Jenney's Chapter 26 Flashcards
What are the possible cases, numbers, and genders of the relative pronoun qui?
nominative, singular, masculine
nominative, plural, masculine
What are the possible cases, numbers, and genders of the relative pronoun quae?
nominative, singular, feminine
nominative, plural, feminine
nominative, plural, neuter
accusative, plural, neutert
What are the possible cases, numbers, and genders of the relative pronoun cuius?
genitive, singular, masculine
genitive, singular, feminine
genitive, singular, neuter
What are the possible cases, numbers, and genders of the relative pronoun cui?
dative, singular, masculine
dative, singular, feminine
dative, singular, neuter
What are the possible cases, numbers, and genders of the relative pronoun quo?
ablative, singular, masculine
ablative, singular, netuer
What are the possible cases, numbers, and genders of the relative pronoun quorum?
genitive, plural, masculine
genitive, plural neuter
What are the possible cases, numbers, and genders of the relative pronoun quibus?
dative, plural, masculine dative, plural, feminine dative, plural, neuter ablative, plural, masculine ablative, plural, feminine ablative, plural, neuter
What are the possible cases, numbers, and genders of the relative pronoun quod?
nominative, singular, neuter
accusative, singular, neuter
What is the case, number, and gender of the relative pronoun quem?
accusative, singular, masculine
What is the case, number, and gender of the relative pronoun quam?
accusative, singular, feminine
What is the case, number, and gender of the relative pronoun qua (with macron)
ablative, singular, feminine
What is the case, number, and gender of the relative pronoun quarum?
genitive, plural, feminine
What is the case, number, and gender of the relative pronoun quos?
accusative, plural, masculine
What is the case, number, and gender of the relative pronoun quas?
accusative, plural, feminine
What is the meaning of qualis, quale?
of what kind
What is the meaning of talis…qualis?
What is the meaning of quantus, a, um?
how big, how large, how much
What is the meaning of tantus…quantus?
as big…as
What is the meaning of quot?
how many
What is the meaning of tot…quot?
as many…as
What is the meaning of quotiens?
how often?
What is the meaning of totiens…quotiens?
as often…as
What is the meaning of the interrogative pronoun quis?
What is the meaning of the interrogative pronoun cuius?
whose, of whom, of what
What is the meaning of the interrogative pronoun cui?
to whom,. to what
What is the meaning of the interrogative pronoun quem?
What is the meaning of the interrogative pronoun quo?
whom, what
What is the meaning of the interrogative pronoun quid?
What is the meaning of the interrogative pronoun qui?
What is the meaning of the interrogative pronoun quae?
who (if feminine), what (if neuter)
What is the meaning of the interrogative pronoun quorum?
whose, of whom (if masculine), of what (if neuter)
What is the meaning of the interrogative pronoun quarum?
whose, of whom
What is the meaning of the interrogative pronoun quibus?
to/for whom (if dative, masculine or feminine)
to/for what (if dative, neuter)
whom (if ablative masculine or feminine)
what (if ablative neuter)
What is the meaning of the interrogative pronoun quos?
What is the meaning of the interrogative pronoun quas?
How is an interrogative adjective always translated?
what, which
Relative pronouns have the same forms as what other pronoun group?
interrogative adjectives
Where do relative pronouns have the same form as interrogative pronouns?
in the plural
What is the meaning of the noun aedes, aedis, f. (i-stem)?
What is the meaning of the noun aedes, aedium, f. (plural)?
What is the meaning of the noun aetas, aetatis, f.?
age, lifetime
What is the meaning of the noun caput, capitis, n?
What is the meaning of the noun imago, imaginis, f?
image, likeness, portrait, statue
What is the meaning of the noun mens, mentis, f. (i-stem)?
What is the meaning of the noun modus, i, m.?
measure, degree manner, way
What is the meaning of the verb absum, abesse, afui, afuturus?
to be away, to be absent, to be distant
What is the meaning of the verb ardeo, ardere, arsi, arsum?
What is the meaning of the verb colo, colere, colui, cultum?
cultivate, worship
What is the meaning of the verb lego, legere, legi, lectum?
paci, erad
What is the meaning of the verb relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictum?
leve beind, leave, abandon
What is the meaning of the verb trado, tradere, tradidi, traditum?
hand over, betray
Translate the English antecedent and relative pronoun into a Latin antecedent and relative pronoun:
The town in which I live is big
oppidum in quo