Issue 4 Flashcards
Define quality of life.
Refers to the general well-being of individuals and societies, encompsasing factors like health, comfort, happiness, and prosperity. Also, often assessed by factors like income, employment, class disparity, housing %, poverty %. Includes standard of living.
Define disparity.
Refers to the state of being unequal in quality/amount/level, in contexts discussing social/economic/health inequalities.
Define standard of living.
It measures the degree of wealth and material comfort available to a person or community.
Define gross domestic product.
Total monetary/market value of all finished goods & services produced in a country’s borders in a time period.
Define human development index.
A composite statistic of life expectancy, education, and per capita incokme indicators, which are used to rank countries into four ranks of human development.
Define internationalism.
A political principle advocating a greater political or economic cooperation among nations or people (for global issues); often, in contexts of globalism and cross-border collaboration.
Define the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Adopted by UN in 1948, this declaration is a document proclaiming inalienable rights everyone is entitled to regardless of race, colour, religion, gender, etc.
Define the Convention of the Rights of the Child.
Outlines children’s rights: he should grow up, for a harmonious development and personality, in a family environment of happiness, love, and understanding…in spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality, and solidary.
Define employment equity.
Equal pay for equal work—especially for women.
Define transnationals.
Coroporations or entities that operate across multiple countries; not limited to one nation’s borders.
Define the Green Revolution.
A period of significant increase mid-20th century of agricultural production. Achieved through fertilizers, pesticides, and high-yield crop varieties…technology.
Define genetic modification.
The process of altering the genetic makeup of an organism (from one species to another), often through biotechnology, to achieve desired traits such as disease resistance or improved nutrition.
Define biodegradable.
Capable of being decomposed by biological processes, such as the action of bacteria = environmentally friendly
Define pandemic.
(Because of globalization)
An epidemic of an infectious disease that’s spread across a large region, either across continents or worldwide.
Define public trust.
An essential, life-supporting resource for the benefit of everyone that shouldn’t be exploited for profit.
Ex: Water
Define privatize.
Transferring ownership/control of a business/service from the public sector (government) to the private sector (individuals).
Define infrastructure.
Fundamental facilities/systems serving a country, city, area, including transportation, communication, water, and power systems.
Define cartel.
A system whereby producers divide up the market between themselves, avoiding direct competition and not encroaching on each other’s share of the market.
Combine forces—to control, restricting competition.
Define civic responsibility.
Duties/obligations a citizen owes to a community/country. Encompasses participating in voting, adhering to law, respcting others’ rights, community service, public affairs, paying taxes.
Define consumers activism.
Social activism where consumers exert their power through choices about what they purchase to drive change to large corporations/small business.
Ex: Boycotting for ethical, environmental, political reasons.
Define plebiscite.
A direct vote by the electorate or a on a specific question/issue, related to a major government issue/policy. Most are not legally binding, just gauges public opinion.
Define referenda.
A direct vote by the electorate, to either accept/reject a proposal. Often are legally binding, a form of DIRECT DEMOCRACY. Often form new laws or change policies.
Define boycott.
Voluntarily abstaining from using, buying, dealing with person, organization, company, country, as an expression of protest. For moral, social, political, enviornmental reasons. Exert pressure to bring change.
Define human rights.
A right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person. Are inalienable, can’t be taken away, and you are born with them.