Islands Flashcards
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Carabelli & Durazzo families are considered the Hatfields & McCoys of this island
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE STREAM, SEA OR OCEAN ||| Koror & Guadalcanal
the Pacific Ocean
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE STREAM, SEA OR OCEAN ||| Majorca & Malta
the Mediterranean Sea
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE STREAM, SEA OR OCEAN ||| Mahe & Sri Lanka
the Indian Ocean
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE STREAM, SEA OR OCEAN ||| Gotland & Bornholm
the Baltic Sea
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE STREAM, SEA OR OCEAN ||| New York State’s Grand Island & Three Sisters Islands
the Niagara River
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| 1 of the 2 islands with a population exceeding 100 million; each one is part of an Asian country
(1 of) Honshu or Java
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The U.S.A.’s number one commercial fishing port, Dutch Harbor, is in <a>these</a> islands, named for a people who have lived there for 4,000 years
Aleutian Islands
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| 124 islets, reefs & shoals & 8 major islands make up this U.S. state
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Sand Island is part of this central Pacific atoll that entered history in June 1942 with the actions of carriers nearby
Midway Island
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the capital of these Spanish Atlantic islands only 67 miles off the coast of Africa
the Canary Islands
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| (<a>Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.</a>) The Florida Keys curve southwest for about 200 miles from Elliott Key to Loggerhead Key in this “dry” national park
Dry Tortugas National Park
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE ATLANTIC ||| The largest natural lake on this North Atlantic island is Thingvallavatn near the capital
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE ATLANTIC ||| (<a>Tom Ritchie of Lindblad Expeditions stands in front of a war monument in the Falkland Islands</a>) Stanley is the only city on the Falkland Islands, and underwent bombing during the 1982 conflict between Britain and <a>this</a> country
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE ATLANTIC ||| Until 1995, the U.S. maintained an air base on St. David’s Island in this British group off the coast of Cape Hatteras
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE ATLANTIC ||| In antiquity this Spanish archipelago with an avian-sounding name was known as the Fortunate Isles
the Canary Islands
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE ATLANTIC ||| This island was discovered on May 21,1502, the feast day of the mother of Constantine the Great
St. Helena
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE SEA ||| Sicily (on all sides)
the Mediterranean
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE SEA ||| Aruba
the Carribean
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE SEA ||| Lesbos & Lemnos
the Aegean
$2500 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE SEA ||| Nunivak
the Bering Sea
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE SEA ||| Masirah, off the Omani coast
the Arabian Sea
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Iraklion is the administrative center of this island, modern Greece’s largest
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| (<a>Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.</a>) Planes and ships have mysteriously disappeared in the Bermuda triangle, an area roughly from Miami to Bermuda to <a>this</a> island commonwealth
Puerto Rico
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| As its name indicates, it’s a big island–in fact, the largest of Spain’s Balearic islands
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Sao Miguel & Sao Jorge are 2 of the islands in this Portuguese archipelago
the Azores
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Formerly part of the Netherlands Antilles, this island off Venezuela is 6 miles across at its widest point
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE STREAM ||| Magna Carta island is in this river, just north of Runnymede
the Thames
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE STREAM ||| Because it was out of the jurisdiction of both Missouri & Illinois, Bloody Island in this river was a popular 19th c. dueling site
the Mississippi
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE STREAM ||| 2 of the 3 rivers that flow around the island of Manhattan
the Hudson & the East Rivers
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE STREAM ||| Marajo, the world’s largest island produced by river sediment, lies at the mouth of this
the Amazon
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN THE STREAM ||| Bateman Island, about 300 miles from the Pacific, was the farthest Lewis & Clark traveled upstream on this river
the Columbia
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| These islands famous for their ponies form the northernmost part of Scotland
the Shetlands
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Portuguese sailors originally named this island in the South China Sea Ilha Formosa, “beautiful island”
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Leeward Islands are among the “Lesser” of these islands; Cuba & Jamaica are among the “Greater”
the Antilles
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In the Caribbean this island is partnered with Nevis
St. Kitts
$3000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| (<a>Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows a map on the monitor.</a>) Because they surround Delos, the sacred birthplace of Apollo & Artemis, <a>this</a> island group derives its name from the Greek word for “circle”
the Cyclades
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Celts first arrived on <a>this</a> island around 500 B.C.
