Joint Commission, Core measures, NPSG Flashcards
National Patient Safety Goals
* JC address sentinel events-evidence based standards to improve quality/safety (different ones for facilities).
* Focus on ways to help avoid mistakes
joint commission
provide safe effective care of the highest quality. Safety is the goal. not mandatory but is recommended. Independent non-profit organization that accredits healthcare. QUALITY/ SAFETY
Is joint commission required?
no, but is beneficial
what does joint commission do?
looks through medical records to evaluate standards compliance/tracks what/how things were done. ID problems
Why get accredited?
-strengthens community confidence in the quality/safety of care, treatment, and services.
-provides professional advice/counsel/enhances staff education, deeming authority for medicare certification
-provides deeming authority for Medicare certification
sentinel event
an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof
most common sentinel events
falls (47%), unintended retention of foreign body, wrong pt/site/procedure, criminal event (assault, rape, sexual assault, homicide), operative/post-op complication, suicide, delay in treatments
What are the two main ways to prevent sentinel events?
assessment, communication
near misses
unplanned event that didn’t result in injury illness or damage but had potential to do so. Normally system errors
The number one reason why patients commit suicide in the hospital
there was a poor assessment
Ways to prevent near misses
- usually a system error
- TaLL mAn lettering
- Heparin labeling
- pre-mixed KCL
- float nurses giving meds w/ easy pts
- Med: allergies and contraindicated
- Pixis: only one bin opens at a time
- individaully dosed meds
TaLL mAn lettering
writing part of durg name in upper case to distinguish sound-alike and look-alike drugs from each other
Ex) celeXA and celeBREX; DOBUTamine and DOPamine
adjusting dose for what your patient needs
What are some NPSG?
ID pts correctly (name/ DOB), improve staff communication, use alarms safely (don’t silence), use medicines safely (label, blood thinner safety, education), prevent infection (hand washing), ID pt safety risks (suicide), prevent surgery mistakes (timeout), improve healthcare equity
Core Measures
from JC, evidence based standards of care to specify BEST clinical practice (certain common diseases). Based on % of pt records whose care meets requirements, reported to medicare/aid. Not participating = 2% reduction in medicare payment. Improve pt safety and outcome. RNs must implement, audit, and verify compliance. If not documented, then it’s not done. Results affect JA accredidation and CMS reimbursement for care.