Jeopardy Game: Seizure/Degenerative Disease Flashcards
Disturbance of electrical activity in the brain that may affect consciousness, motor activity, and sensation
Parkinson’s Disease
Degenerative disorder of the nervous system caused by a deficiency of the Neurotransmitter DOPAMINE results in disturbances of muscle movement
Extrapyramidal Side Effects
Symptoms of:
- Acute dystonia
- Akathisia
- Parkinsonism
- Tardive dyskinesia
Neurotransmitter of the PNS
-Often present at somatic neuromuscular junctions
& sympathetic preganglionic nerves
Status Epilepticus
Condition characterized by:
-Repeated seizures or one prolonged seizure lasting greater than 30 minutes
3 signs of a seizure
- Sudden violent shaking
- Muscle twitching
- Altered vision
- Loss of consciousness
- Tremors
Neurotransmitters involved in Parkinson’s Disease
Acetylcholine and Dopamine
Goal of Pharmacotherapy for Parkinson’s
Pt is able to carry out ADL’s
Drug compliance w/ seizure meds
You want to maintain serum blood levels
** Must discontinue seizure meds over a period of 6-12 weeks
Anti-seizure Meds and Pregnant Women
Most med’s are Pregnancy Category D
Anti-seizure and parkinson’s drug
-Time of day dosing?
Take medication at the same time every day
Pt’s and new medications
Make sure pt’s consult MD before starting new meds to limit interactions and adverse effects
Stopping Seizure Medication
If you abruptly stop seizure meds, Seizures will likely occur
-Must withdraw medication over a period of 6-12 weeks.
Treating Seizures
Medications are started at a low dose and gradually increased until seizure control is achieved.
If activity continues, a new drug is added in a low dose and the former drug will be slowly decreased
Barbiturates Cause What major adverse effect?
CNS Depression
-Adverse effect
Dilantin can cause gingival hypertrophy
Drugs that Potentiate GABA
-Adverse effects
CNS depression
Anti-cholinergic Drug
-Adverse Effects
- Dry Mouth
- Blurred Vision
- Tachycardia
- Urinary retention
- Constipation
-Adverse effects
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
- Leukopenia
- Aplastic Anemia
Dopamine & Acetylcholine are responsible for what??
Balance, posture, muscle tone, and involuntary muscle movement depend on the balance between acetylcholine and dopamine
Most noticeable of Parkinson Disease symptoms:
- Difficulty Chewing
- Difficulty Swallowing, speaking
- Fine muscle movements and shuffling
Parkinson’s Medication
-Focuses on?
Restoring dopamine and blocking acetylcholine
How does anti-seizure medication work?
Suppresses neuronal activity just enough to prevent abnormal or repetitive firing.
3 Mechanisms:
1. Stimulate influx of chloride ions (GABA)
2. Delay influx of sodium
3. Delay influx of calcium
Recurrent seizures due to a chronic condition, rather than an acute cerebral insult
Abnormal involuntary contraction of muscles, due to rapid brain firing that occurs in seizures, whether they are epileptic or not