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Technically, Queen Elizabeth is the sovereign of this country whose two main islands are <a>seen</a> <a>here</a>
New Zealand
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Buddhism & Hinduism are <a>this</a> <a>island</a>’s principal religions
Sri Lanka
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Abundant geothermal power is a prominent natural resource of <a>this</a> island
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| <a>This</a> island is only 100 miles from <a>mainland China</a>
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ||| Australia’s least populous state, it consists of the main island & many smaller ones, including King & Flinders
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ||| Java belongs to Indonesia, but Ontong Java Atoll belongs to this island nation with the name of a wise king
the Solomons
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ||| This large island of the W. Pacific may have been named for its resemblance to the coast of a W. African nation
New Guinea
$5000 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ||| Noted for its sea turtles, this volcanic island “rises” northwest of St. Helena in the South Atlantic
Ascension Island
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ||| “Survivor” fans know 3 of this group’s 6 inhabited islands contain the word hiva: Nuku Hiva, Hiva Oa, & Fatu Hiva
the Marquesas
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC ||| In 1862 Peruvian slave raiders carried away about 1/3 of this Chilean island’s population, but not the big heads
Easter Island
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC ||| The Isthmus of Taravao separates the 2 sections that make up this largest French Polynesian island
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC ||| This island is named for the captain of the British whaler L’Aigle, not the first mate of the Pequod
Starbuck (Island)
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC ||| Legend says that the god Maui threw a fishhook into the sea from Samoa & brought up this current island kingdom
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC ||| At 4,341 feet, Mount Victoria on Viti Levu is the tallest peak in this Pacific archipelago
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Its name was originally an Arawak Indian word spelled X-A-Y-M-A-C-A
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The few people who live on this island partner of Antigua keep busy lobster fishing
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1866 this large island became politically united with British Columbia
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Though ceded in 1898, this Pacific island didn’t become a U.S. territory until 1950
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Until the 1950s, this island off French Guiana was used as a penal colony
Devil’s Island
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Divided between 2 countries, it’s the largest island in the Pacific
New Guinea
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| (<a>Sarah of the Clue Crew points out a South Atlantic island on a map on the monitor.</a>) Tristan da Cunha is often called the most remote inhabited island–the nearest major city is <a>this</a> one, 1500 miles away
Cape Town
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This “colossal” island is the largest in Greece’s Dodecanese archipelago
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This group of islands off the northern coast of France was the only British soil occupied by the Germans in WWII
the Channel Islands
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This island nation’s highest peak, Yu Shan, in the Chungyang range, is also called Mount Morrison
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| A causeway connects this Persian Gulf nation with the Saudi Arabian mainland
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| One of France’s 26 regions, it doesn’t count as an overseas one though it’s 100 miles across the Mediterranean
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 2003 Emily Rose Christian became the first baby born on this island in 17 years, bringing the population to nearly 50
Pitcairn Island
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This U.S. commonwealth lies about 70 miles across the Mona Passage from the Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Russia’s Wrangel Island & Canada’s Prince Patrick Island lie in this ocean
the Arctic (Ocean)
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| A chain of shoals known as Adam’s Bridge stretches between India & this island nation
Sri Lanka
$3000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This large island’s 2 highest peaks lie in the Maoke Mountains on the Indonesian side
New Guinea
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This large Italian island in the Mediterranean lies just 7 miles south of Corsica
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN LITERATURE ||| In this Shakespeare play, Ariel tells Prospero that the Bermoothes Islands are “still vexed”
The Tempest
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN LITERATURE ||| Joseph Heller used the Mediterranean island of Pianosa as the setting for this 1961 WWII novel
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN LITERATURE ||| Jules Verne’s “Mysterious Island” was named for this U.S. president who was assassinated
Abraham Lincoln
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN LITERATURE ||| The city of Mildendo on this island is encompassed by a wall 2 1/2 feet high
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS IN LITERATURE ||| In this Norman Mailer novel, 6 U.S. soldiers scale Mt. Anaka on Anopopei Island to observe enemy troop positions
The Naked and the Dead
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Part of the 4th-most populous country, it’s the world’s most populous single island with about 120 million people
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Treasures of this U.S. island include the beautiful beaches near its capital city, San Juan
Puerto Rico
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Kiska & Unalaska are islands in this chain that stretches 1,200 miles from Alaska almost to Russia
the Aleutians
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This isolated island in the South Pacific was the final refuge of the mutineers of the HMS Bounty
Pitcairn Island
$5000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This third-largest island in the world is shared by Brunei, Malaysia & Indonesia
