IPC Theory Flashcards
documents required to carry
Certificate of check
Priviledge of Cruise relief co-pilot rating
Act as co-pilot of an aircraft of the specified type
Limitation of Cruise relief co-pilot rating
operator has a training and checking system; and
only while the aircraft is > FL200
Recent experience SO
training and checking system and
• 2 hours of sim; or
• passed the flight test; or
• flown the aircraft.
Privileges of instrument ratings
- IFR; or
fly single-pilot IFR?
- flight test single-pilot aircraft; or
* instrument proficiency check in a single-pilot aircraft.
Recent experience VA
a flight or sim 70 Days
OPC 15 months
Line check 12 months
Prof Check 6 months (-2+1)
When can equipment be un serviceable?
- CASA approved
- Pax convenience
Air instruments reqd?
ASI 2x ALT VSI Mach meter with ALT Static or dual flush static ports
Gyro Instruments?
2x AH DG T+Slip Duplicated PWR+ Monitor and; 3rd AH 30 minutes independent power source
Non Gyro/Air instruments/Equipment?
Compass Clock OAT Pitot Heat Windshield Wiper FDR, CVR XPDR & ADSB (CTA) GPWS AAI or Alt alert
A/P Required?
Roll HDG hold Pitch ALT hold or; Co-pilot IFR
Lighting (at night)?
1) Passenger Lights (not required if not carrying passengers)
2) Pilot Compartment lights
3) Position and Anti-Collision lights
4) Instrument illumination
o with intensity control
5) Landing Light (2 required if carrying passengers CHTR)
6) Emergency light =Torch: 1 per crew member
Controlled aerodrome with interleaved circuitry lighting, spacing doubles due to a failure. vis?
published minimum multiplied by a factor of 1.5
FD or AP(LOC, GP) fails ILS, min vis?
1.2 km
Failure warning (AH and DG) ILS Min vis?
1.2 km
HIRL fails ILS, min vis?
1.2 km
HIAL Fails ILS min vis?
1.5 km
RVR Fails ILS min vis?
0.8 km
HIAL fails (LOC only) min vis?
+0.9 km
VOR range @ 0-5000ft
60 nm
VOR range @ 5000-10,000ft
90 nm
VOR range @ 10,000-15,000ft
120 nm
LOC range @ 2000ft +-10deg
25 nm
LOC range @ <5000 ft
30 nm
LOC range @ 5000ft and above
50 nm
GPS tolerance ENR
2 nm
GPS tolerance TERM
1 nm
GPS tolerance APP
0.3 nm
Tolerances NDB
± 5°
Tolerances DME
± 2 nm
Order of Precision navaids
Radio Communication Requirements
2 VHF Radio or VHF + HF
Radio Failure Procedures Clearance limit
ALT for 3 min and/or hold for 3 min
Radio Failure Procedures passing reporting point
SPD and ALT for 60min
Radio Failure Procedures Vectors
vector for 2 min
Radio Failure Procedures Holding
Complete one more hold
Radio Navigation Systems RQMT
GNSS (any TSO) and 1 DME or GPS
Radio Navigation Systems RQMT
2 TSO145, 146, 196a
Take of minima
0ft, 550m Runway edge lighting (60m) Centreline lights/markings CTAF(R), Day only or; 800m
(A1 11.2.4)
Cat D Vat spd
Cat D initial app spd
Cat D final app spd
Cat D circling spd
Cat D M.A. spd
Cat D reversal speed
Holding speed (ICAO)≤ 14,000 feet
230 knots
Holding speed (ICAO)> 14,000 to 20,000 feet MSL
240 knots
Holding speed (ICAO)> 20,000 to 34,000 feet MSL
265 knots
Holding speed (ICAO)> 34,000 feet MSL
Holding speed (FAA)≤ 6,000 feet MSL
200 knots
Holding speed (FAA)≤ 14,000 feet
240 knots, May be restricted to 210 knots
Holding speed (FAA)> 14,000
265 knots
Circling Area **Not Permitted on the B777
6.94 nm
Life jackets rqd?
Life jackets 50 miles.
Life rafts rqd?
120 minutes @ normal cruise or
400 miles whichever is the less
1 life raft, 1 ELT required
A set of Flares
Emergency equipment ?
Greater than 50nm require ELT 406 MHz
Alternates Aids
• Withstand failure of 1 airborne aid or vis app
Alternates Cloud
> SCT below last route segment + 500ft (>4/8ths), or IAP ALT minima
Alternates Visibility
> 8 km or IAP ALT minima
Alternates Wind
Less than crosswind or downwind of the aircraft (from AFM)
Alternates Prov / Prob
TAF TAF Valid o 30 min before ETA o 60 min after ETA Non-Provisional TAF No Probability that any weather will be below ALT minima
Alternates Lighting
PAL & STBY& Responsible Person
Available 10min before ETD and 30min after or
Available 30min before ETA to parking (AIP ENR 1.1 59.4)
Portable & Responsible Person
Electric & Portable & Responsible Person
Electric & STBY
BOD + 10min holding
Alternates Storms
Holding fuel
INTER: 30 minutes
TEMPO: 60 minutes
Alternates Vis app?
