Infection and Immunology Flashcards
Who said (in rats) a cytokine network is activated in the periapex in response to bacterial infection, and that Th1-modulated pro-inflammatory pathways may predominate during periapical bone destruction
Kawashima and Stashenko 1999
Kawashima and Stashenko 1999
what is activated in the periapex in response to bacterial infection? Destruction occurs through what pathway?
(in rats) a cytokine network is activated in the periapex in response to bacterial infection, and that Th1-modulated pro-inflammatory pathways may predominate during periapical bone destruction
Who showed that noapical periodontitis developed in germ-free rats when their molar-pulps were kept exposed to the oral cavity, as compared with control rats with a conventional oral microflora in which massive periapical radiolucencies occurred
Kakehashi and Stanley 1965
What did Kakehashi and Stanley show in 1965?
no apical periodontitis developed in germ-free rats when their molar-pulps were kept exposed to the oral cavity, as compared with control rats with a conventional oral microflora in which massive periapical radiolucencies occurred
What do we look at in the vasculature to determine acute infection?
Who cultivated bacteria from endodontic abscesses, and found that PenVK worked 85% of the species, Amox 89%, Augmentin 100%, Clindamycin 96%, Metronidazole 45% (but 93 and 99% if used with PenVK or Amox)
Baumgartner 2003
Baumgartner 2003
cultivated bacteria from endodontic abscesses, and found that PenVK worked 85% of the species, Amox 89%, Augmentin 100%, Clindamycin 96%, Metronidazole 45% (but 93 and 99% if used with PenVK or Amox)
Who found candida in root canals with persistent apical periodontitis?
Who found HIV DNA in the pulp of a patient with HIV?
Candida: Waltimo 1997
HIV: Trope1989
What is the most common black pigmented bacterium isolated in root canal infections? Says who?
Prevotella nigrescens. Baumgartner
Who says the number of obligate anaerobes in a root canal infection increases with time and closer to the apex?
Fabricius 1982
Fabricius 1982
The number of obligate anaerobes in a root canal infection increases with time and closer to the apex.
Is there bacteria in periapical lesions?
Tronstad and Barnett claimed he found anaerobes in 8 refractory lesions, but histological studies by Walton and Fish showed that bacteria is confined to the root canal.
Who said that there is no bacteria present in periapical lesions except abscesses and infected cysts?
Walton, Nair
Gomes 2013- bacteria in periapical lesions?
In vivo study found bacteria in cysts and periapical granulomas.
Who did an in vivo study that found bacteria in cysts and periapical granulomas?
Gomes 2013
Number one article to quote that teeth with apical periodontitis-usually polymicrobial, and bacteria is sometimes present in periapical lesions (6%).
Ricucci, Siqueira, Pitt Ford 2009
Ricucci, Siqueira, Pitt Ford 2009 found that?
bacteria is sometimes present in periapical lesions, and that the intraradicular infection is polymicrobial (usually biofilm).
Who’s study supported the role of intraradicular infections, usually in the form of biofilms, as the primary cause of endodontic treatment failure?
Ricucci, Siquiera, Pitt Ford 2009
Baumgartner and Falkler 1991- which bacteria found in apical 5 mm?
68% of bacteria were strict anaerobes in the apical 5 mm of teeth with apical periodontitis.
Who said that in the apical 5 mm of teeth with apical periodontitis, 68% of bacteria were obligate anaerobes?
Baumgartner and Falkler 1991
Two types of immune responses?
Innate and adaptive
Three principal mechanisms of innate immunity?
Complement activation, phagocytosis, inflammatory response
Two parts of the adaptive response?
Humoral, cell-mediated
What is humoral immunity?
mediated by B lymphocytes and their secreted products (antibodies)–the molecules involved in the recognition of foreign particles
What is the cell-mediated immunity?
mediated by T lymphocytes and their secreted products (mostly cytokines)
The adaptive immune response can be divided into three phases:
- recognition of antigens
- activation of lymphocytes
- effector phase
What are the first leukocytes to migrate to the affected area?