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Of the world’s 10 largest islands, 3 belong all or in part to Indonesia & 3 belong to this country
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Davis Strait, named for a Northwest Passage seeker, separates these 2 islands that total over 1 million square miles
Greenland & Baffin Island
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Despite landmines dating from 1982, penguins use these islands for mating grounds, being too light to set them off
the Falkland Islands
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Coney Island was once an actual island, but since a creek silted up, it’s part of this one
Long Island
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This country’s Rottnest Island got its name because the quokka, a type of wallaby, looked like a rat
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Guernsey is one of Britain’s islands called these; Santa Catalina is one of California’s
Channel Islands
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Galway & Donegal Bays indent it
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It put the “zan” in Tanzania
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| 12 million future Americans were inspected there
Ellis Island
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Point Udall in the U.S. these is the easternmost U.S. point
the Virgin Islands
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| War’s first nuclear attack was on this island
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| (<a>Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports from Tinos in Greece.</a>) In 1715, Tinos became the last island to fall to these conquerors from across the Aegean
the Turks
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Ile Jesus in this river is close by to Montreal Island
the St. Lawrence River
$6000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| (<a>Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from Sweden.</a>) This Swedish island, the largest in the Baltic Sea, is said to be the original home of the Goths; makes sense
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Rio Grande de Cagayan is the longest river on this largest Philippine island
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| (<a>Sarah of the Clue Crew reports from Aswan, Egypt.</a>) This island here in the Nile bears the name of this British field marshal, who conquered Khartoum in 1898
Lord Kitchener
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This resort island off the coast of South Carolina was named for a British sea captain, not a hotelier
Hilton Head
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Not surprisingly there’s a Napoleon & a Bonaparte Museum on this island where Napoleon was born
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This country’s larger islands include Mindoro & Leyte
the Philippines
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| More than 150 islands make up this country, the last remaining kingdom in Polynesia
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Let’s drink a toast to this Caribbean island; it’s the largest in the Netherlands Antilles
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Just days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, it became the first U.S. possession occupied by the Japanese
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| (<a>Jeff Probst delivers the clue from Vanuatu, location of <i>Survivor 9</i>.</a>) Using vines tied around their ankles, the land divers of Pentecost Island may have inspired this sport
bungee jumping
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Asia’s two smallest countries in area are the Maldives & this island nation at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This island whose capital is Oranjestad is a self-governing part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Although New Providence is this country’s most populous island, Andros is the largest in area
the Bahamas
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Finland’s Aland Islands are considered the dividing line between the Baltic Sea & this huge gulf
the Gulf of Bothnia
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This island was once called Ilhas Dos Papuas, or “Island of the Fuzzy Hairs”
New Guinea
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Named by Abel Tasman, Grotte Eylandt is the biggest island in this country’s Gulf of Carpentaria
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| During WWII Malta controlled the sea lanes between North Africa & this Italian island 50 miles from Malta
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| For administrative purposes, this island group is divided into 2 bailiwicks: Jersey & Guernsey
the Channel Islands
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This Portuguese group in the N. Atlantic was uninhabited when discovered in 1427; now it has over 200,000 people
the Azores
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| As well as “the Big Island”, it’s also known as “the Orchid Isle”
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The narrow Strait of Messina separates this large island from the “toe” of Italy
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Vatnajokull, Europe’s largest glacier, covers nearly 3,200 square miles of this island country
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s the second-largest of Spain’s Balearic Islands: Majorca is first
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This island to the east of Java is world famous for its dancing
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| 1200 miles from the nearest continent, it entered history because of its isolation (here’s a map that shows you where it is)
St. Helena
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE WEST INDIES ||| This largest West Indian country’s Isle of Youth was formerly called the Isle of Pines
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE WEST INDIES ||| 1 of 2 Caribbean overseas departments of France
Martinique or Guadeloupe
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE WEST INDIES ||| This capital of the U.S. Virgin Islands is the largest cruise-ship port in the Caribbean
Charlotte Amalie
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE WEST INDIES ||| 1 of the 2 nations formed when the Grenadines chain split in the 1970s
Grenada or St. Vincent and the Grenadines
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE WEST INDIES ||| This country has been independent since 1804, making it the 2nd-oldest independent nation in the Western Hemisphere
