JC10 (Medicine) - Hypertension Flashcards
Etiologies of Hypertension
Essential hypertension (95%): → Environmental: high salt intake, heavy alcohol consumption, obesity, lack of exercise, IUGR → Genetics
Secondary hypertension (5%): distinct, identifiable cause
Pathogenesis of hypertension
Mechanism: complex interplay between neurohormonal mechanisms
- Young patients: predominantly ↑SN and ↑RAAS activities → ↑SVR ↑CO
- Elderly patients: predominantly arterial degeneration → ↑SVR
Chronic hypertension causes target organ damage (TOD) in heart, brain, kidneys, vessels
3 methods of BP monitoring/ diagnosis
Office BP: Average of three readings, risk of masked HTN and White-coat hypertension
Home BP monitoring (HBPM): better adherence and correlation with prognosis
Ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM): better accuracy and correlation with prognosis
Diagnosis of white-coat hypertension, masked hypertension and true hypertension
High office BP but normal ABPM/HBPM - white coat hypertension
High office BP and high ABPM/HBPM - True hypertension
Normal office BP but high ABPM/HBPM - Masked Hypertension
Cut-off BP for hypertension stages
Diagnosis of true hypertension
□ Hypertensive crisis, i.e. >180/120
□ Evidence of Target organ damage (TOD) + High BP (≥160/100)
□ High office BP (≥130/80) confirmed by HBPM/ABPM
Presentation of hypertension
□ Asymptomatic (incidental finding)
□ ↑BP: headache, dizziness, palpitations, easy fatigability, impotence
□ HTN vascular disease: epistaxis, haematuria, blurring of vision, episodes of weakness/dizziness, angina, dyspnoea
□ S/S of 2o cause
Risk factors of cardiovascular disease
Previous history of CVD
Low HDL-C <1 mmol/L
Age: ≥45y (M) or ≥55y (F)
Premature CHD in first degree relatives
Outline history taking questions for hypertension
□ Age: consider 2oHTN <35y or >55y
□ Duration of HTN and previous BP levels
□ Family Hx of HTN: essential HTN
□ Other risk factors: smoking, DM, lipid disorders, FHx of early CVD deaths
□ Lifestyle: diet, physical activity, family status, work
Outline physical exams for hypertension
□ BP/P: bilateral arms, supine and standing
□ BMI and waist circumference
□ CVS: standard + palpation/auscultation of all peripheral arteries
□ Fundus
Target organ damage (see pic)
First-line investigations for hypertension
→ RFT and electrolytes: baseline renal function test, r/o renal parenchymal disease,
→ Hormone: hyperAldosteronmism and hyperPTH
→ Lipid profile for dyslipidemia
→ Serum fasting glucose: r/o DM
→ ± serum urate: baseline and look for hyperuricaemia
Urinalysis: haematuria (r/o renal disease), UACR (albuminuria)
ECG: LVH, MI, cardiac failure, heart block
Echocardiogram: for LVH
Calculation of 10y CVD risk
Causes of secondary hypertension
Aetiology: DANCER □ Drugs □ Apnoea □ Neurological: ↑ICP, stress, others □ Coarctation of aorta
□ Endocrine:
→ Thyroid: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism
→ Adrenals: Cushing’s, Conn’s, phaeochromocytoma
→ Parathyroid: hyperparathyroidism
→ Others: pre-eclampsia, acromegaly
□ Renal:
→ Renal vascular: renal artery stenosis (RAS)
→ Renal parenchymal: GN, polycystic kidney, kidney failure
List drugs that can cause secondary hypertension
SN-related/ psychiatric: caffeine, amphetamines/ cocaine, levodopa, MAOI, antidepressants, decongestants
Fluid retention: OCP, anabolic steroids, mineralocorticoids, corticosteroids
Immunosuppressants (cyclosporine)
NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitors
Alcohol, nicotine
Anti-cancer: chemotherapy, angiogenesis inhibitor, TKIs
Indicators of secondary hypertension
→ Age of onset: <30y or diastolic HTN for ≥65y
→ Severity: accelerated or malignant HTN, disproportionate TOD for degree of HTN
→ Course: abrupt onset, drug-resistant or exacerbation of previously controlled HTN
- Unprovoked or excessive hypoK (thiazide diuretics use)
- Renal HTN: palpable kidney, renal bruit, abnormal urinalysis
- Endocrine: S/S of phaeochromocytoma, unexplained hypoK, signs of Cushing’s sundrome
- Coarctation: radiofemoral delay
primary aldosteronism and secondary hypertension
- Clinical features
- Indications for screening
- Screening tests
Renal artery stenosis and secondary HTN
- Clinical features
- Indications for screening
- Screening tests