JSP 375, Part 2, Vol 3, Chapter 7 Flashcards
Define the term “Restricted High Place”?
A workplace that is at height and has been assessed and presents a significant risk of a fall liable to cause personal injury is to be designated a Restricted High Place (RHP).
What are the four main roles within the Working at Height Environment?
There are four main roles within the Working at Height environment;
- Authorising Engineer (AE(WaH))
- Authorised Person (AP(WaH))
- Person in Charge (PiC)
- Authorised Climber (AC)
Which role normally issues a Permit to Climb (PtoC)?
- Authorised Person (AP(WaH))
What are the two different climbing classifications of Authorised Climbers?
The two categories of AC are:
- Occasional Climber
- Skilled Climber.
What is the maximum permissible height an Occasional Climber can climb?
12 metres above ground level.
What is the maximum ladder span between platforms an Occasional Climber can climb?
Below 6 meters.
What is the maximum All Up Mass (AUM) an Authorised Climber can be prior to attaching tools and PPE equipment?
A maximum All Up Mass (AUM) for an AC is not to exceed 100kg.
When is “Free Climbing” allowed to occur?
The practice known as ‘free climbing’, i.e. where a climber is not protected by passive fall protection or any fall arrest equipment is prohibited under any circumstances.
Which Air Publication provides guidance on Climbing Safety?
Air Publication 600.
Skilled Climbers are required to conduct how many climbs and to what height to maintain competence?
Skilled Climbers are to record at least 4 WaH tasks per year at a minimum height of 10 metres. Line Managers and PIC’s are to ensure this is strictly adhered to.
Explain the types of tasks that can be considered as Routine Work?
- A survey for change of use.
- An inspection, measurement or non-destructive test (NDT) survey.
- Minor work to feeders.
- Minor repairs of antennas.
- Like-for-like replacement of installed equipment (less than 8kg) except tasks where lifting equipment is to be used.
- Replacement of lamps.
Explain the types of tasks that would be considered Non-Routine Work?
- Tasks which will modify the structure and/or access system.
- Installation, removal or replacement of equipment (i.e. not like-for-like).
- Where live working is being considered e.g. electricity and RF hazards.
- Tasks where repairs to catenary type antenna require lowering of complete antenna system thus affecting mast verticality and guy tensions.
- Tasks where single items greater than 8kg have to be moved, carried or lifted;
- Tasks where lifting equipment is to be used whether attached to the structure or not;
- Tasks where tools other than small hand tools are to be used;
- Tasks which require the issue of permits to work under other specialisms.
What is the weight threshold for single items that would deem the work as Non-Routine?
Tasks where single items greater than 8kg have to be moved, carried or lifted;
The Person in Charge (PiC) is required to submit a RAMS package prior to conducting Working at Height. What does a RAMS package consist of?
Risk Assessment and Method Statements (RAMS).
Which Joint Service Publication provides guidance on the creation of Risk Assessments?
JSP 375 Part 2 Chapter 3 Vol 7
What form is MOD Risk Assessment conducted on?
MOD Form 5010a.
How often, bearing in mind Working at Height is classified as “High Risk”, would a WaH Risk Assessment be reviewed?
Every 6 months.
What information should a Method Statement contain?
The Method Statement is to include;
- The sequence of work,
- Details of the WaH Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to be worn.
- Details of site boundaries,
- Methods of cordoning-off suitable areas around the RHP,
- Any temporary signage that may be required.
Where can guidance and a generic copy of a Rescue Plan be found?
Air Publication 600 Rescue Plan.
What information should a Rescue Plan contain?
A Rescue Plan is to include the following details;
- Method of rescue
- Personnel to be engaged for the rescue operation
- Rescue equipment
- Means of communication
- First aid arrangements
In addition to the RAMS and PtoC, what other document is required prior to undertaking any Working at Height?
- Permit to Work.
Which MOD form is used as a Permit to Climb?
A PtoC Form RHP H6
State four checks that should be conducted by the PiC prior to undertaking Working at Height Work?
- Visual Inspection
- Communication between team
- Team composition, and competence
- All up Mass
- Correct PPE for the task
- Environmental and weather condition
- Hazards
- Wind Speed.
In Knots, what is the guideline for the maximum wind speed for a Skilled Climber?
11-21 Knots
What can be implemented instead of a PtoC if the task is of a routine and frequent nature?
A Standing Instruction (SI)
What is the maximum validity period for this document?
The SI is to be valid for a period not exceeding 12 months.
Which “H” Form should be scrutinised to highlight any Residual Hazards on a structure?
Which form displays the overall condition of a Mast or Tower?
An R8 Mast/Tower Conditioning Certificate.
What is the validity period for a Mast?
An R8 for a Mast is valid for 12 months.
What is the validity period for a Tower?
An R8 for a Tower is valid for 24 months.