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC ||| The 1840 Treaty of Waitangi guaranteed the Maori rights to this country’s land in return for British sovereignrty
New Zealand
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC ||| Most of the inhabitants of this tiny island are descended from the Bounty mutineers & their Polynesian wives
Pitcairn Island
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC ||| Administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, this territory consists of Tutuila & 6 other islands
American Samoa
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC ||| James A. Michener once called this island 143 miles northwest of Tahiti the world’s most beautiful island island
Bora Bora
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC ||| Current king Taufa’ahau Tupou IV was the first person in this nation’s history to earn a college degree
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This island off Guinea-Bissau bears the old name of Taiwan
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The U.S. took this largest of the Ryukyu Islands during WWII & didn’t give it back to Japan until 1972
$1200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| “Able was I ere I saw” this largest island of the Tuscan archipelago
$1600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Gotland? It’s an island in this sea between Sweden & Latvia
Baltic Sea
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The last name of English captain Robert Bylot’s pilot, it was given to Canada’s largest island
$100 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE ATLANTIC ||| In 1998 oil drilling operations began in the waters off these islands claimed by Argentina & Great Britain
Falkland/Malvinas Islands
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE ATLANTIC ||| The name of this country about 400 miles west of Senegal means “green cape”
Cape Verde
$300 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE ATLANTIC ||| The highest point in this island nation is Hvannadalshnukur, the summit of a volcano
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE ATLANTIC ||| This island of Napoleon’s death serves as an administrative center for other British islands in the south Atlantic
St. Helena
$500 ||| Category: ISLANDS OF THE ATLANTIC ||| Uninhabited until 1609, this British island group 600 miles off Cape Hatteras now boasts about 62,000 people
$100 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| An island named for the animal seen <a>here</a> belongs to this country [kangaroo]
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This “Valley Island” is found between the islands of Molokai & Hawaii
$300 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The healthful climate of this south Atlantic island didn’t help Napoleon; he died there
St. Helena
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s the largest island in the Malay Archipelago & the second largest in the world
New Guinea
$500 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Sounds hypothetical, but it’s the real-life island prison in “The Count of Monte Cristo”
Chateau d’If
$100 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Taipei is this island’s capital city
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Now 73, the woman seen here at age 17 calls this island nation home: (Queen Elizabeth II)
Great Britain
$300 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s the island where you’ll find the arena seen here: (Madison Square Garden)
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Jaffna & Trincomalee are cities of this island nation near India that was formerly known as Ceylon
Sri Lanka
$500 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The world’s fourth-largest island, it lies off the southeast coast of Africa
$100 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Sicily is this country’s largest region in area
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Mindanao in this island nation is one of the world’s leading producers of Manila hemp
$300 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s not only Australia’s southernmost state, it’s the most mountainous as well
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Principal exports of this archipelago north of Scotland include wool & its famous ponies
Shetland Islands
$500 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This Canadian island is separated from the mainland by the Strait of Belle Isle & the Gulf of St. Lawrence
$100 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In area, it’s the largest island of our 50th state
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Together with South Island, it makes up most of the area of New Zealand
North Island
$300 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The “boot” of Italy looks like it’s kicking this large island
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| You’ll find this island nation about 95 miles due south of Cuba, mon
$500 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s the last island as you travel the Florida Keys on U.S. 1 south
Key West
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Honshu, this country’s largest island, is home to about 80% of its population
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Iran’s main crude oil terminal is on Kharg Island in this gulf
Persian Gulf
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Let’s calypso on down to this island’s Icacos Point, the southernmost point in the West Indies
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Pacific country called the Federated States of this includes many of the Caroline Islands
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Cathedral of Notre Dame stands on this island in the middle of the Seine
Ile de la Cite (Isle of the City)
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Despite its location near the Arctic Circle in the N. Atlantic, it has more hot springs than any other country
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Tobacco used in its famous cigars is grown in the Vuelta Abajo region in the northwest
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This country’s Ionian islands are sometimes called the Heptanesos because there are 7 main islands
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1906 the territory of Papua was established on this island as a protectorate under Australian control
New Guinea
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| War in the Pacific National Historical Park on this U.S. territory honors Americans who fought in the Pacific in WWII
