Japanese Reading 3 Flashcards
地球 ちきゅう
The Earth
不時着 ふじちゃく
Emergency landing
開く ひらく
1) to open, unseal
2) to hold (a party)
後押し あとおし
Standing behind, backing, supporting
(Usually with する after)
最終的 さいしゅうてき
Finally, ultimately
次第 しだい
Depending on __
状態 じょうたい
Condition (eg. of a person, house etc)
事情 じじょう
Circumstance, situation
(eg. I understand your situation)
環境 かんきょう
(Lit. The environment & a ‘certain’ environment)
事態 じたい
Current situation
2. By self (eg. Decided myself)
自ら みずから
In person, personally
Long ago, already (something happened)
1) went to great pains for
2) especially (because)
3) kind (の)
To do one good, be beneficial (for the body)
2) to stand in someone else’s shoes
It appears as if, it seems like, I’m afraid (something is)
Nevertheless, at any rate, all the same, all things considered, be that as it may
As soon as possible
Like water on a plank
> expression for fluency in a language
> eloquence
To save face, to maintain status
告げる つげる
To tell
別れを告げる - to say goodbye, take leave
下がる さがる
1) to come down (eg. A fever)
2) “to take hat off (for someone’s hard work)” - 頭が下がる
3) to step back - in —歩
応える こたえる
1) answer to eg. Expectations (期待)
2) to meet eg. Demand (需要 じょゆう)
飢える うえる
To starve
務まる つとまる
to be fit for, to be qualified for, to be able to fulfil one’s duty as
耽る ふける
1) to indulge in, to give oneself up to, to be obsessed with
2) to be engrossed in
快楽 かいらく に耽った
集う つどう
To gather in a place, to assemble, meet at
免れる まぬがれる
To escape
2) to avoid, evade (punishment)
To regret
悩む なやむ
To suffer, be troubled, be bothered
厄介 やっかい
Trouble, nuisance, burden, troubles (厄介なこと)
企画 きかく
Project, plan
罪 つみ
Crime, sin, wrongdoing
2) guilt (of doing something)
勝利 しょうり
Victory, triumph, conquest, success, win
配慮 はいりょ
(Having) Consideration for, concern, attention
確率 かくりつ
Probability, likelihood, chances
万全 ばんぜん
Perfection, flawlessness
距離 きょり
Distance, range
解放 かいほう
Release, liberation, setting free, letting go
処理 しょり
Handling, dealing with, processing
降参 こうさん
Surrender, submission, being defeated, giving in
共同 きょうどう
Collaboration, association, partnership
(Often with で)
不始末 ふしまつ
Omission, failure, incompleteness
2) misconduct, malpractice
Endless, boundless, immeasurable
論外 ろんがい
Out of the question, outrageous, impossible
Much less (something else)
稀 まれ
Rare, seldom
極めて きわめて
Exceedingly, extremely, decisively
(に)不慣れ ふなれ
Inexperienced, unfamiliar with, lacking experience
等しい ひとしい
Equal, identical, the same
に等しかった - equivalent to
劣る おとる
To be inferior to, to be less good at, to fall behind
-に劣らない (no less than)
-にも劣らぬくらい (as _ as any else)
本来 ほんらい
Originally, primarily
By nature, essentially, intrinsically
制御 せいぎょ
Control (of a machine, an opponent, one’s emotions), management, keeping in check
偶然 ぐうぜん
Coincidence, chance, accident
By chance, unexpectedly, accidentally
接触 せっしょく
Touch, contact, in touch (with)