Joints of the Foot and Ankle Flashcards
what are the major joints of the foot (9)
- subtalar
- talocalcaneonavicular
- calcaneocuboid
- cuneonavicular
cuneocoboid - medial cuneometatarsal
- cunoidometatarsal
- talocrural
- metatarsophalangeal joints
- interphalangeal joints
what bones make up the ankle joint aka talocrural joint
tibia, fibula, talus
what is the blood supply to the ankle
Anterior tibial
Posterior tibial
Peroneal artery
*malleoli supplied by malleolar anastmosis
* talus: branch of dorsalis pedis to head and neck
which nerves supply the ankle
branches of the deep peroneal and tibial nerves
what are 2 basic motions at the subtalar joint
pronation and supination
triplanar joint
how does pronation help the foot to function
- part of shock absorbency mechanism
- allows the foot to become a mobile adapter to allow for variation in terrain
how does supination support function in the foot
- assists propulsion in gait
- helps turn the foot into a rigid lever
what is pronation in Open Kinetic Chain
- ABduction
- eversion
- dorsiflexion
what is supination in Open Kinetic Chain
- ADduction
- inversion
- plantarflexion
how does the talus function in Closed Kinetic Chain pronation
it acts as part of the leg:
* ADducts
* inverts
* plantaflexes
* tibia internally rotates
how does the talus function in Closed Kinetic Chain supination
it acts as part of the leg:
* ABducts
* everts
* dorsiflexes
* tibia externally rotates
which 2 joints make up the talocalcaneonavicular joint
- anterior talocalcaneal joint
- talonavicular joint
usually considered part of the MTJ complex
which articulations form the midtarsal joint complex
- talonavicular joint
- calcaneicuboid joint
what makes up the calcaneocuboid joint
an articulation between
* distal calcaneus
* proximal cuboid
what are the ligaments of the talocalcaneonavicular joint (2)
- dorsal talonavicular ligament
- plantar calcaneonavicular ligament (spring)
what are the ligaments of the calcaneocuboid joint (4)
- bifurcated ligament
- dorsal calcaneocuboid
- long plantar ligament
- short plantar ligament