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| At 3,600 square miles, it’s the largest island in the Mediterranean where Italian is not an official language
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| 3,414-foot-high Carrantuohill west of Killarney is the highest peak on this island
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Tasman Glacier is a popular ski area on this country’s South Island
New Zealand
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This “American” territory in the south Pacific is administered by the Department of the Interior
American Samoa
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| If you want to rent a car on this British colony in the Atlantic, you’ll come up “short”; it’s not allowed
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Its name suggests that this island in the Indian Ocean might be perfect for a family get-together
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| A species of mammal is named for this appropriate site of Russia’s first American settlement
Kodiak Island
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This “colossal” Greek island is the largest of the Dodecanese Islands
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| New Zealand’s Bounty Islands were discovered by this tough British captain in 1788
Captain William Bligh
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1888 Chile took possession of this “holiday” island 2,200 miles to the west & leased it to sheep raisers
Easter Island
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This island about 25 miles south of Elba is now a nature reserve; you can “count” on it
Montecristo Island
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1991 more than 300 people were killed when Mount Pinatubo erupted on this Philippine island
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1867 the U.S. bought this island group named for a Russian captain & leased it to seal hunting companies
Pribilof Islands
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s the “Emerald Isle”
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The mysterious stone statues on this Chilean island vary in height from about 10 to 40 feet
Easter Island
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Haiti occupies the western third of this island
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This Greek island is perhaps best known as the birthplace of poet Sappho
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The most southerly of Japan’s 4 main islands, it’s where Nagasaki is located
$100 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Danes call this island dependency in the north Atlantic Gronland
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Hey, mon! The Cayman Islands were colonized about 1734 by British settlers from this nearby island
$300 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Safety Islands off French Guiana consist of Royale, Saint-Joseph & this diabolical island
Devil’s Island
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Politically, this Greek island is divided into 4 departments: Canea, Lasithi, Rethymne & Iraklion
$500 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This island was specially built for San Francisco’s Golden Gate Int’l Exposition of 1939 & 1940
Treasure Island
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Ostrov, as in Ostrov Bering, near Kamchatka, means “island” in this language
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Isabela is the largest island in this Ecuadoran group whose Spanish name honors Columbus
Galapagos Islands
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| These people, the inhabitants of Greece’s largest island, are known for their pride & independence
$1500 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| California’s Santa Catalina Island, like the U.K.’s Guernsey, belongs to a group called this
Channel Islands
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Windward Passage separates Haiti from this large Caribbean island to the northeast
$100 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s divided into 4 historical provinces: Connaught, Leinster, Munster & Ulster
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s the island on which you’d find Pearl Harbor
$300 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s home to Europe’s highest active volcano
Sicily (Mt. Etna)
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In Canada the Northumberland Strait separates New Brunswick from this island province
Prince Edward Island
$500 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| We dare you to come up with the name of this island where Virginia Dare was born in 1587
Roanoke Island
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The island of Honshu is considered this country’s “mainland”
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| About 80% of this Mediterranean island’s 700,000 people speak Greek; about 18% speak Turkish
$5000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Since 1949 this island has been the seat of the Republic of China
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1778 Capt. James Cook surveyed the eastern part of this Alaskan island chain
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Biminis, the westernmost group in this island nation, lie about 60 miles east of Miami
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s Hawaii’s “Big Island”
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This Canadian island province also includes the smaller islands of Lennox & Saint Peters
Prince Edward Island
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This large Alaskan island was once known as Kikhtak, Eskimo for “island”
Kodiak Island
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Napoleon’s wife Josephine spent her first 15 years on this island whose capital is Fort-De-France
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s the second largest of Spain’s Balearic Islands
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Kiribati’s largest island is named for this ho-ho holiday
Christmas Island
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s separated from the “toe” of Italy by the Strait of Messina
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Yell, Mainland, and Fetlar are among these islands famous for their ponies
the Shetlands
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It lies 25 miles south of Barbuda
