JC41 (Medicine) - Pituitary tumors and hypopituitarism Flashcards
Pituitary gland
- Location
- Borders
- Anatomical division and secretions
Site: enclosed in sella turcica (normally <0.8cm deep)
Superior → diaphragm sellae
Anterosuperior → optic chiasm
Inferior → sphenoidal sinus
Lateral → cavernous sinus
Anterior lobe secretes prolactin, LH/FSH, TSH, ACTH, GH
Posterior lobe secretes oxytocin and ADH
Anatomical connection between pituitary and hypothalamus
Connected to hypothalamus via infundibular stalk
- Portal vessel carrying blood from median
eminence of hypothalamus to anterior lobe
- Nerve fibres from PVN and SON to posterior lobe (neurohypophysis)
List non-functional tumors of pituitary
Non-functional tumours:
→ Pituitary adenoma (most common)
→ Craniopharyngioma
→ Metastatic tumours
List pituitary diseases with hormone excess/ deficiency
Hormone excess:
→ Hyperprolactinemia
→ Acromegaly
→ Cushing’s disease
→ TSH-/LH-/FSH-secreting adenomas (rare)
Hormone deficiency:
→ Hypopituitarism
→ Diabetes insipidus
→ GnRH deficiency (Kallmann’s syndrome)
Approach to ascertain type of pituitary disease
Approach to pituitary diseases:
- Hormonal secretion: depends on mode of secretion
→ Pulsatile secretion: GH, ACTH → requires suppression/stimulation tests
→ Constant secretion: prolactin, TSH, LH/FSH → direct measurement of its level - Perimetry for visual defects due to compression on optic pathways
- MRI pituitary if pituitary tumour suspected
- Intra-op biopsy for histological Dx
Tests for ACTH excess/ Deficiency
ACTH Excess:
Low-dose dexamethasone suppression test
Late-night salivary cortisol
24h urine free cortisol
ACTH Deficiency:
Low 9am serum cortisol
Short synacthen test (SST)
Insulin tolerance test (ITT)
Tests for Growth hormone excess/ deficiency
GH excess:
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
High serum IGF-1
GH deficiency:
Low serum IGF-1
Insulin tolerance test (ITT)
Glucagon stimulation test
Arginine-GHRH stimulation test
Tests for FSH/ LH deficiency
Random serum LH/FSH
Random serum testosterone in M
GnRH (LHRH) stimulation test
Tests for TSH excess/ deficiency
Random serum T4, TSH
Tests for prolactin excess/ deficiency
Random serum prolactin
Test for ADH excess/ deficiency
ADH excess - Diagnosis of exclusion
ADH deficiency - Water deprivation test
Outline clinical presentation of Pituitary tumor
Local compressive symptoms:
- Headache, Visual field defect, Diplopia, Disconnection hyperprolactinaemia, Pituitary apoplexy
Hormonal symptoms:
- Hypersecretion: acromegaly, Cushing’s, hyperprolactinaemia
- Hyposecretion: hypopituitarism
Local compressive symptoms of pituitary tumor
- Headache (Stretching diaphragma sellae)
- Visual field defect (optic chiasm involvement)
- Diplopia (Cavernous sinus involvement)
- Acute infarction/ expansion (pituitary apoplexy, sudden hemorrhage)
- Disconnection hyperprolactinaemia
S/S of hypopituitarism
- Growth hormone deficiency:
Growth retardation, Lethargy
- Gonadotrophin deficiency:
Lethargy, Loss of libido, Hair loss, Amenorrhea
- ACTH deficiency:
Lethargy, Pallor, Postural hypotension, Hair loss
- TSH deficiency:
Hypothyroidism S/S
- Vasopressin deficiency:
Thirst, polydipsia, polyuria
S/S hyperpituitarism
Cushing’s disease
Hyperprolactinemia: Galactorrhea, Amenorrhea, Hypogonadism
Characteristic sign of pituitary tumor on Cranial XR?
