irrigation Flashcards
Who found that 5.25% NaOCl has a digestive effect on VITAL pulp tissue, and was most effective in middle and occlusal thirds?
Rosenfeld 1978
Rosenfeld 1978
found that 5.25% NaOCl has a digestive effect on VITAL pulp tissue, and was most effective in middle and occlusal thirds
Hand, Smith, Harrison 1978
5.25% NaOCl works better than diluted solutions or saline, water or hydrogen peroxide in the dissolution of NECROTIC tissue.
Who said 5.25% NaOCl works better than diluted solutions or saline, water or hydrogen peroxide in the dissolution of NECROTIC tissue.
Hand, Smith and Harrison 1978
Who to use to support NaOCl in vital tissue? In necrotic tissue?
Vital tissue: Rosenfeld 1978
Necrotic tissue: Hand, Smith, and Harrison 1978
Harrison and Hand 1981
5.25% NaOCl is an effective antibacterial agent. Its efficacy decreases with dilution. Its efficacy also decreases with addition of organic material
Who said: 5.25% NaOCl is an effective antibacterial agent. Its efficacy decreases with dilution. Its efficacy also decreases with addition of organic material
Harrison and Hand 1981
Hasselgren 1988
What helps NaOCl dissolve tissue?
long-term treatment with Ca(OH)2 can dissolve NECROTIC tissue and pretreatment with Ca(OH)2 can enhance the tissue dissolving effect of NaOCl.
Who said: long-term treatment with Ca(OH)2 can dissolve NECROTIC tissue and pretreatment with Ca(OH)2 can enhance the tissue dissolving effect of NaOCl.
Hasselgren 1988
Nerwich 1993
Calcium hydroxide
Calcium hydroxide in extracted teeth created a pH of around 9 in the canal within hours, and outside the tooth within 2 weeks.
Who said: Calcium hydroxide in extracted teeth created a pH of around 9 in the canal within hours, and outside the tooth within 2 weeks.
Nerwich 1993
Bystrom & Sundqvist 1985
calcium hydroxide dressing
Calcium hydroxide has a good antibacterial effect. When left in infected root canals for one month, bacteria was only recovered from 3% of them.
Bystrom & Sundqvist 1985
no calcium hydroxide dressing
If a two step treatment is done, and no dressing is placed, bacteria regrows to pre-treatment levels
Who said: If a two step treatment is done, and no dressing is placed, bacteria regrows to pre-treatment levels
Bystrom & Sundqvist 1985
Trope and Orstavik 1999
calcium hydroxide
The additional disinfecting action of calcium hydroxide before obturation resulted in a 10% increase in healing rates.
The additional disinfecting action of calcium hydroxide before obturation resulted in a 10% increase in healing rates.
Trope and Orstavik 1999
Sjogren 1991
calcium hydroxide
The antibacterial effect of calcium hydroxide as a short-term intracanal dressing showed that the 7-day dressing efficiently eliminated bacteria which survived biomechanical instrumentation of the canal, while the 10-minute application was ineffective.
who said a 10 minute application of calcium hydroxide is ineffective in eliminating bacteria that survives instrumentation, but a seven day dressing does effectively eliminate the bacteria.
Sjogren 1991
calcium hydroxide
Three studies that support calcium hydroxide’s antibacterial effect
Trope and Orstavik 1999
Sjogren 1991
Bystrom and Sundqvist 1985
Who showed that treatment with calcium hydroxide may alter biological properties of bacterial LPS
Safavi 1994 (classic)
Safavi 1994
calcium hydroxide
treatment with calcium hydroxide may alter biological properties of bacterial LPS (which plays a major role in the development of a periapical bone lesion)
who said: calcium hydroxide detoxifies lipoteichoic acid (LTA), resulting in attenuation of the inflammatory responses to E. faecalis and its LTA.
Baik 2008
Baik 2008
Calcium hydroxide
Treatment with calcium hydroxide alters the biologic properties of LTA (found in E. faecalis), which could mean less of an inflammatory response and bone loss.
Who said Calcium hydroxide messes with:
LPS: Safavi 1994
LTA: Baik 2008
Who showed that peak pH levels occur after two weeks, so time required for optimum intracanal activity when using calcium hydroxide mixtures is at least 2 wk, after which it declines?
Hosoya 2001
Hosoya 2001
Who showed that peak pH levels occur after two weeks, so time required for optimum intracanal activity when using calcium hydroxide mixtures is at least 2 wk
Sjogren and Sundqvist 1997
number of visits?