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In the West Indies, Dominica lies between Guadeloupe & this French island
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Air Lanka is the government-owned airline of this Indian Ocean island nation
Sri Lanka
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This Ecuadorean island group is home to 6 species of giant tortoises found nowhere else on Earth
the Galapagos Islands
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This U.S. Caribbean commonwealth has many smaller islands, including Culebra, Mona & Vieques
Puerto Rico
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Brunei & parts of 2 other countries occupy this, the world’s third-largest island
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| A popular tourist site in this Australian state is Port Arthur, a former penal settlement
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s less than 20 miles across the strait of Juan de Fuca from Washington state to this Canadian island
Vancouver Island
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Part of the Lesser Sundas, this small island gave its name to the world’s largest living lizard
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| More than 70% of New Zealand’s people live on this island
North Island
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Horn Island, where Cape Horn is located, is part of this archipelago
Tierra Del Fuego
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1902 St. Pierre on this island was destroyed by an eruption of Mount Pelee
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Because of its triangular shape, the ancients called this island off Italy’s southwestern coast Trinacria
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Cagayan River is the longest river on Luzon in this Pacific island republic
The Philippines
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Saint Helier on Jersey is the largest town in this British island group
Channel Islands
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This Australian state has many islands, including King Island, Maria Island & The Kent Group
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| A 1956 act of Congress renamed New York’s Bedloe’s Island this
Liberty Island
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| At 12,139 feet, Mount Gunnbjorn is the highest point on this, the world’s largest island
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The name of this Michigan resort island is Chippewa for “great spirits” or “great turtle”
Mackinac Island
$500 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1609, Henry Hudson named this least populous NYC borough for the Dutch legislature
Staten Island
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Palma, the capital of Spain’s Balearic Islands, lies on this largest island of the group
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| About 80% of Japan’s butter & cheese is produced on this northernmost of its 4 main islands
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Rainfall on this island that’s home to Haiti averages 55 inches per year
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Nearly all the inhabitants of this island are descendants of Bounty mutineers
Pitcairn Island
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1978 islanders were removed from this Pacific atoll when their strontium-90 counts became dangerous
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This Indian Ocean island, the world’s fourth largest, is slightly smaller than Texas
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Tourist sites on this island in the Bay of Naples include the ruins of the 12 villas built by emperor Tiberius
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Delos, the smallest of this country’s Cyclades Islands, was a shrine to Apollo in ancient times
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| 2 major airports, JFK & LaGuardia, lie on this island
Long Island
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Wisconsin’s Apostle Islands lie in this Great Lake
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Antigua, Redonda, & this island form an independent state in the Caribbean
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| More than half of this nation’s population lives on New Providence Island
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1972 this island once famous for its prison became part of Golden Gate National Recreation Area
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1866 a leper colony was founded on this Hawaiian island’s Kalaupapa Peninsula
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1856 some descendants of the Bounty mutineers left this island & settled on Norfolk
Pitcairn Island
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Over 40 miles long, Olkhon is the largest island in this Siberian lake
Lake Baikal
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Torshavn is the capital & one of the principal ports of these Danish islands
Faroe Islands
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Victoria, the capital of British Columbia, is located on this island
Vancouver Island
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| What Argentina calls the Islas Malvinas, England calls this
Falkland Islands
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The last pureblooded Aborigine on this Australian island died in 1876
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This unincorporated U.S. territory includes the islands of Olosega, Ofu & Tutuila
American Samoa
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Mount Fengari, the highest point in the Aegean, is on this island, famous for its “Winged Victory” statue
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Amityville, Oyster Bay, & Brooklyn are located on this New York island
Long Island
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This country’s highest peak, Pico Turquino, lies about 100 miles west of Guantanamo Bay
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| At 40,420 square miles, Luzon is this nation’s largest island
the Philippines
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Sultanate of Brunei is located on the northern coast of this island in the East Indies
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Mount Olympus is the highest point on this Eastern Mediterranean island
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Long rivers in this U.S. commonwealth include the La Plata, Anasco & Arecibo
Puerto Rico
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This one-time penal colony, located off French Guiana, is the smallest of the 3 Safety Islands
