Japanese Remembering 4 Flashcards
Includes, contains, comprises of
含む ふくむ
To respect, honour, esteem
重んじる おもんじる
Come around, go around
巡る めぐる
To inhale, breathe in, absorb
吸い込む すいこむ
To pin down, hold, comprehend, catch
抑える おさえる
To be renewed, change, be reformed, take a serious turn
改まる あらたまる
To give, bestow, provide, supply, cause
与える あたえる
To grant (a wish), meet requirements
叶える かなえる
To fit in (a box), to fall within/be contained within, to be settled
収まる おさまる
To succeed in doing, manage to do
果せる おおせる
Outward appearance
外見 がいけん
Emission (of light), radiance
発光 はっこう
Part, role, duties
役割 やくわり
Damage, injury, harm
被害 ひがい
World, society, people, the public
世間 せけん
Achievement, distinguished service, contribution
功績 こうせき
Details, particulars
詳細 しょうさい
Completion, perfection
完成 かんせい
Permission, approval
許可 きょか
Will, volition, intent, determination
意志 いし