Joint Mobilization Flashcards
Characteristics of mobilization
-skilled passive movement
-low velocity
-does not go beyond end range
-can be graded I-III or I-IV
Characteristics of manipulation
-low amplitude
-high velocity
-intentionally moves joint beyond end range
Describe Grade 1-4 for Maitland
Grade 1: before R1, small and fast oscillations
Grade 2: up to R1, big and slow oscillations (push, relax)
Grade 3: between R1 and R2, big and slow oscillations
Grade 4: up to R2, small and fast oscillations
Types of Kalltenborn joint mobs
Compression, traction, translatoric (gliding)
Describe the 3 grades of motion for Kalltenborn
Grade I: there’s still loose slack
Grade II: tissue slack taken up, surrounding joint tissue tightened (assess tissue and subjective response)
Grade III: tissue deformation, moving beyond R1
What is the purpose of Grade II for Kalltenborn? Grade III?
Grade II - pain relief, assess joint play/reactivity
Grade III: increase mobility
What are the different end feels through Nordic System/Kalltenborn?
Soft - soft tissue approximation or muscle stx
Firm - capsular or ligamentous
Hard - bone or cartilage
What are the quantity grades for Nordic System/Kalltenborn?
0 = ankyloses (joint has no motion)
1-2 = hypo mobile (do joint mobs)
3 = normal
4-5 = hyper mobile
6 = unstable
Indications for passive joint motion
-pain relief and muscle guarding
-increase joint mobility in presence of stiffness
Examples of hypermobility/instability contraindications for passive motion
Recent fracture, ligamentous sprains, RA, osteoporosis
What is compression used for?
Recreating symptoms
What are the grades of traction for Kalltenborn?
Grade I: relieve pain and muscle guarding, move joint fluid
Grade II: relieve pain and assess joint play/reactivity
Grade III: increase mobility
What does Grade II and III do per Kalltenborn?
Grade II: pain relief, assess joint play and reactivity
Grade III: improve mobility
What are Maitland Grade I-IV used for?
Grade I and II to reduce pain
Grade III and IV to increase mobility
What position are initial Maitland mobilization techniques performed in?
What direction are the roll and glide for convex-concave?
Convex moving on concave = opposite
Concave moving on convex = same
What are the steps for any joint mob?
- Figure out which way joints move (convex on concave vice versa)
- Assess ROM
- Joint play
- Compression
- Choose technique
- Reassess
What are the 4 neurophysiological benefits to passive joint mobilization?
-type I receptors (postural)
-type II (dynamic)
-type III (inhibitive)
-type IV (nociceptive)
Type I receptors (postural) characteristics
-found in joint capsules
-small diameter, myelinated fibers
-static and dynamic firing mechanoreceptors
-promote body awareness in space
Neurophysiological benefits to passive joint mob in type II (dynamic) receptors and characteristics
-“where are we going in space”
-low threshold, fast adapting movement and direction
Neurophysiological benefits to passive joint mob for type III (inhibitive)
Involves GTO; firing leads to reflex inhibition to surrounding muscle
Type IV (nociceptive) characteristics
-pain receptors
-found in most joint structures
-lattice like, unmyelinated fibers and free nerve endings
Contraindications to use passive motion
-active disease process (flu, infection, malignancies)
-conditions of acuity, substantial inflammation, reactivity (swelling, warmth, muscle guarding)