Skull XR: double-flooring due to asymmetrical enlargement
Ddx sellar masses
□ Pituitary adenomas
□ Pituitary carcinomas: very rare
→ Types: germ cell tumours, chordoma, lymphoma, metastatic
□ Craniopharyngiomas: majority in children/young adulthood
□ Other tumours: meningioma, pituicytoma, lymphoma, germ cell tumour, metastatic tumours (esp CA breast, lung)
□ Non-neoplastic masses: Rathke’s cleft cyst, arachnoid cyst, pituitary abscess, carotid-cavernous fistula, hypophysitis
- Site
- Morphology
- Age of onset
- Presentation, S/S
Site: commonly in suprasellar region but can occur intrasellarly
Nature: often cystic, 50% calcified (visible on XR/CT)
→ 50% present in childhood
(more common than pituitary adenoma in young people)
→ 25% presents between 20-40y
→ 25% presents >40y
- Hypopituitarism, eg. growth retardation
- Central DI due to stalk compression
- Visual field defects due to chiasmal compression
- ↑ICP due to 3rd ventricle compression
- Hypothalamic damage, eg. hyperphagia, obesity, loss of thirst sensation, disturbance of temperature regulation
Pituitary adenoma
Size cut-off
Site: usually within sella turcica
Size: microadenoma (<1cm) vs macroadenoma (>1cm)
Functional adenomas:
Glycoprotein-secreting: FSH, LH, TSH
Non-functional adenomas: Hypopituitarism
Clinical presentation of functioning pituitary adenomas
- Prolactinoma: Galactorrhea, Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism - Amenorrhea and Impotence
- GH-secreting adenoma: Acromegaly in adults, Gigantism in children
- ACTH-secreting adenoma: Cushing’s disease
- Glycoprotein-secreting tumors: Secondary hyperthyroidism, Precocious puberty, Ovarian Hyperstimulation syndrome, Hypopituitarism, Local compressive symptoms
Clinical presentation of non-functioning pituitary adenomas
Hypopituitarism (classically GH → FSH/LH → ACTH → TSH)
Local symptoms including headache and visual loss
Clinical diagnosis of functional pituitary adenoma
Hormonal hypersecretion in functional adenomas
→ Prolactinoma: ↑serum prolactin >200ng/mol (usu >10× ULN)
→ Acromegaly: ↑serum IGF-1, non-suppressible GH on OGTT
→ Cushing’s disease: ↑ACTH + ↑cortisol (by ≥2× diagnostic tests)
→ 2o hyperthyroidism: ↑TSH, ↑fT4
→ Gonadotroph tumour: seldom hypersecretes
Radiological diagnosis:
→ Contrast MRI: modality of choice
→ CT: better for calcified tumour (meningioma, craniopharyngioma)
Pituitary apoplexy
□ S/S: sudden onset of excruciating headache (stretching of sella) + diplopia (pressure on CNIII) + hypopituitarism (esp adrenal crisis)
□ Dx: acute blood in pituitary seen on CT/MRI
□ Mx: steroid cover + urgent surgical decompression if
→ Signs of ↑ICP
→ Change in conscious state
→ Evidence of compression on neighbouring structures
Management options of pituitary tumors (functional and non-functional)
Non-functional microadenoma - Observe and FU
Functional adenoma and Non-functional Macroadenoma:
→ Surgical Tx: first-line for all
→ RT: usually as adjunct to surgery
→ Medical Tx: first-line only to prolactinoma
Surgery for pituitary tumor
- Indication
- Approach
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- F/U
□ Indication: all functioning tumours (except prolactinoma) and all macroadenomas
□ Approach:
→ Trans-sphenoidal (route of choice): transnasal endoscopic or sublabial
- Unresectable if compresses/abuts optic pathway or invades cavernous sinus → maximal debulking instead
→ Transfrontal if very large suprasellar extension or severe chiasmal compression
□ Advantages: rapid ↓secretion and ↓size → remission >85% for micro-, 40-50% for macroadenoma
□ Disadvantages:
→ Residual or recurrence esp if macroadenomas (2-8%)
→ Hypopituitarism
→ DI due to surgical injury to stalk or posterior pituitary (may be transient)
□ F/U:
→ Monitor pituitary function for 4-6w for hypopituitarism
→ Post-op imaging at 1y, 2y, 5y, 10y for any recurrence
Radiotherapy for pituitary tumor
- Modalities
- Indication
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
□ Modalities: conventional EBRT or stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) by gamma/X-knife
□ Use:
→ Usually as adjunct to surgery (for residual tumours)
→ May be primary therapy for macroprolactinoma
□ Advantages: restrains tumour growth
□ Disadvantages:
→ Delayed effect on secretion (not used in acute setting)
→ Higher incidence of hypopituitarism
→ Risk of damage to other structures (NOT used if <5mm from optic chiasma)
Medical treatment for pituitary adenoma
- Indication
- Efficacy
- Drug options
□ Use: 1st line for prolactinomas and as adjunct to surgery/RT in others
□ Efficacy:
→ Usually reversible on drug withdrawal
→ No reduction in size except for prolactinomas (by dopamine agonists); 50% of GH/TSH-producing tumours (by somatostatin analogues)
Dopamine agonists, eg. bromocriptine, cabergoline
Somatostatin analogues, eg. octreotide LAR, lanreotide, pasireotide
GH receptor antagonists, eg. pegvisomant
Dopamine agonists for pituitary tumors
Dopamine agonists, eg. bromocriptine, cabergoline
- Prolactinoma: >90% achieve normal prolactin, tumour shrinkage
- Acromegaly: IGF-1 normalized in 10% pt
- FSH-producing tumours: ↓FSH but no effect on tumour size
S/E: constipation, nausea and headaches. hallucinations, peripheral edema, gastrointestinal ulcers, pulmonary fibrosis and psychosis.
