Issues & Debates Flashcards
Gender Bias
[~] Beta bias disadvantages women as pursuit for equality benefits those in power (Hare-Mustin and Maracek)
[Sol] Empower women through research that contests stereotypes and supports strengths (Cornwall et al.)
[Sol] Feminist psychology argues that women’s studied inferiority is due to stereotypes, and this can be used to elevate them (Eagly (1978))
Culture Bias
[~] Amplifies / validates harmful stereotypes (US Army used a culturally loaded IQ test that portrayed African-Americans at the bottom)
[Sol] Indigenous Psychologies, like Afrocentrism, study behaviour based on context and attitude of people’s roots. More emic approach.
[Sol] Culture divide no longer applies due to globalisation. Smith & Bond versus Takano and Osaka (14/15 no evidence for indiv/collec split in Asch-like research)
Free Will V. Determinism
Nature Vs. Nurture
Holism & reductionism
Idiographic Vs. Nomothetic
Ethical Implications
[+] Kiney interviewed 5000 men and 6000 women anonymously about sexual behaviour. Led to homosexuality being removed from DSM 29 years later.
Romanian orphan studies.
[+] Important in informing public policy. Info given to ONS and local governments to create fair policies.
[-] Poor research design creates erroneous results that linger in the public domain. E.g. Cyril Burt’s work