IV Start Flashcards
What things might allow a IV catheter to move inside the vein and cause phlebitis?
IV insertion over a site of flexion, inadequate taping/unsecured IV
What are reasons why a hematoma may occur with insertion?
Angle too great, IV inserted with too much force, catheter is too large, and failure to lower the angle when entering vein.
What are some ways we can dilate veins in the arm?
Dangling arm, heat, gentle rubbing, relaxation.
Leaving the tourniquet on for longer than 2-3 minutes causes?
Vein fatigue
What size gauge should be used for blood product administration or a major surgery?
What size gauge should be used for blood admin or a minor surgery?
What size gauge is okay for IVF IV meds and suitable for most adults?
What size gauge should be used for children?