- Monitor tumour size by serial MRI
- Monitor prolactin level → taper off after dropping to normal
Somatostatin analogues for pituitary tumors
Somatostatin analogues, eg. octreotide LAR, lanreotide, pasireotide
Use as adjunct to surgery/RT
Octreotide LAR/lanreotide: predominantly act on sstr
→ ↓size and secretion of GH and TSH-producing tumours
→ 60% acromegaly pt achieve normal GH/IGF-1
Pasireotide: high affinity for sstr5,
→ Effective for ACTH-producing tumours
→ more effective for some GH-producing tumours
S/E: 3Gs
- GI side-effects: nausea/vomiting, steatorrhoea, abdominal cramps
- Gallstones due to ↓gallbladder motility
- ↓glucose tolerance due to ↓insulin secretion (hyperGly more common for pasireotide)
GH receptor antagonists for pituitary tumor
GH receptor antagonists, eg. pegvisomant
- 90% normalize IGF-1 in 12mo, 76% in long-term
- No ↓tumour size, no ↓GH level (-ve feedback)
S/E: ↑liver transaminases (5%)
Causes of Hyperprolactinemia
Clinical presentation of hyperprolactinemia
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism due to inhibition on GnRH secretion
→ Female: secondary amenorrhoea, anovulation with infertility, climacteric symptoms, ↓BMD
→ Male: ↓libido, lethargy, erectile dysfunction, infertility
Galactorrhoea due to ↑breast milk production (NOT breast development – due to oestrogen!)
→ Female: can present with milk discharge
→ Male: rarely occur unless gynaecomastia already induced (oestrogen-mediated)
Serum prolactin levels and associated conditions at each level
Define Macroprolactin
- <500mU/L → normal
- 500-1000mU/L → stress, drugs
- 1000-5000mU/L → drugs, microprolactinoma, disconnection prolactinoma
- >5000mU/L → highly suggestive of macroprolactinoma
- >100000mU/L → potential for high-dose hook effect and thus false -ve
Macroprolactin: prolactin bound to IgG Ab
- Cannot cross blood vessel walls → NOT physiologically active
- May cause interference! → use assays that are known not to cross-react
Investigations for Hyperprolactinemia
- Exclude pregnancy if female and child-bearing age
- Serum prolactin levels
- MRI/CT pituitary for pituitary adenoma
- Pituitary hormones: IGF-1, ACTH, FSH/LH/sex hormones
- T4, TSH to exclude 1o hypothyroidism
Treatment of hyperprolactinemia
Dopamine agonist as 1st line, treat if symptomatic or macroadenoma
→ Efficacy: ↓prolactin secretion, ↓size of adenoma in >90%
→ Termination: taper off DA if prolactin normalized + no adenoma by MRI for ≥2y (off when pregnant)
→ S/E: nausea, postural hypotension, mental fogginess, impulse control disorders (hypersexuality, compulsion)
Surgery ± adjuvant RT if failed medical Tx or very large adenoma planning pregnancy
Clinical features
Cause: GH-secreting pituitary adenoma (most), GHRH-secreting hypothalamic tumours, ectopic GHRH/GH secretion by neuroendocrine tumours
Clinical features:
- Pituitary local compressive symptoms: headache, VF defects, CN palsies, hypopituitarism
- GH-excess:
- Soft tissue overgrowth: Coarse facial features, Macroglossia, Malocclusion, OSA, Prognathism
- Acral overgrowth: Large hands with board palms, spatulate fingers, sweaty palms; Large feet with thick heel pads
- Skin changes: Hyperhidrosis, Hirsutism
- Bone: Hypertrophic arthropathy, increase BMD
- Visceromegaly: Goiter, Testiculomegaly
Complications of Acromegaly
Complications: overall mortality 1.72× to general population (mainly due to CVS risk)
- Cardiovascular: HTN, LVH, cardiomyopathy with diastolic HF, CV mortality, VHD
- Metabolic: IGT (40%), T2DM (20%), ↑lipids, ↑Ca, ↑PO4
- Colon: ↑risk of colon CA, polyp, diverticulosis
- Others: ↑risk of other malignancy, renal stones (hypercalciuria)
- hyperprolactinemia (30%) (due to interference with hypothalamic/pituitary blood flow or from cosecretion of PRL)
Investigations for acromegaly
□ Serum IGF-1: elevated