Who said that uncultivated phylotypes account for about 55% of the taxa found in root canals of teeth with chronic apical periodontitis?
Sakamoto 2006
Sakamoto 2006 type of bacteria in endodontic infections?
uncultivated phylotypes account for about 55% of the taxa found in root canals of teeth with chronic apical periodontitis.
Who said in the early phases of the pulpal infectious process, facultative bacteria predominate?
Fabricius 1982
Fabricius 1982. early stages of an infection?
in the early phases of the pulpal infectious process, facultative bacteria predominate
Two reasons we know that persistent intraradicular infections are the major cause of endodontic treatment failure?
- There is an increased risk of adverse treatment outcome when bacteria are present in the canal at the time of filling (Sjogren and Sundqvist 1997)
- Most(if not all) root canal-treated teeth with post-treatment disease have been shown to harbor an intraradicular infection (Lin 1992)
How do we know that finding negative cultures after endodontic treatment does not necessarily imply that the root canal was rendered sterile?
Sakamoto 2007 Approximately 40% of the persistent taxa found in post-treatment samples are as-yet-uncultivated phylotypes.
Rocas and Siqueira 2004
Root canal-treated teeth are about nine times more likely to harbor E faecalis then teeth with primary infections.
Who said that root canal-treated teeth are about nine times more likely to harbor E. faecalis then teeth with primary infections?
Rocas and Siqueira 2004
What does the Gram stain do?
Gram positive: violet
Gram negative: red (more complex walls, more difficult to tx)
What has bacteroides melaninogenicus reclassified as?
Who first proposed reclassification?
who published an up-to-date review?
Porphyromonas (asaccharolytic) Prevotella (saccharolytic) Shah and Collins 1989 Siqueira 2003 (also Sundqvist 1994)
What did the species porphyromonas and prevotella used to be?
Bacteroides melaninogenicus
What is metronidazole typically effective against?
Gram negative anaerobes
Who said aerobic bacteria are usually not initially found in root canals, but can be introduced in?
Sundqvist 1994
Who looked at black pigmented bacteria, and found no relationship between them and pain size of PARL, sinus tract, or purulence?
Baumgartner 1999
Who used PCR to find candida albicans in 21% of root canals?
Baumgartner, Watts 2000
Who discussed the invasion of dentinal tubes by bacteria, and how bacterial byproducts can move towards the pulp and evoke an inflammatory response?
Love 2002
Who said that the bacteria in dentinal tubules is gram positive further from the pulp, and gram negative closer to the pulp?
Love 2002
What did Love 2002 say about bacteria in dentinal tubules?
Gram + further from the pulp, Gram - closer to the pulp.
Who to quote that PenVK is still the initial antibiotic of choice when treating endodontic infections?
Baumgartner 2004
Narrow spectrum, but effective 85% of time against common endo bugs
Who did a big review of non-resolving lesions post-treatment and possible causes?
Nair 2006
What makes E. Faecalis so resistant? According to?
Proton pump (Evans 2002) Can survive without nutrition (Figdor 2003)
Who said E. faecalis is the most common bacteria in NSRCT that need retreatment?
Sundqvist 1998
Wang and Stashenko implicated which cytokines in the bone resorption activity present in chronic human periapical lesions?
IL-1 beta and TNF beta
Who recently showed that inter appointment med with calcium hydroxide significantly reduced bacterial load in ramifications, isthmuses, and dentinal tubules. (but bacteria-free root canals were not consistently achieved)
Vera, Siquiera, Ricucci 2012
Why use calcium hydroxide?
Vera, Siquiera and Ricucci 2012 recently showed that inter appointment med with calcium hydroxide significantly reduced bacterial load in ramifications, isthmuses, and dentinal tubules. (but bacteria-free root canals were not consistently achieved)
Who said When dentin tubules are first exposed to oral environment, gram + dominates dentinal tubules. Closer to the pulp, gram – dominates.
Love, Jenkinson 2002