Devil’s Island
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Until 1946, automobiles were banned from this British crown colony, 650 miles from North Carolina
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This island nation is the most densely populated country in the Persian Gulf region
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Almost all the inhabitants of this Chilean island live in the village of Hanga Roa on the west coast
Easter Island
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Due to its icecap, no one is sure whether this world’s largest island is one island or many
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Japan’s highest mountain range, the Japanese Alps, rises in the central part of this island
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| A 15 1/2-mile-long causeway connects this Persian Gulf nation with the Saudi Arabian mainland
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The largest of Spain’s Balearic Islands, it’s been called the “Pearl of the Mediterranean”
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1616 Jacob Lemaire became the first European to see what is now this Pacific island kingdom
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Bounty Islands of New Zealand were discovered by this Bounty captain in 1788
Captain Bligh
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1889 Trinidad & this island became a single colony under British rule
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Little Minch, a strait off Scotland, separates the “inner” and “outer” islands of this group
the Hebrides
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| During the Spanish colonial period, this island was also known as Santo Domingo
$2500 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This Canadian island is the fifth largest in the world
Baffin Island
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Principal islands of this chain include Andros, the Biminis & New Providence
the Bahamas
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| John Adams, the last Bounty mutineer on this island, died in 1829
Pitcairn Island
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Chileans call it Isla de Pascua
Easter Island
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Named for a surgeon-explorer, the Bass Strait separates Victoria, Australia from this island
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This island group makes up 2 provinces of Spain: Santa Cruz de Tenerife & Las Palmas
the Canary Islands
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| When Columbus reached this future U.S. commonwealth in 1493, he named it San Juan Bautista
Puerto Rico
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Argentina’s claim to this British south Atlantic colony dates back to 1820
Falkland Islands/Islas Malvinas
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Quebec’s Anticosti Island, at the mouth of this river, is the site of a provincial park
St. Lawrence
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This island off the coast of southern California was named in honor of St. Catherine of Alexandria
Santa Catalina
$1300 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This Caribbean island in the Leeward group has both French & Dutch sections
St. Martin/Maarten
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This largest island in the world also contains the northernmost land in the world
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Lewis with Harris is the most northerly of this “Outer” Scottish island group
Outer Hebrides
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This Indonesian island became world famous after giant lizards were discovered there in 1912
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Singapore seceded from this country in 1965
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Court of Tynwald is the chief legislative body of this island in the Irish Sea
Isle of Man
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Merged island countries include Sao Tome & Principe and Trinidad & this
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Its capital, largest city & chief port is Palermo
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Capital of French Guiana & the name of the island it’s on, it gave its name to a kind of pepper
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Tanzania’s capital was founded by the sultan of this island that’s now part of the country
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Though they sound Egyptian, these islands in the N. Atlantic are part of Denmark
the Faroe Islands
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1954, after 63 years, the immigrant station on this island in New York Harbor was closed
Ellis Island
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Over 500 bison live in the Bison Refuge on Antelope Island in this Utah lake
Great Salt Lake
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Qishm and Bahrain are the largest inhabited islands in this gulf
Persian Gulf
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Royale, Joseph, and Devil’s Islands make up the Safety Islands owned by this country
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Stewart Island, south of South Island, is this island country’s 3rd largest
New Zealand
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s the only inhabited U.S. territory south of the equator
American Samoa
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This barren Italian island became famous after a fictional “Count” uncovered a treasure there
Monte Cristo
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Once called Oyster Island, it became part of the Statue of Liberty nat’l monument in 1965
Ellis Island
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| One of Iowa’s quad cities & a railroad bear the name of this island
Rock Island
$1500 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| 3 of the 4 islands that make up the Greater Antilles
(3 of) Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Named for a fire god, Surtsey emerged from the Atlantic in ‘63 & became part of this country
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Pacific Ocean islands of Kanaga, Adak & Unimak are part of this state
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Borneo is shared by Brunei, Malaysia & this country
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Between 1921-51 the Cubs held spring training on this island owned by Wrigley near L.A.
