Japanese Reading 2 Flashcards
安心 あんしん
Peace of mind, relief
医学 いがく
Medical science, medicine
伺う うかがう
Call on (someone, a place)
Pay a visit
Wait on someone
2) to ask, inquire
3) to hear, be told
火事 かじ
片付ける かたづける
To tidy up, straighten, put away
課長 かちょう
Section manager, section chief
絹 きぬ
空気 くうき
Air, atmosphere
Mood, situation
2) someone with no presence, who doesn’t stand out
校長 こうちょう
高等学校 こうとうがっこう
Senior high school
差し上げる さしあげる
To give, offer
Hold up
支度 したく
Preparation, arrangements
Often used for dinner
社長 しゃちょう
Company President, manager, director
出席 しゅっせき
Attendance, presence, appearance
出発 しゅっぱつ
招待 しょうたい
邪魔 じゃま
Disturbance, obstacle, nuisance, hindrance
邪魔する - be in the way
邪魔しないで - leave me alone
空く すく
To become less crowded, thin out, get empty
随分 ずいぶん
育てる そだてる
Bring up, raise, rear
漬ける つける
To soak, dip, steep
鳴る なる
To sound, ring, resound, echo, roar
苦い にがい
日記 にっき
Diary, journal
熱心 ねっしん
Zealous, enthusiastic, ardent, keen, eager
勉強熱心 hardworking
熱心に勉強する - study hard
林 はやし
Woods, forest
反対 はんたい
Opposition, resistance, hostility
非常に ひじょうに
Very, extremely, exceedingly
非常 alone can also be emergency
部長 ぶちょう
Section chief
2) head of a (school) club/team
褒める ほめる
To praise, commend, compliment
参る まいる
1) to come
2) to be defeated
3) to be annoyed, nonplussed
4) to be madly in love
> に参ってる
迎える むかえる
1) to go out to meet (迎えに行く)
2) to receive, welcome, greet, salute
3) to claim, accept (as member)
木綿 もめん
As expected, sure enough
After all, in the end, as one would expect, in any case
2) Still, all the same
輸出 ゆしゅつ
Export, exportation
(Can be verb too)
輸入 ゆにゅう
Import, importation
任せる まかせる
To leave it to (someone)
任せて - trust me
想像に任せる - leave it to imagination
集中力 しゅうちゅうりょく
維持する いじする
Maintain, preserve
平和 へいわ
記録 きろく
Record, document (also verb)
誤解 ごかい
内容 ないよう
Content (inside something)
解決する かいけつする
To solve (problems)
能力 のうりょく
余計 よけい
- (all the) more, extra, spare, too much
- Unnecessary, needless, uncalled-for
“余計なおせっかいだ” mind your business
症状 しょうじょう
稼ぐ かせぐ
To earn (money)
訂正する ていせいする
To correct
講師 こうし
Tutor (in a juku)
名人 めいじん
専門家 せんもんか
大家 たいか
Master, authority, leading figure
“彼は物理学の大会です” = he is the authority on physics
博士 はかせ
Doctor (expert with phD)
減らす へらす
To decrease
照明 しょうめい
Prove, demonstrate, testify, verify
To tangle, get tangled
2) to trip over, have poor control over (feet, tongue)
- to speak unclearly, slur one’s words, lisp, pronounce poorly
迷う まよう
-> 道に迷う
—> 迷い
To get lost, lose one’s way
2) to waver, hesitate, be puzzled
3) to give into temptation, lose control of oneself
4) to be charmed, infatuated
-> to lose one’s way
—> hesitation, bewilderment, perplexity, doubt, indecision
—> 2) illusion, delusion
Anyhow, in any case, at any rate, after all, no matter what
“どうせ行くんでしょ” = you’re going to go no matter what, aren’t you?
単位 たんい
Credit (school)
2) unit, denomination
“ポンドは重さの単位である” = a pound is a unit of weight
一定 いってい (also いちじょう)
Fixed, settled, constant, definite, defined, certain
“君はそれを一定の間隔を置いて練習すべきだ” = you have to practice it at regular intervals
間隔 かんかく
Interval, space
“15分間隔” = 15 minute intervals
返却 へんきゃく
Return of something, repayment
変更 へんこう
Change, modification, alteration, revision, amendment
期限 きげん
Time frame, period, term
2) time limit, deadline
Phrases for “on time”
- 期限を守って
- 期限内(ない)
検討 けんとう
Consideration, examination, investigation, scrutiny, discussion, analysis, review
Properly, exactly, precisely
2) neat, tidy, clean
As, with
“As ___, (something happens)”
年齢 ねんれい
重ねる かさねる
To pile up, heap up, put on top of one another
3) to repeat many times, go through repeatedly
“恵子が手際よく食器を重ねて、シンクへ運んでゆく” = Keiko deftly piles up the cutlery and takes them to the sink.
“彼は悪事を重ねた” = he committed one crime after another
手際よく てぎわよく
Efficiently, skilfully, adeptly, deftly (does something)
食器 しょっき
Tableware, dishes
There’s no point in ___
誠実 せいじつ
Honest, sincere
仲直り なかなおり
Reconciliation, make peace with
曲げる まげる
To bend, curl, arch
髪を溶かす とかす
To brush, comb, untangle, unravel
歯を磨く みがく
Brush teeth
故意的 こいてき
自明 じめい
Obvious, self-evident, self-explanatory
初心者 しょしんしゃ
閉じ込める とじこめる
To lock up, shut up, imprison, be stuck in
逆 ぎゃく
逆に ぎゃくに
Opposite, reverse
Conversely, on the contrary
褒美 ほうび
追う おう
To chase, run after, pursue
2) to drive out, get rid of, expel, relocate
確認 かくにん
Confirm, verify, check, validate, identify
余裕 よゆう
To afford something
To do something easily
(Verb)余裕 - afford to do / can easily do
お小遣い おこづかい
Allowance, pocket money, personal expenses
贅沢 ぜいたく
Luxury, extravagance, to indulge oneself