Job And Employment Flashcards
Coming from outside
Most of the factors that have influence on job satisfaction are extrinsic.
A combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors are necessary for job satisfaction.
Something that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages, such as goods, meals, or a car
مزایای شغلی
I only eat here because it’s free - one of the perks of the job.
Income, housing, paid holiday, perks, bonus and other job benefits are main elements an employee will normally look into when evaluating whether a job is desirable or not.
The idea that you have of yourself, especially of your abilities, character, and appearance
People crave for positive self-image and to have their contribution valued and appreciated.
مردم اشتیاق زیادی برای یک تصویر مثبت از خود و اینکه آیا سهم همکاری آنها قدردانی می شود دارند.
A positive self-image can help you achieve anything you decide to do.
Crave for یعنی اشتیاق زیادی برای چیزی داشتن
Outlook (on something)
Your general attitude to something
The employees with a positive outlook on life are more likely to achieve higher job satisfaction irrespective of the job.
She still has an optimistic outlook for the future.
به جای willدرنوشته های خود از to be (more) likely to یا would استفاده کنید.
Irrespective of یعنی بدون در نظر گرفتن
تعدیل نیرو
The boss announced that there is going to be some downsizing of the workforce.
The airline has downsized its workforce by 30%.
نیروی تعدیل شده
You were suddenly made redundant.
The remaining 50 percent were made redundant.
Leaving the current employer for another employment opportunity.
تغییر مرتب شغل
These days, job hopping has practically become a way of life. Gone is the idea of spending four decades at one company.
A person who has a regular or steady job
The most important reason behind a jobholder’s motive for a new job is that in the current job, he or she cannot make the best of his or her abilities.
ترکیب reason behind یعنی دلایلی که در چیزی دخیل هستند.
کلمه motiveبه معنی دلیل یا انگیزه انجام کاری
کلمه motivationبه معنی اشتیاق و انگیزه برای کاری
Make the best of چیز بدی را به ناچار پذیرفتن و سعی در استفاده کردن از آن
Keen competition
a situation in which people compete strongly
رقابت شدید
Job-hopping, meanwhile, assists one to survive the keen competition in labour market.
We won the contest in the face of keen competition.
In the face of something یعنی با وجود
در نوشته ها به جای کلمه شخص و فرد می توانید از one استفاده کنید.
عبارت labour market یعنی بازارکار
Stable job
A job that you do not change for a long time
People are living in a fast-changing would and a once stable job is now vulnerable.
Stable job = vulnerable job
Once poor people are rich now
مردمی که زمانی فقیر بودند حالا ثروتمند شده اند.
Once صفت + اسم + فعل
Pleased with a situation, especially something you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change things
دارای رضایت کاذب (معنی منفی دارد)
There’s a danger of becoming complacent if you win a few games.
Any employee, if complacent about the current employment, would be faced with threats posed by others.
(To face something / to be faced with something)
Take the initiative
If you take the initiative, you are in a position to control a situation and deicide what to do next
ابتکار عمل به خرج دادن و کاری را شروع کردن
By comparison, taking the initiative to obtain a better job can drive people to increase skills and thereby improving the chance of continued employment.
Drive someone to do something کسی را به سمت انجام کاری سوق دادن
Thereby ازاین رو
در وسط جملات خود استفاده کنید. بعد از آن فعل به صورت ing استفاده می شود.
Work ethic
A belief in the moral value and importance of work
اخلاق کاری
If children develop a strong work ethic from an early age then this should ensure that they have enough money when they reach retirement age.
They instilled the work ethic into their children.
توجه به عبارت retirement age
از لغت instill می توان به جای teach استفاده کرد. خصوصا وقتی آموزش برای نحوه رفتار یا فکر کردن باشد.
یاد گرفتن develop و instill یاد دادن برای work ethic استفاده شده است.
Manual job/occupation
Manual work involves using your hands or your physical strength rather than your mind
Employers in manual job industries are more likely to employ people with a good working knowledge of the job and what it entails.
People in manual occupations have a lower life expectancy.
میتوانید از entail به جای need استفاده کنید.
You entail some foreign travel in this job.
Needing a lot of ability, effort, or skill
Being a front-end developer in an international company is a demanding job - you don’t get much free time.
Climbing is physically demanding.
Unsocial hours
If you work unsocial hours, you work during the night or very early in the morning when most people don not have to work
خارج از ساعات اداری
They work unsocial hours for low wages.
آنها در ازای حقوقی پایین خارج از ساعات اداری کار می کنند.
Many hospital staff have to work unsocial hours.
Pay rise/pay raise
An increase in the amount of money you are paid for doing your job
Some company directors have awarded themselves huge pay rises.
An average pay rise of 8.5 percent
هرچند در این عبارت دو کلمه rise و raise به یک معنی استفاده می شوند اما به تفاوت دو فعل raise (بالا بردن) و rise (بالا رفتن) توجه کنید.
رضایت و سلامت
For the sake of employees’ well being, legislation limiting the number of hours worked should be strictly enforced.
We are responsible for the well-being of all our patients.
A good meal promotes a feeling of well-being.
به خاطر … for the sake of something/someone
(Legislation which limit —> legislation limiting)
لغت legislation رامی توان به جای law استفاده کرد. بهترین افعال برای اجرا کردن قانون:
Enforce, enact, introduce legislation
The amount of work that a person or organization has to do
بار شغلی
Work-related stress stems partly from ever-increasing workloads.
Companies today demand that employees cope with heavier workloads while working to tighter and tighter deadlines.
صفت tight برای deadline
Many state-operated companies had experienced difficulties and some faced bankruptcy.
Collocations for deadline
Deadline for
Deadline of
Meet/miss a deadline
Set/impose a deadline
Tight/strict deadline
Keep ahead in/at
Making progress and being successful in your job, education etc.
In order to keep ahead in business, companies need to invest in new technology.
Keeping ahead at work is the most important thing to her at the moment.
A change from one activity, system, or way of working to another changeover (from something) to something
تغییر در یک سیستم یا طرز کار
Employees should be given adequate training and support so that the changeover to new technologies is relatively stress-free.
The country faces rising unemployment as it prepares for the changeover to a market economy.
Take an approach to
Take a method of doing something or dealing with a problem
رویکردی و راهکاری را اتخاذ کردن
Perhaps managers should take a more judicious approach to the introduction of new technology so as to avoid unnecessary changes.
Organizations which take a positive approach to creative thinking.
در نوشته های خود به جای To ( به معنی تا ) از so as to استفاده کنید.
Job security
Today’s lack of job security and the consequent worry about future contribute significantly to stress in the workplace.
There is no blanket solution for the problem of youth unemployment.
Blanket به معنی جامع
Take on somebody
To employ someone
To encourage employers to provide more job opportunities for school leavers, the government should pay subsidies to those who take on young people.
How can we bring about a change in the company? We can take on 50 new staff this year.
عبارت bring about به معنای باعث شدن
Having skills or qualities that are necessary to get a job
واجداشرایط برای استخدام
The training scheme aims to make people more employable.
These young employees could shadow experienced members of staff with the aim of going with work experience.
Shadow مثل سایه دنبال کسی بودن
زیر نظر گرفتن کارهای کسی
از ترکیب with the aim of برای ”به هدف …”
High/low status
Doctors have traditionally enjoyed high social status.
به جای have برای داشتن یک چیز خوب یا برخوردار بودن از enjoy استفاده کنید.