Jeopardy Questions Flashcards
Plasticity that refers to anatomical and physical changes within the brain
structural plasticity
These theories consider info processing to have a fixed capacity whereby one resource is directed at one process
single channel filter theories
This practice condition yields improved retention on transfer tests and improved generalizability of skills for people without pathology
random or variable practice
Information is lost from short term memory after this PERIOD OF TIME unless rehearsed
30-60 seconds
Memory storage process by which info is converted for storing
Increased practice and predictability of stimulus will do this to reaction time in the response selection phase of IP
This practice condition should be used with caution for patients with CV
mass practice
This theory of divided attention suggests that attention has different resources which manage different types of stimuli
multiple resource theory
Elderly patients experiencing typical age related changes are usually capable of learning in this way
implicit learning
Inattention blindness demonstrates a limitation in this stage of IP
stimulus identification
A gymnastic coach tells his gymnast, after watching her fall, that she needs to bring her legs higher during her fault, this is an example of
knowledge of performance
Evidence suggests distracted driving while using a cell phone is primarily a result of this type of interference
capacity interference
Type of memory is conscious recall of facts and experiences
explicit memory
Perceptual narrowing causes potentially dangerous narrowing of attentional focus due to arousal being too ____
Individuals with trisomy 21 show improved motor performance when given this type of augmented feedback
constant visual feedback
This type of long term memory is used to recall the date of your best friend’s
Negative plastic changes can occur in response to this behavior
Plasticity occurs under these 2 conditions
development and injury
The kleim and jones principle of experience dependent plasticity state that experience must have functional significance to the patient
This theory explains info processing and motor output as result of the individual’s perception
The phenomenon which demonstrate that parallel processing can occur even when attempting to selectively attend to a specific source
dichotic listening and stroop effect
Stiff legged walking pattern of early walker can best be conceptualized by this theory of motor learning
systems three stage model (aka beirnstein)
The fitts and posner stage where refinement of patterns and decreased variability of movement observed
Associative Stage (2)
Law states that more options available in response selection stage of IP, the longer the RT will be
Hick’s Law
Motor learning theory supports individual’s development of a set of abstract rules that can be generalized to other environments
Schmidt’s Schema
Term that describes plasticity occurring when previously silenced synapses are recruited and made functional for injured neuronal pathways
unmasking silent synapses
Type of feedback schedule given at some set of criteria for performance or level of error
Short term memory is capable of accurately holding this many items
7 +/- 2
Those with parkinson’s disease demonstrate improvement in gait speed and quality with this type of extrinsic feedback
external rhythmical cues