Jefferson and Madison Flashcards
Thomas Jefferson (President) main goal
To roll back federal power (to repeal it)
How did Thomas Jefferson dress as pres.
Like normal folk.
What did Thomas Jefferson think of liberty
It was best protected in a nation of independent farmers working the land for family and market.
What did Thomas Jefferson (Pres.) do to the military
Reduced size of army by 1/3 and kept the navy small at 1/2 ships
Thomas Jefferson (pres.) government
Abolished federal internal taxes. Had a federal vision of US postal service, keep the courts, light houses, only tax trade, and keep count of population.
John Marshall
Secretary of state for TJ
Marbury v. Madison
Established the principle of judicial review
Judicial Review
The power of the federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional.
Louisiana Purchase
Napoleon first denied owning New Orleans. Congress approved $10 mil to buy New Orleans. US bought it for $15 mil.
Reaction to Louisiana Purchase
Thomas Jefferson and Congress were excited but had questions. The main one being, is the land farm-able or worth anything?
Lewis, Clark, and Sacajawea
To establish a trade network across the country, to befriend the American Indians encountered, and see if land was inhabitable west.
Embargo Act of 1807
Thomas Jefferson pushed Congress to pass non-importation laws banning GB goods. Meant to forestall war. All forgein ports declared off limits to US merchants to discourage illegal trade. (Banned all trade) Repealed in 1809
Causes of the War of 1812
Impressment of American sailors into GB navy, and trade restriction
Burning of Washington D.C
4,000 British troops descended to Wash DC without opposition during war of 1812. GB burned White House and Capitol after American colonies tried to attack Canada
Fort McHenry
successfully defended Baltimore Harbor from an attack by the British navy