 2014 when the river experienced serious flooding.
The natural ecosystem is also affected as algae collects and builds behind the weirs where the flow of the water is slowed or stopped.
In 2014, extensive flooding immediately downstream of the confluence where the relief-channel re-joined the Thames. The built environment suffered from flooded roads, buildings, fields and habitats.
Build up of algae in channel will cause eutrophication
How many homes are protected by jubilee river scheme
3200 homes
the year of the worst flooding flooding in the thames since 1947
sociaoeconomic negatives
The concrete weirs created are seen as being ugly, especially under normal flow conditions when river discharge is lower. Ongoing repair work at Manor Farm weir has made matters worse.
Most expensive flood-relief scheme in the UK. Further, it was damaged in the floods of 2014
and repairs in Slough Weird alone were £680,000. It continues to be an economic burden.
Paddle boaters had been promised a navigable river. However on two of the fiver weirs they have to carry boats over with them and Taplow Weir is too dangerous to cross
Small businesses (shops, cafes) are under pressure as they cannot open when premises are flooded and insurance costs are incredibly high. Business insurance costs for Wraysbury alone was £500 million in 2014. This causes future insurance premiums to increase too
Ethics- some properties are protected and not others. 3,000 properties in affluent Eton and Windsor are protected, but not less wealthy settlements in Wraysbury and Old Windsor.
Funding to extend the Jubilee River, which protects Windsor and Maidenhead from flooding, was withdrawn in 2014.
Now the government will only fund part of future flood protection schemes, with the remainder coming from local councils and businesses.
Extending the Jubilee River would cost £250m and take nine years to build.
worsened flooding in wraysbury - increased insurance to £500million in 2014 alone - property prices decreased by 20%
jubilee river positives
designed to appear natural with the channel varying in appearance. as such it also provides a fantastic outdoor resource for the area with accessible paths, bridleways, and portage points along its length.
38 hectares of reed bed created as part of the wild life corridor
326 hectares of wildflower grasslands planted to encourage new species to areas
in flood conditions the jubilee diverts water from the thames river
the agency believes the scheme is working as planned and it may extend the river to protect more flood prone areas
increased river capacity = less likely to flood - at times of high discharge they open the gates to divert water - area is de-regulated
generates tax = used as place of work
how long is the river management plan
25years to ensure maintenance