□ OGTT: inadequate GH suppression
Normal → adequate suppression to <1ng/L after 2h
Acromegaly → no suppression or paradoxical increase (30%)
□ Pituitary MRI and pituitary hormone profile
□ Colonoscopy for any colonic tumours
Treatment options for acromegaly
Transsphenoidal surgery (1st line)
→ Postop evaluation: IGF-1 + random GH and MRI at postop 12w
→ Residual disease: repeat OT if resectable or compresses vital structures, otherwise medical or SRS
Medical Rx if not a surgical candidate or incomplete clearance
→ Somatostatin analogues, eg. octreotide, lanreotide
→ GH receptor antagonist, eg. pegvisomant
→ Dopamine agonist if co-secrete prolactin
Stereotactic RT if refractory to medical therapy
Structural causes of hypopituitarism
Structural damage involving hypothalamus, pituitary or stalk
→ Tumours: large pituitary or hypothalamic tumours
→ Trauma: surgery, RT, head injury
→ Infarction: post-partum necrosis (Sheehan’s syndrome), pituitary apoplexy
→ Infiltration: haemosiderosis/haemochromatosis, histiocytosis, sarcoidosis
→ Infection: TB, syphilis, mycosis, toxoplasmosis (in AIDS)
→ Immunological: lymphocytic hypophysitis (spontaneous or induced by cancer immunotherapy), isolated ACTH deficiency (due to anti-ACTH secreting cell Ab)
Congenital causes of hypopituitarism
→ Congenital panhypopituitarism
→ Isolated GH deficiency
→ Isolated LH/FSH deficiency, eg. in Kallmann’s syndrome (may be a/w anosmia)
Functional causes of hypopituitarism
→ Emotional deprivation (GH insufficiency)
→ Anorexia nervosa (LH/FSH ± TSH insufficiency)
Panel of tests for hypopituitarism
- IGF-1, ITT, GST, Arginine- GHrH stimulation test
- Short synacthen test, ITT, 9am serum cortisol
TSH: Thyroid function test
FSH/ LH: Random serum levels
Basal non-stressed prolactin
Treatment of Growth hormone deficiency
GH replacement in children ± adults
Route: SC injection of recombinant GH daily
Indications in adult: impaired QoL + severe GH deficiency → reassess symptoms at 9mo
(defined as peak GH <9mU/L during a stimulation test)
Treatment of Gonadotropin deficiency
Testosterone in M
- Route: usually long-acting IM injections every few weeks
- S/E: CA prostate (screen before starting and at 3mo, 1y), BPH, erythrocytosis, VTE, ?↑CVD risk
Oestrogen ± progestogen in Female in the form of COCP
Gonadotropins for ovulation induction
- Eg. human menopausal gonadotropin (HMG): mainly FSH
- Eg. human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG): mimics LH action
- Eg. recombinant FSH/LH, i.e. follitropin + lutropin α
Treatment for TSH deficiency
T4 replacement (start at 1.6μg/kg) → Should be deferred until cortisol replaced as treatment of hypothyroidism may ↑cortisol clearance → Should aim serum T4 in upper 1/2-2/3 of normal range
Treatment of ACTH deficiency
ACTH deficiency: hydrocortisone replacement (15-25mg/d)
→ Mineralocorticoid NOT required (independent of ACTH)
Diabetes Insipidus
2 subtypes
Diabetes insipidus (DI): characterized by persistent excretion of excessive quantities of dilute urine
□ Cranial DI: deficient ADH production/secretion by pituitary
□ Nephrogenic DI: renal tubules unresponsive to ADH
→ More common, often asymptomatic
→ Only presents during episodes of water deprivation (eg. solute diuresis, ↓water intake)
Familial causes of Diabetes insipidus
Central DI
- Vasopressin prohormone mutation (AD)
- Wolfram syndrome
- PCSK1 deficiency
Nephrogenic DI
- V2 receptor mutation (X-linked)
- Aquaporin 2 mutation (AR)
- Sickle cell trait
Acquired causes of central DI
Traumatic – accidental, surgical
Neoplasm causing damage to pituitary stalk
- Primary – craniopharyngioma, dysgerminoma, meningioma, adenomal
- Secondary – metastasis
Granulomas – TB, sarcoidosis, Langerhans’ histiocytosis, toxoplasmosis…
Infections – meningitis, encephalitis