Study followed PARL cases for five years. After instrumentation, bacterial samples were collected. Negative culture=94% healing. Positive culture=68% healing. So…should do necrotic cases in two appointments so interappt. dressing can decrease bacterial count.
Who advocated two visits rather than one because root canals with positive culture after instrumentation have a much lower success rate?
Sjogren and Sundqvist 1997
Who advocated two visits rather than one because root canals done in two visits with a calcium hydroxide dressing in between resulted in less bacteria in the main canal and in apical ramifications, isthmuses and dentinal tubules?
Vera and Siqueira 2012
Vera and Siqueira 2012
two visits rather than one because root canals done in two visits with a calcium hydroxide dressing in between resulted in less bacteria in the main canal and in apical ramifications, isthmuses and dentinal tubules
Two studies to support two visits rather than one?
Sjogren and Sundqvist 1997
Vera and Siqueira 2012
Clegg 2006
Showed that NaOCl 6% is the only thing that removes biofilm and renders bacteria non-viable. (compared to lesser concentrations of NaOCl, MTAD, and chlorhexidine.)
Who Showed that NaOCl 6% is the only thing that removes biofilm and renders bacteria non-viable. (compared to lesser concentrations of NaOCl, MTAD, and chlorhexidine.)
Clegg 2006
Dunavant 2006
Showed that 6% NaOCl is better than anything else at killing E. faecalis in biofilms
Who Showed that 6% NaOCl is better than anything else at killing E. faecalis in biofilms?
Dunavant 2006
Who was the first to use NaOCl in endo?
Edgar Coolidge
Who showed that one minute of ultrasonic irrigation with 6% NaOCl significantly reduced cultivatable bacteria in the canal?
Carver 2007
Carver 2007-ultrasonic irrigation?
One minute of ultrasonic irrigation with 6% NaOCl significantly reduced cultivatable bacteria in the root canal system.
Burleson 2007-ultrasonic irrigation?
Canals and isthmuses were significantly cleaner after one minute of ultrasonic irrigation with 6% NaOCl per canal.
Who showed that canals and isthmuses were significantly cleaner after one minute of ultrasonic irrigation with 6% NaOCl per canal?
Burleson 2007
Who showed that one minute of EDTA removes significantly more smear layer than 15 or 30 seconds?
Saito and Webb 2008
What did Saito and Webb 2008 show about EDTA?
That one minute of EDTA removes significantly more smear layer than 15 or 30 seconds.
What did Basrani 2007 show about chlorhexidine?
That mixed with even a small concentration of NaOCl (0.19%) it creates para-chloroaniline precipitate
Who showed that mixed with even a small amount of NaOCl, chlorhexidine creates a para-chloroaniline precipitate?
Basrani 2007
Boessler and Peters 2007
During rotary instrumentation, gel lubricants like RC prep clog files (aqueous solution is better than gel).
Who showed that during rotary instrumentation, gel lubricants like RC prep clog files (aqueous solution is better than gel)
Boessler and Peters 2007
Who first recommended NaOCl for irrigation?
Coolidge 1919
What is EDTA?
A calcium chelating agent that removes inorganic material
Wesselink 2004
chloroform does dissolve gutta percha
Vera 2012
Maintaining apical patency with a #10 K file 1 mm beyond working length improves irrigant penetration to apical 2 mm of the apex.
Calt 2002
One minute of EDTA irrigation effectively removes the smear layer. 10 minutes causes excessive inter tubular and peritubular dentinal erosion.
Who said that One minute of EDTA irrigation effectively removes the smear layer. 10 minutes causes excessive inter tubular and peritubular dentinal erosion.
Calt 2002
Who said there is no significant difference in positive cultures obtained from teeth after 2% chlorhexidine irrigation versus 5.25% NaOCl?
Jeansonne 1994
Jeansonne 1994-irrigation?
No significant difference in bacterial reduction when using 2% chlorhexidine versus 5.25% NaOCl for irrigation
Who said NaOCl after EDTA causes dentin demineralization–unsure if this affects sealing ability
Niu 2002
Niu 2002
NaOCl after EDTA causes dentin demineralization–unsure if this affects sealing ability
Who said do use NaOCl after EDTA
Yamada 1983?
Who showed the both NaOCl and CHX are effective against C.albicans?
Waltimo 1999
Who showed in vitro in 2001 that CHX kills E.faecalis in 30 seconds or less, but NaOCl only kills E.faecalis that quickly if it is 5.25%
Gomes 2001
What portion of dentin does EDTA remove?
The inorganic portion (chelates to it).
What does MTAD stand for?
a Mixture of Tetracycline, Acid and Detergent
What is in MTAD?
Doxycline, Citric Acid and Tween 80