Jenney's Chapter 28 Flashcards
Vocabulary and Indefinite Pronouns/Adjectives
What is the meaning of the noun hospes, hospitis, m/f?
stranger, guest, host
What is the meaning of the noun moenia, moenium (i-stem; plural only)?
What is the meaning of the noun sedes, sedis, f.
seat, residence
What is the meaning of the noun signum, i, n.?
sign, signal, military standard
What is the meaning of the noun vestis, vestis, f. (i-stem)?
garment, clothes
What is the meaning of the adjective posterus, a, um?
subsequent, following
What is the meaning of the noun posteri, posterorum (plural only) n.?
What is the meaning of the noun posterum, i, n.?
the future
What is the meaning of teh verb claudo, claudere, clausi, clausum?
shut, close
What is the meaning of the verb curro, currere, cucurri, cursum?
expono, exponere, exposui, expositum?
put out, expose, explain
What is the meaning of the verb sedeo, sedere (macron over e), sedi, sessum?
What is the meaning of the preposition with accusative circa?
around, about, at the side of
What is the meaning of the adverb circa?
about, round about, approximately
What is the meaning of the interrogative adverb quando?
What is the meaning of the indefinite pronoun aliquis, aliquid?
someone, anyone, something, anything
What is the meaning of the indefinite adjective aliqui, aliqua, aliquod?
some, any
What is the meaning of the indefinite pronoun quisquam, quidquam?
anyone, anything
What is the meaning of the indefinite relative pronouns quisquis, quidquid?
whoever, whatever, whichever
What is the meaning of the indefinite realtive adjective quicumque, quaecumque, quodcumque?
whatever, whichever
What is the meaning of the indefinite pronoun quidam, quiddam?
someone, something
What is the meaning of the indefinite adjective quidam quaedam, quoddam?
certain, some
What is the meaning of the aliquantus, a, um?
some, any
What is the meaning of alicubi?
somewhere, anywhere
What is the meaning of quamquam?
What is the meaning of qualiscumque, qualecumque?
of whatever kind
What is the rule for using aliquis, aliquid and aliqui, aliqua, aliquod after NEC, NISI, NUM, and NE?
After nec, nisi, num, and ne every ali- goes away