Japanese Reading 4 Flashcards
含む ふくむ
To contain, to include
To respect, to honour, to esteem
巡る めぐる
To go around (explore)
吸い込む すいこむ
To inhale, breathe in, to absorb
押さえる おさえる
To pin down, to hold down
To hold (open), to keep in check (temper)
改まる あらたまる
To be renewed, to change, to be reformed, improved, corrected
与える あたえる
To give, bestow, grant
To provide, offer, supply
叶える かなえる
To grant (request, wish), to answer (prayer)
収まる おさまる
To fit into, to be contained in, to fall within
2) to settle (into)
仰る おおせる
To succeed in doing, to manage to do, to finish doing
外見 がいけん
(Outward) appearance
発光 はっこう
Emission of light, radiation, luminescence
役割 やくわり
Role, part, assignment
被害 ひがい
Damage, injury, harm
世間 せけん
World, society, people, the public
功績 こうせき
Achievement, deed, distinguished service, contribution
詳細 しょうさい
Details, particulars, specifics
完成 かんせい
Completion, perfection, accomplishment
許可 きょか
Permission, approval, authorisation, license
意志 いし
Will, intent, determination
Quick-witted, quick to understand
人目につく ひとめにつく
To be within others’ sight, to be visible, to attract public attention
足を引っ張る あしをひっぱる
To hold back from achievement, to stand in the way of
In contrast to one’s appearance
To catch someone’s words
At once, immediately
To go through, to suffer, to experience
所詮 しょせん
After all, in the end, anyway
2) (cannot) possibly, (not) at all/by any means/chance
Soon, shortly, before long, in a short time
As they’re called, the so-called
Doubt, question, uncertainty
背景 はいけい
Background, scenery, setting
構想 こうそう
Plan, plot, idea, conception, vision
生涯 しょうがい
Life, lifetime, career, entire life
甘言 かんげん
Sweet words, smooth talk, flattery
話題 わだい
Topic, subject, much talked about, topical, in the news
決意 けつい
Decision, determination, resolution
内緒 ないしょ
Secrecy, confidentiality, privacy, secret
禁物 きんもつ
Thing that should be avoided, definitely not to do, forbidden thing, taboo
上等 じょうとう
Superior, first-class, top quality
不思議 ふしぎ
Wonderful, marvelous, strange, incredible, mysterious
2) strangely enough, oddly enough
懐かしい なつかしい
Dear (old), fondly remembered, missed, nostalgic
好都合 こうつごう
Convenient, favourable
Small, tiny, insignificant, modest
照れる てれる
To be shy, bashful, feel awkward/embarrassed
求める もとめる
To want, wish for, demand, request
定める さだめる
To decide, determine, establish, lay down, prescribe
控える ひかえる
To refrain, abstain, hold back
2) to be in waiting/preparation for
惑わす まどわす
To bewilder, perplex, puzzle, delude, mislead, deceive
2) to tempt, seduce
体調 たいちょう
Physical condition, state of health