Italy booklet 5 Flashcards
Criteria for Mussolini
.Fascist support .Youth .Propaganda-methods .Party membership size .policies .violence .opposition .compromise .overall success
What changes were there to curriculum
- more religious, compulsory RE in elementary schools 1923, 1929 for secondary schools
- Cult of Mussolini
Portrait of Mussolini in classrooms
Pray to Mussolini twice a day - Govt intervention
1926 101 textbooks banned, Libro Unico introduced
Dialects banned
Control over teachers
1925 public employees who didn’t believe in fascism dismissed
1929 teacher took oath of loyalty to fascist party
1931 all teachers association merged in a Fascist Association Membership
1937 Fascist association membership made compulsory
Fascism and Universities
Not really touched
Teenages were already likely to be fascist due to their indoctrination within schools and the Balilla
Youth- what values did the fascist want them to have?
OBEY nationalistic enthusiastic disciplined despises fear passionate Love Mussolini
Fascist Youth groups
Figil Della Lupa B+G 6-8 yrs Ballila B 8-14 yrs Avanguardisti B 15-18 yrs Piccole Italiane G 8-12 yrs Giovani Italiane G 13-18 yrs
What was the OND and what was its significance
OND- Opera Nazionale Dopolvoro
It kept a closer relationship between the population and Fascism
Got involved with Italian leisure time and working lives
Increased the popularity of fascism
Membership: 1926-300000, 1935- 2.4 million, 1939- 4 million
-Allowed fascits to manipulate puplic opinion
-boosted support
-Could boast about sports success (like 12 gold medals in olympics 1932)
-Prove Italy was prospering under M+ Fascist control
The Cult of Il Duce
Cult of Mussolini
. Aimed to show M as an ideal leader with no fault
. M was the leader each individual Italian wanted him to be
. Increased popularity of M and fascism
. Shown as the perfect role model
. 3000 images of M
But: M spent more time on poster than policies, he got too involved in this false persona
Used for: propaganda and censorship
Mostly fascist editors that controlled the news, so didn’t really need fascist intervention
Success/failures: Before 1925 fascists could be criticised
Newspapers not allowed to publish anti-fascits messages
But- Catholic newspapers till present, sometimes would be against the fascist message
A means of propaganda Neo classicists- ancient rome like Modernistic- geometric Promoted Italy and strong Govt controlled art through competitions Artists joined Professional and Artists, 50 exhibitions a year
Fascist plot lines- not direct propaganda, subtle
Cinecitta- Italy’s hollywood
But no guarantee people would pick up the fascist plot lines
STrong powerful buildings=fascist power futuristic designs Showed strength EUR largest building project of monuments and homes the people liked this Intrigued people into fascism
Anti- semetism, why did this start
. Increasing closeness with Nazis
. Mussolini recognised Jewish resistance to Fascism across europe
. Fear that jews couldn’t be loyal in war
. Jewish french PM Blum was critical of Italy
. Justice and Liberty, anti-fascist group whose leaders were jewish
Forms of Fascist Opposition outside of Italy
. The Communist Party
Resistance in the north and organised strikes
infiltrated Italian factories
. Work in exile
Major politicians left Italy in 1924
Anti fascist volunteers actively fighting in Spain
. Anti Fascist concentration
Socialists and Libs
focused on informing Europeans of the evils of fascism
Would spread anti fascist material
Internal opposition to Fascists
“we want berad and jobs”
Turin March 1943
Trieste protest in 1933
.Assassination attempts
Muso attemps 25 in rome, 26 in bologna, but some were staged to make M appear strong
. Non comformity
didn’t comply
Arturo Bocchini
1926 Public Security Decree gave govt appointed prefects the power to place under police supervision anyone who was considered a political threat.
Law of the Defence of the state- anyone accused of political crimes could be tried
formed in 1927 by Bocchini
Would spy on Italians and prevent anti fascist activities
5000 members
by 1939: 130 000 suspected, 4000 of them arrested and sent to prison
Militia helped in creating fear, they had 50 000 members.
Confino- imprisonment
Around 10 000 Italians sent to confino and hundreds arrested every weak for anti fascist activities
Regime only carried out 9 death sentences