Causes And Results Flashcards
Establish the cause
علت چیزی را یافتن
It is out job to establish the cause of the fire.
Root cause
دلیل اصلی
The cost of the project was enormous, but it was not the root cause of its failure.
Cause of
Cancer is the leading cause of death for Americans in their forties.
Knock-on effect
اثر غیرمستقیم
This morning’s delays to flights have had a knock-on effect on departures all day.
Ill effect
اثر بد
Many people are expected to suffer the ill effects of the rise in interest rates.
To cause a particular feeling or condition
Poor living conditions breed violence and resentment.
شرایط بد زندگی سبب ایجاد خشونت و رنجش می شود.
Spell trouble/disaster/danger
If a situation or action spells trouble, it makes you expect trouble
به وجود آوردن مشکل
The lack of rain could spell disaster for farmers.
The strike could spell disaster for the country.
Compelling reason
دلیل متقاعدکننده
Lucy had no compelling reason to go into town.
There must have been some compelling reason for his bad behavior.
Dire consequences
Extremely serious or terrible
نتایج جدی
Warnings of dire consequences that often don’t come true.
The government must have known there would be dire consequences.
Contributing factor
A factor that helps to make something happen
عامل اثربخش
Stress is a contributing factor in many illnesses.
His parent’s financial problems might be a contributing factor but he refused to give me a reason.
شرایط پرخسارت و نامنظم
Rain has continued to play havoc with sporting events.
باران همچنان رویدادهای ورزشی را به هم ریخته است.
The new policies will wreak havoc on the country’s economy.
سیاست های حدید خسارت های جدی بر اقتصاد کشور خواهند گذاست.
Bring about
To make something happen, especially a change or an improved situation
The war brought about enormous social change.
So far, all attempts to bring about peace have failed.
Give rise to
Used when an event, action etc makes a feeling or problem start to exist
Poor performance in exams can give rise to depression and even thoughts of suicide.
Drinking unfiltered water can give rise to health problems.
To make something suddenly start to happen, especially a bad situation such as a crisis or a war, or a medical condition
Certain foods can trigger allergies.
If oil prices keep rising, this could trigger on economic crisis.
Result from
These conditions results from a combination of economic and social factors.