Issue 4 Questions Flashcards
What factors could you consider when comparing globalization’s effects on quality of life?
- Clean env’t
- Health food/water
- Healthcare/education
- Human rights
- Standard of living: measures the material things, such goods, services, and luxuries that we can buy/have.
What role does standard of living have on quality of life?
Standard of living is one aspect of QoL. SoL is a common measure of the quantity/quality of material things, like goods and services and luxuries, one has access to.
Ex: Water quality, shelter, enviornment -> different for everyone.
Quality of life includes these material things but also includes non-material things, such as political and religious freedom, health care, education, and the evnironment.
But, it’s hard to define because it is based on socities’ beliefs and values. QoL for Aboriginese includes the right to a traditional way of life.
Can be used to measure QoL.
Is the HDI a good indicator on quality of life? What are its pros and cons?
Yes? The UN HDI uses: GDP Index, life expectancy Index, knowledge index
Pros: - pretty diverse
Cons: - do not represent everyone, like FIrst Nations (outliers) - no (gender) equality measures - can’t make direct assumptions using HDI
GPI is an alternative system.
GDP per capita too: indicates general health of the economy. Is the value in US dollars of all goods produced and services provided in a country’s economy in one year. Divided by country’s average population in same year.
How are human rights, democratization, and globalization related?
Globalization has increased—the policy of countries working together for a common good. For instance, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by UN has many democratic rights, states the human rights every person is entitled to (inalienable).
How have human rights been internationalized?
Example: formation of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, states the human rights every person is entitled to (inalienable).
How has globalization helped to spread democracy?
Leaders of governments realized that to be recognized by other countries they need to “govern with the consent of the governed”. They need to govern democratically and with the approval of the citizens that live there.
Pressure to act on this grows as interconnectedness increases. Many people feel democracy is a human right and an important factor in QoL.
What are criticisms of the globalization of the democracy?
- Powerful inidivduals, including dictators, do a better job at providing people with a way of life.
- Although, many have local pro-democracy movements. Oppressed. Burma: leader under house arrest, under constant survelliance, and fear of never being able to return
- Lending to oppressive regimes financially
In what way does globalization affect the lives of the children and youth?
Lack of employable skills and economic globalization means the rise of work poor families. Low skill-jobs = little income. Children work to help families = no education/school.
Cycle of poverty continues.
But, Internet > awareness > legislation > Convention on the Rights of the Child
Are children and youth identity the same around the world?
No, in Western, our way of how children should live has spread: risk free, enjoyable.
Latin American children focus on less on education, welfare, even housing, because less spending of government on programs.
How has globalization encouraged children and youth employment, children soldiers, and education opportunities?
Globalization -> economic competition -> producers lower goods’ price for advantage -> through children and youth employment cost of producing
Children get lower wages, are easily exploited, some rooted in societal traditions, and can’t protest.
In what ways does globalization affect the lives of women?
Globalization = awareness of women’s concerns, but still lots of obstacles. Tied to globalization and traditional roles. Share the responsibility to take care of household.
Mixed opinions on whether globalization help or lower obstacles.
Then, UN developed IANWGE
Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality
What challenges and opportunities are there in educating girls?
In many cultures, women are responsible for the household with the mother. Or child marriage. Some resist education (seen as a threat) and also can’t afford by sending only boys to school.
- pass on knowledge
- seek employment
- ^ QoL ^ SoL for family and economy of country
- better family health
- less infant mortality
- better women’s rights
What opportunities and challenges exist for women and the workplace?
Opportunities: allows more women to find in work in TNCs in their countries (more opportunity), more available jobs
Challenges: - Low skill - Poorly paid - Long hours, difficult conditions - “Women’s work” (child care, housekeeping, meal prep) - Not allowed to mix genders
Solution: - NGOs - Entrepreneurship (work for themselves, less worry) - Employment Equity, a thing in NA and Europe
In what ways has globalization’s infleunce on migration and technology affected people?
Modern mobility = wide spread solcial/cultural changes > Multicultural communities/identity: keep links across borders
Can keep in touch with home countries through technology and media. A lot of these communities become transnational communities.
How has globalization affects transnationals?
Globalization means immigrants maintain contact and can visit friends/family or connect at home.
Ex: Internet, cell phones, low-cost air travel, easy money transfer
TRANSNATIONAL NETWORKS: Extend across 1+ border, and create social, political, social, and economic links across the world.
(A cycle) Internet: info > Low cost air travel -> Cyber-tech: money transfer -> Cell phone: comms.
What are some of the effects of migration on Canadian communities?
Immigrants settle in big cities where others have settled. Cultural diversity.
In BC, predict 1/3 visible minority -> highest in CA (growing minorities)
Richmond/Vancouver -> Hong Kong investors, many are dual nationals
In what ways do changes in global agriculture affect people?
Pesticides? Chemicals–preserve or taste?
This is the question regarding biotechnology: using biology to create products. Started in 1960s and 1970s and created a new era of agriculture. Higher-quality products.
How have genetically modified foods provided both promises and risks?
PROS: Hardier, higher yielding, better quality, better quantity and nutrition, avilable = less shortages, less presticides, more biodegradability
CONS: (uncertain) new allergies, alter genes, less biodiversity, monopoly, no legislation, may harm people
Done on vaccines, medicines, and foods like rice, corn, and soybeans.
In what ways do globalization facilitate the spread of pandemics?
International trade, agricultural trade, global travel.
How was avian flu a pandemic waiting to happen?
Domestic poultry from SE Asia in 2003 -> 2 years to humans -> 2006, China/Middle East/Russia/EU/AFrica
No immunity, protection, vaccine (because globalization)
Some argue that it’s not problematic as it was only limited or risky to people in bird markets.
What civic responsibilities do invidividuals and organizations have in relation to globalization?
Voting: democracy; donating to less privleged; community clean up; UNICEF; as an employee or employer (individuals)
Ethical practices, env’t stewardship, cultural sensitivity, economic equality (organizations).
Example: Amnesty International. Not controlled by gov’t and works democratically. Stop women violence, defend righhts of povety-stricken, oppose torture, combat terror with justice, protect refugees and migrants, regulate global arms trade.
Is it a civic responsibility to help other nations achieve democracy?
Yes, as often democracy = human rights.
Could be peaceful or revolutionary. Opposition to democracy.
Ex: Promoting democracy/revolt = Orange Revolution (rigged Ukranian election)
What civic responsibilites do business have in relation to globalization?
Maintain reputation as good. Some have respect in communities in which they operate.
- Moral leadership—wish to operate ethically–to contribute to better people’s well being
- Others don’t: - pay low wages - ignore safety/health problems - ignore environment.
What civic responsibilities do governments have in relation to globalization?
Laws/solve problems, fund projects overseas, pressure governments, participate IGOs about global issues <- governments
Canadian government has:
- Responsibility to Protect
- Responsibility to Deny
- Responsibility to Respect
- Responsibility to Build: economic assistant programs for people
- Responsibilty to the Future: sustainable development