Alternate required or > 8km Vis &
Departure Alternate minima?
< Cat IIIB
Departure Alternate distance? (non edto)
Non-EDTO, US, NZ, Cook Is, Samoa
60 min: 451nm
Departure Alternate distance? (edto)
EDTO 180min: 1227nm
Special Alternate Weather Minima rqmts (A/C)
• 2 LOC, G/P, marker and VOR receivers or
• one marker receiver and DME
• 2 ADF systems, when an NDB is used for the ILS
Special Alternate Weather Minima rqmts (Wx)
- local METAR/SPECI and
- forecasting services and
- aerodrome control service
Operation Below LSALT/MSA Day/Night
- ATS Radar Vectors
- DME/DGA arrival,
- instrument approach or holding procedure,
- Take-off and landing
- during climb after departure from an aerodrome, or
- in day VMC
SIDs gradient?
- 3% gradient required or more if stated
2. 5% + 0.8% obstacle clearance gradient
SIDs Designed for
raffic flow, Obstacles, Airspace segregation, Noise abatement
Designed for
Traffic flow, LSALT, Airspace segregation, Noise abatement, reduction in workload
Visual Approaches Day:
- Clear of cloud
- continuous visual reference to the ground or water
- visibility > 5km or aerodrome is in sight
- within 30nm
Visual Approaches Night:
• Clear of cloud • continuous visual reference to the ground or water • visibility > 5km Within any of the following circling area
Visual Approaches Night PAPI/VASIS:
5nm if aligned with the runway centreline and established not below ‘on slope’ on the T-VASIS or PAPI; 7nm ILS
Visual Approaches Night GP
10nm if established not below the ILS glide path with less than full scale azimuth deflection, 14nm for 16L & 34L YSSY
Tracking requirements (IFR):
By day
5nm of the aerodrome
By night
within the circling area and the aerodrome in sight
A missed approach must be executed if:
- during the final segment of an instrument approach, the aircraft is not maintained within the applicable navigation tolerance for the aid in use; or
- during an instrument approach and below MSA the performance of the radio aid becomes suspect, or the radio aid fails; or
- visual reference is not established at or before reaching the MAPT or DA/RH from which the missed approach procedure commences; or
- a landing cannot be effected from a runway approach, unless a circling approach can be conducted in weather conditions equal to or better than those specified for circling; or
- visual reference is lost while circling to land from an instrument approach.
A missed approach is required for any of the following messages if using FMS based approaches
XTE alert Position uncertainty: FMC NAV ADIRU INERTIAL NAV UNABLE RNP VERIFY POSITION (FMC scratchpad) As long as ANP remains equal to or less than RNP, the approach may be continued with EICAS GPS.
Definitions Wet runway:
surface water < 3 mm deep
slush or loose snow equivalent to surface water < 3 mm deep
moisture on the surface to cause it to appear reflective
Definitions Contaminated runway:
> 25% of the runway within the required length and width being used covered by:
water, or slush, >3 mm deep
loose snow >20 mm deep
compacted snow or ice
IFR Altimeters tolerance
IFR Altimeters tolerance more than 60ft
±60ft < ±75ft ok if ±60ft second check
Clearance distance behind engine at slow taxi thrust?
Clearance distance behind engine at breakaway thrust?
Engine starting, min distance to sealed building?
Engine starting, min distance to A/C?
Engine starting, min distance to public area?
Engine starting, min distance to unsealed building?
Nil Significant cloud
Wx BC?
Wx MI?
Wx DR?
Wx PO?
Dust devil
Wx BR?
ILS Categories: I
≥ 200ft (60m) ≥ 800m ≥ 550m RVR
ILS Categories: II
≥ 100ft (30m) but < 200ft (60m) ≥ 300mRVR
ILS Categories: IIIa
< 100ft (30m) or no decision height ≥ 175m RVR
ILS Categories: IIIb
< 50ft (15m) or no decision height ≥ 50m but < 175m RVR
ILS Categories: IIIc
No decision height, No RVR limits (i.e. 0m)
Max: Home Standby
Max: Hotel Standby
Max: Open day
Min report/rest:Home Standby
Min report/rest: Hotel Standby
Min report/rest: Open day
Max: FDP
18 +2 / +4 (if 4 hour suitable sleeping Accom)
Max: Time @ Controls
Max: Standby + Duty
FDP – Standby >6 hours
Max: Flight time 365
Max: Flight time 28
Max: Duty 7
Max: Duty 14