Jasmine Elizalde- CH 14 Vocab. Flashcards
Interest group
A collection of people or organizations that tries to influence public policy. Sentence: The interest groups were trying to influence my family.
American Anti-Slavery Society
A major interest group, founded in 1833, to advocate for the abolition of the institution of slavery throughout the United States. Sentence: The American Anti-Slavery Society wanted to abolish slavery, especially in the South.
Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
- A public interest group created in 1874 with the goal of outlawing the sale of liquor. It’s activities included prayer groups, protests marches, lobbying, and the destruction of saloons. Sentence: The WCTU made many gentleman mad since they wanted to ban liquor.
The Grange
Founded in 1867 as an educational organization for farmers, The Grange evolved into the first truly national interest group by working to protect the political and economic concerns of farming communities and rural areas.
Sentence: The Grange allowed my grandfather to practice new ways to grow crops.
interest group representative who seeks to influence legislation that will benefit his or her organization or client through political and/or financial persuasion.
Sentence: Trump’s campaign was influenced by lobbyist donations.
Progressive movement
a broad group of political and social activists from the 1890s to the 1920s who opposed corruption in government, supported regulation of monopolies, and sought improvement of socioeconomic conditions.
Sentence: The progressive movement allowed for there to be stricter rules on major corporations.
Public interest group
an organization that seeks a collective good that if achieved will not selectively and materially benefit group members.
Sentence: If the public gets in agreement with gas prices dropping it will benefit everyone in the group.
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Founded in 1886, the AFL brought skilled workers from several trades together into one stronger national organization for the first time. It merged in 1955 with the Congress of Industrial Organizations to form the AFL-CIO. Sentence:The American Federation of labour helped workers from different trades to get to gether to help them from being taken advantage of from bigger corporations.
National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)
An organization founded in 1895 by manufacturers to combat the growth of organized labor.
Sentence: NAM Helped reduce the inequality in combating the other side of the conflict.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
A major pro-business lobbying group founded in 1912. Sentence: The chamber of commerce is where a lot of business ideas are discussed.
Trade association
A group that represents a specific industry.
Sentence:I use a trade association to give me a better connection with certain industries.
Jerry Falwell
A Southern Baptist minister who, in 1978, founded the conservative religious interest group the Moral Majority.
Sentence:Jerry Falwell was a reverend who founded the group that was no longer existing in the 1980s.
Moral Majority
A conservative religious interest group credited with helping to mobilize conservative Evangelical Christian voters from its founding in 197 through the presidency of Ronald Regan. Sentence: The group of Moral Majority was destroyed in the late 1980s and this void was filled by Robertson.
Pat Roberston
A Southern Baptist minister and television evangelist who ran for president in 1988 and in 1989 founded the conservative religious interest group the Christian Coalition. Sentence:Pat Robertson has grown in power and influence or his creation in 1989.
Christian Coalition
A religious interest group founded in 1989 to advance conservative christian principles and traditional values in American politics. Sentence:The Christian Coalition has grown since 1989 and has influenced members of the evangelical church.
National Rifle Association (NRA)
the major gun rights lobbying group in the US which opposes gun control and advances and expansive interpretation of the second amendment. Sentence: The NRA is a potent player in the political process.
large labor union founded in 1955 by the merging of he american federation of labor and its one-time riala the congress of industrial of organizations (CIO). sentence:The AFL-CIO channeled its energies into pressuring the government to protect concessions won from employers at the bargain table.
Social capital
cooperative relationships that facilitate the resolution of collective problems. Sentence:The involvement of community groups in activities with others of like interests enhances the level of social capital.;
Civic virtue
tendency to form small-scale associations for the public good. Sentence:Being able to work for the collective good creates public good, and civic virtue.
Pluralist theory
theory that political power is distributed among a wide array of diverse and competing interest groups. Sentence:David B Truman agrees with the pluralist theory.
Disturbance theory
theory that public policies are the result of narrowly defined exchanges or transactions among political actors. Sentence:The approach of disturbance theory is where groups form as a result of changes in the political system.
Transactions theory
theory that public policies are the result of narrowly defined exchanges or transactions among political actors. Sentence:Transaction theory arose out of criticisms of pluralists approach.
Collective good
something of values that cannot be withheld from a non member of a group, for ex., a tax write off of a better environment. Sentence:Collective goods cause people to join groups for the benefits.
Economic interest group
group with the primary purpose of promoting the financial interests of its members. Sentence:Economic interest groups promote financial interests of their members/
Political action committee (PAC)
officially recognized fund organization that represents interest groups and is allowed by federal law to make contributions directly to candidates’ campaigns. Sentence:The PACs were formed by businesses, labor unions, and interest groups.
activities of a group or organizations that seek to persuade political leaders to support the group’s position. Sentence:Lobbying allows groups to pursue their policy agendas by persuading leaders to support their position.
Marian Wright Edelman
lawyer who in 1973 founded the Children’s Defense Fund to protect the rights of children, particularly those who are members of disadvantaged groups. Sentence: Marian W.E is considered a notable leader of the WCTU.
person who finances a group or individual activity. Sentence: Governments, foundations and rich people can be patrons.
Free rider problem
potential members who fail to join a group because they can get the benefit, or collective good, sought by the group without contributing to the effort. Sentence: the greatest free rider problem is the National Governors Association.
Lobbying Disclosure Act
a 1995 federal law that employed a strict definition of lobbyist requirements on the activities of lobbyist. Sentence:The Lobbying Disclosure Act made it easier for watchdog groups of monitor lobbying activities.
Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007
lobbying reform banning gifts to members of Congress and their staffs, toughening disclosure requirements, and increasing time limits on moving from the federal to the private sector. Sentence: The Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 was an attempted remedy of lobbying scandals.