Vascular – Sheehan’s syndrome, aneurysm, hypoxic encephalopathy
Idiopathic or congenital – Congenital hypopituitarism, septo-optic dysplasia
Acquired causes of nephrogenic DI
Renal tubular damage - Chronic pyelonephritis, APCKD, obstruction…
Metabolic – hypoK, hyperCa
- Lithium carbonate for bipolar disorder
- Drugs causing tubular damage – eg. cisplatin, amphotericin B
- Others: cidofovir, foscarnet, demeclocycline, ifosfamide, ofloxacin, orlistat, didanosine
Gestational DI
Clinical presentation of Diabetes insipidus
Clinical presentation:
□ Polyuria + polydipsia: suspect if >50mL/kg/d (>3000mL for 60kg female)
→ May be masked by associated cortisol deficiency (impairment of diuresis)
□ ± hyperNa: usu high-normal except in impaired thirst mechanism (eg. unconscious, hypothalamic lesion)
Ddx of polyuria + polydipsia
Polyuria as primary defect: urine output > water intake, ↑plasma osmolality
- Solute (osmotic diuresis): DM (esp if hyperGly or on SGLT-2), urea diuresis (post AKI), mannitol, sodium diuresis (post volume expansion, post-obstructive)
- Water diuresis: diabetes insipidus
- Early CKD
- Diuretics
Excessive drinking as primary defect: water intake > urine output, ↓plasma osmolality
→ Primary polydipsia: excessive drinking in pt with psychiatric disease or hypothalamic lesions
Investigations for Diabetes Insipidus
- Chart I/O to document polyuria and rule out obvious alternative causes
- Paired plasma/urine osmolality + plasma electrolytes
- Water deprivation test
Differentiate plasma osm, urine osm, Paired urine/plasma osmolality ratio results between:
Diabetes insipidus
Primary polydipsia
Osmotic diuresis
Water deprivation test
- Indication
- MoA
- Procedure
- Findings
Indication: Suspected* DI
(already diagnostic if Urine: Plasma osmolality ratio <1 or Na conc. >145 + Urine osmolality <300)
Principle: to induce ↑ADH by creating hyperosmolar state and to detect response to ↑ADH
- No fluid intake for 8h (only dry food allowed)
- During test, measure hourly body weight, urine volume and U/P osmolality
- Stop when end-point reached (U/P osmo ratio ≤2 with Plasma osmo > 300) or lose 3% body weight)
- *- Give DDAVP 2μg IM**
- Normal/primary polydipsia = adequate concentration of urine (U/P ratio ≥2)
- DI = plasma osmolality >300, U/P osmo ratio still ≤1.9 (cannot concentrate urine) (i.e. U < 600)
- Cranial DI = ↑ ≥50% urine osmo (adequate urine concentration) after DDAVP
- Nephrogenic DI = no change in urine osmo after DDAVP
Management of cranial DI
Route of administration
Cranial DI: desmopressin (DDAVP)
→ RoA: usually intranasal, PO/sublingual also available
→ S/E: excessive Tx (water intoxication, hypoNa), inadequate Tx (hyperNa)
Management of nephrogenic DI
Route of administration
Nephrogenic DI:
→ Treat underlying cause, eg. stop offending medication
→ Low Na/protein diet + thiazide diuretics ± amiloride
→ NSAIDs (inhibit prostaglandin production (antagonist of ADH action) and thus increase concentrating ability)
→ Consider DDAVP if refractory
Acute post-operative/ Traumatic DI
Clinical presentation
Clinical presentation: follows classical triphasic pattern
→ Polyuric phase (phase I) due to transient DI from hypothalamic dysfunction leading to inhibition of ADH release
- Time frame: begins ≤24h and lasts till 4-5d
→ Antidiuretic phase (phase II) due to release of stored ADH from degenerating posterior pituitary → SIADH
- Time frame: usually d6-11, lasts 2-14d
→ Return of DI (phase III) due to depletion of stored ADH → may be permanent
Management of Acute post-operative/ traumatic DI
Monitor: Chart I/O, Body weight, serum Na, urine osmolality
- Oral hydration or IV hydration with oral DDAVP
- Allow some polyuria between doses and give next dose if previously urine output >200mL/h in successive hours
- Target urine output 1-2L/ Day
- Advise drug holiday if appropriate