issues of life and death Flashcards
Environmental sustainability
Ensuring that demands placed on natural resources can be met without reducing capacity to allow all people and other species of animals and plants to live well now and in the future
Christian teachings on abortion
Thou shall not kill-
Sanctity of life-Life is sacred
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
Many Conservative Christians believe life starts at conception and believe that abortion is wrong under any circumstance
Abortion makes life look cheap and disposable, going against sanctity of life
Liberal Christians- Under some circumstances, mother should be allowed abortion, “love thy neighbour” mother could be considered neighbour, we should have empathy for her
“forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against against us
Humanists on abortion
Salvita Halappanavar, died after not being granted abortion
The woman should be able to choose what she wants to do with her body
They don’t believe in a higher power, so they don’t believe embryos have a soul
Muslim attitudes to abortion
Some Musims believe that abortion is allowed under circumstances, they take the mother’s wellbeing into consideration
Many will allow abortion if mother’s life is in danger
Many will not allow after ensoulment, “whoever kills a soul, it is like they have killed humankind entirely”
Christian views on euthanasia
Some Christians are against euthanasia
Life is sacred and a gift from God, sanctity of life,
“Why should you die before your time?”
Come to me, all who labor, and I will give you rest, God will reward those who see it through their illness
Christian views on creation
Many Christians believe that God made everything in this world
For by him all things were created
Intelligent design
Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made
Christian views on the afterlife
Most Christians believe in life after death
And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life
Some Christians are dualists and believe we are made of two parts- body and soul, and these two things are separated after death
- And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.
Christian views on environmental sustainability
The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.
Humans have a dominion over animals, Bible allowed people to sacrifice animals
- The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it
Christian views on evolution
All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Humanist views on creation
Scientific evidence doesn’t have enough evidence that there’s a hugher power
Big bang
Some believe the world formed by itself in a slow gradual way
Theory of evolution
Christian attitudes on stewardship
Christians believe that it is our duty to take care of the earth
God created humans to rule over the world
God placed Adam and Eve to care for the Garden of Eden
We should have respect for all living things
Muslim attitudes on stewardship
Islam teaches that human life holds a very sacred status, that no other living thing holds
We are Allahs trustees (khalifas) appointed to take care of the world and rule it as God would wish
“The earth is green and beautiful. God has appointed you his stewards over it”
Prophet Muhammad said animals must be treated with care
A prostitute gave a dog water on a very hot day and all her sins were forgiven
Muslim views on stewardship
Islam teaches that humans uphold a special status that no other living being holds, however we should treat and respect other living beings.
“The earth is green and beautiful, God has appointed you his stewards over it.”
A prostitute gave water to a dog on a hot day and all her sins were forgiven, Allah will reward you for
treating animals well
Haram to eat pork
Humanists view on stewardship
Humanists believe that it is our responsibility to keep the earth environmentally friendly, but not because God has placed us on the earth to do so
Muslim views on euthanasia
“whoever kills a soul, it is like they have killed humankind entirely”
No matter what state the body is in, the soul is still perfect and that is what matters to Allah