Catalina Island
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This country occupies the largest island in the West Indies
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| These islands off the African cpast were the last stop Columbus made before he headed west to the New World
Canary Islands
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The largest island in the Tuscan Archipelago, its most famous resident left in 1815
Elba (former home of Napoleon)
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Unalaska is the largest in this island group that extends westward from Alaska for about 1,000 miles
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Wm. Wrigley Jr. bought this island near L.A. in 1919 & then built a 22-room summer cottage there
Santa Catalina Island
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This island stopped being an island when a sandbar formed, linking it to Brooklyn
Coney Island
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| A large “bounty” to the residents of this island is the money they receive from the sale of stamps
Pitcairn Island
$2000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Pele is the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes, but volcanic Mt. Pelee is on this French West Indian island
$100 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The island of Luzon contains more than 1/3 of this country’s area & almost 1/2 of its population
The Philippines
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| These Ecuadorian islands are known officially as the Columbus Archipelago
Galapagos Islands
$500 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| 1/2 of this 2nd largest island in the world is an independent country; the other 1/2 belongs to Indonesia
New Guinea
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| In 1972 this nation extended its territorial waters to 50 mi., causing a “cod war” with Britain & others
$500 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The oldest black marble quarries in the U.S. are on Isle La Motte in this northeastern lake
Lake Champlain
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Some call it the island continent
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| A roofed Hawaiian porch, or the Hawaiian island called “The Pineapple Island”
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This island, called “The Rock,” had the first lighthouse on the West Coast
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| There are islands with this name in Massachusetts, Washington state, Wisconsin, and Maine, but the biggest is in New York
Long Island
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Island group owned partly by Britain and partly by the U.S.
Virgin Islands
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| This island of 5 million has 3 million fewer people now than it had 150 years ago
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Just over 4,000 square miles, it’s the largest single island under the US flag
Big Island of Hawaii (4,028)
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| The Florida Keys stretch some 150 miles from Virginia Key, near Miami Beach, to this one
Key West
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| According to Guinness, the greatest explosion in the past 3,000 years occured August 27, 1883, on this island
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Most of this Scandinavian country’s people live on islands
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Only independent island nation in the Persian Gulf
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| After Britain relocated all the inhabitants, the US built a naval base on this Indian Ocean island
Diego Garcia
$None ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| While Hawaii is our only island state, Tasmania is this country’s only island state
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| By the year 1000, at least 25,000 Scandinavians had settled on this north Atlantic island
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Massachusetts island whose county & county seat share its name
$800 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| It’s the largest city on Canada’s Vancouver Island
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Italy became a single country when the kingdom named for this island annexed its various parts
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Papillon, the French “butterfly”, was netted & brought to this prison
Devil’s Island
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| A cloud of ash circled the Earth when most of this volcanic island was obliterated in an 1883 explosion
$600 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Spanish for “pelican” but appropriately called “The Rock” by its inhabitants
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| 1st to claim Calif. gold said he found it on this island named for St. Catherine
Santa Catalina
$1000 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Pt. Udall, in this island group, is called the easternmost American point in the western hemisphere
Virgin Islands
$100 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Owned by tiny Denmark, it’s the world’s largest island
$200 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| New York’s largest, it has more people than 41 of our 50 states
Long Island
$300 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Until 1949 a Dutch colony, now the world’s most populous island nation
$400 ||| Category: ISLANDS ||| Made up of over 7,000 islands, only Far East country with a Roman Catholic majority
the Philippines